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College Information for Parents Union High School Counseling Dept.

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Presentation on theme: "College Information for Parents Union High School Counseling Dept."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Information for Parents Union High School Counseling Dept.

2 We would love your feeback!! Please email Dena Hooser regarding the contents of this powerpoint: We would love to hear whether or not you find it helpful. Also, if you have needs that aren’t addressed, we would love your feedback as we work to enhance our counseling program and communication with students and parents

3 College Admissions

4 Four Year Admission Requirements WA - College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs) English: 4 years Math: 3+ years (through 3A-3B Int. Algebra)  Math or Math Based Science course Sr. Year  ( if not through Pre-Cal by the end of Junior year) Social Studies: 3 years Science: 2-3 years  (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry recommended) World Language: 2+ years (same language) Fine Arts: 1 year CADRs: 3 each year of HS

5 Comprehensive Review Quality of Courses in High School Grade Point Average (GPA) Admissions Test Scores (ACT or SAT) First in Family to Attend College Personal Statement

6 The Personal Statement Personal statement is a chance to highlight elements of your life NOT on the transcript.  General themes :  Leadership/Group Contributions  An experience that has shaped your character  An experience that increased your cultural awareness  A challenge that you have overcome  An experience that has developed a passion

7 Deadlines…Get Organized Focus on priority deadlines ◦ this provides priority to financial aid, scholarships, registration, housing, and special programs Application Deadlines: University of Washington - Dec. 1, 2013 Washington State University - Jan. 31, 2014 Western Washington University - Jan. 31, 2014 Evergreen State College – Feb. 1, 2014 Eastern Washington University – Feb. 15, 2014 Central Washington University – March 1, 2014 Private and out of state colleges-check with admissions office

8 2 Year – Community College 1. Apply for financial aid (FAFSA) 2. Complete Application (online) 3. Take Compass (Placement) Test 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Math 4. Attend an orientation 5. Register for classes

9 College Testing

10 ACT vs. SAT ACT Curriculum based 1-36 scoring range Writing portion optional Not penalized for guessing Content areas:  Reading  English  Science  Math Neither is needed if you plan to go to a community college, though some scholarship applications will still want a score. SAT Critical reasoning/problem solving 800-2400 scoring range Writing portion required Penalized for guessing Content areas:  Critical Reading  Mathematics  Writing

11 Test Preparation Academic rigor Reading, Reading, Reading Test preparation publications  Test Prep Booklets / Free online tests  Vocabulary flash cards  question of the day (Sign up online)  Companies like Princeton Review & Einsteinwise Eliminate wrong answers  ACT you can guess; SAT don’t guess Don’t spend too much time on one question  There are three levels of questions Get a good night’s sleep

12 Upcoming Test Dates: SAT ACT November 2 nd ( Oct.3 rd ) October 26 th ( Sept. 27 th ) December 7 th ( Nov. 8 th ) December 14 th ( Nov. 8 th ) January 25 th ( Dec. 27 th ) Do not wait for your test scores to apply, unless specifically stated in the application process. Indicate the universities you want the scores to be sent directly to.

13 Paying for College

14 College Costs (Approximate) University of Washington  Tuition/Fees: $12,400  Housing: $10,700 Washington State University  Tuition/Fees: $12,300  Housing: $10,800 Western Washington University  Tuition/Fees: $8,800  Housing: $9,600 Gonzaga University  Tuition/Fees: $35,100  Housing: $9,200 Pacific Lutheran University  Tuition/Fees: $34,500  Housing: $10,500 University of Oregon  Tuition/Fees: $10,400 + $15-16,000 for out of state costs  Housing: $12,500 

15 Western Undergraduate Exchange Residents of WICHE states are eligible to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state. Member States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the U.S. Pacific territories Check database for eligibility: GPA, major, deadline, etc.

16 Financial Aid Based solely on a family’s financial situation, independent of grades. Used at community colleges, many tech schools, and 4 year colleges/universities. It is free to apply for, using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  opens on 1/1/2014. Can apply for PIN now ( Watch for scams (.coms) Be aware of financial aid deadlines...

17 Scholarships Don’t count yourself out. Apply! 1. Local and community 2. Family affiliations (church, parents’ employment, etc) 3. Institutional (each school will have their own scholarships) 4. State - Create profile at 5. National Scholarships listed on district website – “Parents” tab Be aware of scams, don’t pay for information Local Events:  Financial Aid and Scholarship Information  At Clark, December 11, 2013, 7:00-9:00 pm in Gaiser Student Center  Scholarship 101  At WSU-V January 8 th, 2014, 6:30 pm

18 Helpful Websites/Resources (financial aid site) (scholarships listed under “Parents” tab) (scholarship search) (scholarship search) (WA scholarship search) (SAT testing/college info) (ACT testing/college info) (college search/career info) user name: unionhs – password: titans (virtual tours) (College search and process info)

19 Campus Visits Contact schools -- find out about campus tours and special preview events Meet with college advisor/field of study Stay on campus if possible Attend a class Ask plenty of questions

20 Simplify College Planning Steps to take: Take an interest inventory (Career Cruising) Develop a list of careers you might like Find colleges that can help you to reach that career Create a list of 5-10 schools you like and try to visit Apply for admissions Apply for financial aid Finalize your plans and select a school

21 Washington College Fair Clark College Wednesday, October 30 th 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Gaiser Student Center

22 National College Fair - Portland Free event, open to the public Go to: for more info (including which schools will be there) and to Oregon Convention Center November 1 st 9:00 am -12:00 pm (Friday) November 2 nd 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Saturday)

23 College Goal Sunday! Free event open to the community Useful regardless of where a student is applying Provides direct assistance from college professionals and volunteers for completing the FAFSA May also include other college workshops Sunday: January 26, 2014 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Clark College Gaiser Student Center

24 Questions? Thank you for attending tonight!

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