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Nixon & Agnew 1972. Behind the scenes Nixon administration pursued political enemies with  Legal means  Illegal means  “dirty tricks” campaign against.

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon & Agnew 1972. Behind the scenes Nixon administration pursued political enemies with  Legal means  Illegal means  “dirty tricks” campaign against."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon & Agnew 1972

2 Behind the scenes Nixon administration pursued political enemies with  Legal means  Illegal means  “dirty tricks” campaign against Vietnam war opponents  Break-in at Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office (Pentagon papers case)

3 The Plumbers  Nickname for secret White House/CREEP group paid from “slush fund”  May 1972: bugged Democratic Campaign headquarters.

4 1972-06-12 Arrests at the Watergate  Arrested for breakin at Watergate Hotel headquarters of Democratic Party  James McCord  Frank Sturgis  Eugenio R. Martinez  Virgilio R. Gonzales  Bernard L. Barker

5 6 Convictions  James McCord  G. Gordon Liddy RNC security Link b/t Nixon & Burglars 4 other burglars also convicted

6 Nixon Aids: Doing Time  E Howard Hunt  Charles Colson The “evil genius”

7 More Convictions!  John Ehrlichman: domestic advisor  HR Haldeman: Chief of staff

8 Whoa!  John Mitchell: Nixon law partner, Atty General, campaign director  John Dean: WH legal counsel

9 1973-10-10 Agnew Resigned  Corruption in State of Maryland  Separate Scandal From Watergate  Replaced by Mich. Senator Gerald Ford (under provisions of the new 25 th amendment)

10 Ongoing Court & Congressional Inquiry 1973-4 Pivotal Event:  Supreme Court orders Nixon to hand over audio tapes of Oval Office meetings  Tapes reveal widespread conspiracy & coverup in WH

11 Nixon Resigns 1974-08-09 To my disgust, Pres. Ford pardoned him

12 Watergate  Exposed dangers of Presidential ambition and abuse of power  Nixon eventually forced out  Democrats control Congress 1976  Legal reforms  Campaign finance reform  Special Prosecutor Law  CIA & Domestic Spying Reform

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