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Published byJulia Hartshorn Modified over 10 years ago
Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS) - Middle School Curriculum/program adoption -Audience: BOE Curriculum Committee -Presenter: Craig M. Creller, K-12 Instructional Specialist -Date: August 2013
Recent Changes in America… C ommon C ore S tate S tandards movement (CCSS) - Voluntary, but almost Universal (46 States) - Two testing Consortiums (PARC & SBAC), both promising computerized testing and performance assessments. - Change in content AND teaching practices * Common Core State Standards (CCSS):
Common Core Standards Adoption by State
CCSS are coming …(fast!) “The Connecticut Frameworks was a guiding document for statewide curriculum until July 2010 when the State Board of Education adopted the CCSS, which is the current guidance for curriculum. National Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) testing begins in the 2014-15 school year.
Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) A Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) dynamically adjusts to the trait level of each examinee as the test is being administered. Efficiency: CATs are more efficient than conventional tests—they generally reduce test length by 50% or more. Control of measurement precision: A properly designed CAT can measure or classify all examinees with the same degree of precision.
The System Optional Interim assessment system— Summative assessment for accountability Last 12 weeks of year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE of formative tools, processes and exemplars; released items and tasks; model curriculum units; educator training; professional development tools and resources; scorer training modules; and teacher collaboration tools. Scope, sequence, number, and timing of interim assessments locally determined PERFORMANCE TASKS Reading Writing Math END OF YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT * Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School, Grade 11 Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks BEGINNING OF YEAR END OF YEAR Source: INTERIM ASSESSMENT Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks INTERIM ASSESSMENT
...the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium can be found online at CSDE Web site at Student Assessment Link – SBAC Teaching and Learning Link – CCSS OR, visit the NPS CCSS website for a link to the tests at s/default.aspx
CCSS - Major Shifts, K-5 - MATH Numeration and operation intensified, and introduced earlier Memory of basic addition and multiplication facts at specific grades Early place value foundations Regrouping as composing / decomposing Specific references are made to using the “standard algorithm” Emphasis on using unit fractions Emphasis on number line as visualization /structure Focus on properties of operations
Some topics held “sacred” at certain grade levels have changed. K – No time, money, calendar, graphs or patterning. Count by 10’s and 1’s to 100, using fingers to represent addition and subtraction. Gr. 1 – No money or fractions. Count, read, write and represent numbers to 120. Gr. 2 – No fractions, perimeter and area. Memory of all addition facts. Gr. 3 – Memory of all multiplication facts. Study of fractions begins. Gr. 4 – Fluently add and subtract multi-digit problems using the standard algorithm. Emphasis on unit fractions and using the numberline. Gr. 5 – No ratio, proportion and percent – starts in grade 6. Gr. 6-8 – Two paths – Traditional and Accelerated (Alg. In 8 th ) Gr. 9-12 – An 11 th grade computerized test that covers Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. CT has legislated, but yet to determine if there will be “EXIT” exams in Algebra 1, geometry, biology, American history, and grade 10 English as per CT Statute 10-221.
Key Points Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level. Coherent progressions across grade levels. Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Mathematical practices Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics. College and career readiness Level is ambitious but achievable.
Design and Organization Standards for Mathematical Practice Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level Organized into domains that progress over several grades Grade introductions give 2–4 focal points at each grade level High school standards presented by conceptual theme (Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics & Probability)
Math TEACHING must change …
Instructional Shifts in MATH FOCUS “Less is more”, “Depth over Breadth”, Fewer topics COHERENCE Developmentally appropriate progressions: ie – What can or should a child learn at each grade level RIGOR (balanced) Fluency (“fast & accurate”), Concepts (“Deep Understanding”) & Application (“Real World”)
We are executing our 5-year plan
NPS math updates … All 12 elementary schools are now on the Common Core w/computerized Benchmarks. Common Core Algebra and Geometry will begin this September (Fall 2013). Support for all Learners - Intensified Algebra and Math for College Success + Interventions. Benchmarks for ALL CCSS subjects/grades. We are improving math instruction at all levels via curriculum, programs & support. * We must move grade 6-8 onto the CCSS this Fall!
Overarching Questions Do we have what Reeves and Marzano call a “guaranteed and viable curriculum”? Is our curriculum “common” to all schools? What common assessments exist? Are they algined to CCSS standards? How are they used? – To Drive Instruction? - For Progress Reports? Student Achievement across the District???
CCSS Curriculum and Pacing - It’s Already done … ( Just waiting to align resources ) - Written nearly 2 years ago … - We chose a resource (Big Ideas) in 2011- 2012 …(and tested it in 7 th grade at NHMS as part of a “national” pilot in 2011-2012)
Pacing Guide (sample)= gr. 6
We have a robust website w/Resources
Steering Committee Recommendations #1 - Adopt a “common” Common Core (CCSS) math program for all middle schools NOW! #2 – Begin work on CCSS Algebra (in process), Geometry (in process), and Algebra II (Fall 2013). Common Core Algebra and Geometry will be taught beginning this Fall (2013). #3 – Increase PD & Coaching. (grant funding?)
What were our Criteria??? Alignment to Common Core – for both Content and the teaching (Standards for Mathematical Practice) Differentiation and SRBI interventions – Tiered instruction, Enrichment, Strategies & Materials. English Language Learner (ELL) accessibility – Not just translations, but Audio components, Interventions & Activities. Teacher and Technology tools – PD Tutorials, Abundant resources, Data warehouse and control, electronic assessment, unlimited access for teachers and students…
Rubric (blank)
Two (2) clear finalists … Big Ideas and Glencoe “Math”
Strengths of both Programs … - Robust websites - Good Teacher resources - Good student resources (including an online tutor) - Traditional (6, 7, 8) and Accelerated (6, 7, Algebra in 8 th ) pathways
Who is picking what in CT? Wallingford Bethel CT Children’s Med Ctr. Sch. Waterbury Fairfield Franklin Trumbull 6-6 InterDistrict Magnet Diocese of Bridgeport South Windsor Watkinson School Granby Weston New Canaan New Haven Lyme-Old Lyme Litchfield Coventry Region 13 – Durham Region 14 – Woodbury Ledyard Montville Rocky Hill
In addition to the Rubrics … Both finalists went through the Student Achievement Partners (SAP) “Publisher’s Criteria” for CCSS
The Results … Clear WINNER !!! Major Work (content) Pacing Algebra preparation Instruction (SMPs) Homework Focus Cost less! * See attached notes below for a more detailed analysis
Big Ideas demo (time permitting) - Note the reduced size of the book - Note the reduced number of topics - Note the emphasis on skills and content-
Author/Publisher = Dr. Ron Larson Big Ideas Learning, LLC - a “Rock Star” in the math world - Author of over 50 math textbooks - > 5 million students use a Larson book every year - Penn State math professor since 1970 * Spoke at our NPS Convocation @ BMHS - 2011 Big Ideas awards: 2010 - Textbook Excellence Award (TEXTY) 2012 - Textbook Excellence Award (TEXTY) 2013 – Most Promising Textbook award
We need to work together for the future of all of Norwalk's students!!!
Resources/Links/Contacts Norwalk’s Common Core (CCSS) math website: re(Math).aspx re(Math).aspx Norwalk’s Common Core website: More CCSS info (ASCD “SmartBrief”): 593B-4FE7-BECE-AB23F4BA7311&sid=156fe0e9-3089-4f61-85db- 959fe27118bd 593B-4FE7-BECE-AB23F4BA7311&sid=156fe0e9-3089-4f61-85db- 959fe27118bd Craig M. Creller K-12 Instructional Specialist, Mathematics Norwalk Public Schools (203)-854-4111,
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