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Gen PL Excerpt from: All Staff Meeting Agenda May 29, 2009 Gen PL Update – Luis Herrera Gen PL Showcase & Reception – Latino Hispanic Meeting 10:30.

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Presentation on theme: "Gen PL Excerpt from: All Staff Meeting Agenda May 29, 2009 Gen PL Update – Luis Herrera Gen PL Showcase & Reception – Latino Hispanic Meeting 10:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gen PL Excerpt from: All Staff Meeting Agenda May 29, 2009 Gen PL Update – Luis Herrera Gen PL Showcase & Reception – Latino Hispanic Meeting Room @ 10:30

2 a

3 WE’VE COME A LONG WAY! First cohort of 36 Gen PL Fellows chosen (November 2008) Our leadership program tailored to SFPL Four sessions focused on leadership values Leadership in libraries Coaching and teambuilding Interpersonal relations and trust Additional sessions complemented program Managing meetings Presentation skills Facilitation

4 GEN PL ELEMENTS Informal coffee hours, journals, self-assessment Training workshops Mentors/Fellows relationships Joint session with managers GEN PL Projects

5 GEN PL PROJECTS 2009 Social Lights Web 2.0 Tools for Staff Project Leader: Skye Patrick M-Team Liaison: Brian Bannon Fellows: Joan Lefkowitz and Skye Patrick Self Service Practices in Branch Libraries Survey and Presentation Project Leader: Steve Cady M-Team Liaison: Brian Bannon Fellows: Ileana Neves, Katrin Reimuller and Betty Williams

6 Conduct a Survey of Site-Specific Processing Done on New Materials at the Branch Library Project Leaders: Steve Cady and Martha Arroyo-Neves M-Team Liaison: Pat Fahrenthold Fellows: Terry Carlson and Carlos Navarro Service to Persons with Special Needs Project Leader: Marti Goddard M-Team Liaison: Kathy Lawhun Fellows: Brian Castagne, Nicole Cuadra and Roberto Romo

7 Reorganize the Distribution Area of Technical Services Project Leader: Diane Goodman M-Team Liaison: Pat Fahrenthold Fellows: Eddie Harris, Jr. and Chieko Wealand Public Training Tutorials Project Leader: Daniel Hensley M-Team Liaison: Brian Bannon Fellows: Daniel Hensley, Richard Le and Ofelia Moran

8 Green Task Force Programming Project Leaders: Michelle Jeffers and Lisa Vestal M-Team Liaison: Jill Bourne Fellows: Helen Dowty, Marciel Gamino and Abdiwahab Hashi Create Higher Visibility and Wider Public Access to San Francisco History Center (SFHC) Archival Collections for Local and International Researchers Project Leaders: Wendy Kramer and Susan Goldstein M-Team Liaison: Marcia Schneider Fellows: Wendy Kramer and Orkideh Sassouni

9 50+ Taskforce Recommendations Project Leaders: Kathy Lawhun and Michelle Jeffers Subcommittee Leader and Proposer: Michelle Jeffers M-Team Liaison: Kathy Lawhun Fellows: Wing Chan, Gloria Cowart and Lia Hillman Electronic Collections Committee Project Leaders: Laura Lent and Christine Harris **Second Subcommittee Proposer: Dominic Scappaticci M-Team Liaison: Kathy Lawhun Fellows: Octavio Ruiz and Dominic Scappaticci

10 Reference Study Project Leaders: Karen Strauss M-Team Liaison: Kathy Lawhun Fellows: Lorena Arroyo, Cathy Cormier and Juan Oseguera Evaluate the Implementation of Shelf-Ready Non-fiction from Baker and Taylor Project Leader: Laura Lent M-Team Liaison: Pat Fahrenthold Fellows: Alex Alexander and Christine Harris

11 Thin Client/Virtualization Project Leader: Steven Lew M-Team Liaison: Vivian Pisano Fellows: Terry Gwiazdowski and Chris Siu Evaluate Affinity Center Collection Usage Project Leader: Alvaro Sanabria **Additional Proposer of Subgroup: Mitchell Yangson M-Team Liaison: Kathy Lawhun Fellows: Misha Pashkov, Stewart Shaw and Mitchell Yangson

12 WHAT’S NEXT FOR GEN PL? First pilot is the start of a multi-year commitment Second cohort will focus on middle managers (Fall 2009) Offer program elements to all staff Gen PL is succeeding beyond our initial expectations Check out the Poster Sessions and engage with participants!

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