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A FOUR PARAGRAPH ESSAY  I ) Introduction  II) Jesus Humanity  III) Jesus Divinity  IV) Conclusion.

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3 A FOUR PARAGRAPH ESSAY  I ) Introduction  II) Jesus Humanity  III) Jesus Divinity  IV) Conclusion

4  Jesus’ Humanity  A) The Gospel of Mark  B) His feelings, wisdom, and suffering  C) Connected to Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53  D) Luke 22:44  Jesus’ Divinity  A) Gospel of John  B) I AM STATEMENTS  C) Connected to Exodus 3: 14  D) John 18: 4-5

5 LUKE 22: 44JOHN 18:4-5

6  The Key Question is Matthew 16: 15  Unlocking the Messianic Secret found in Mark 8: 27-30  Taking time through exegesis, lectio divina, going to Church, being open to the Vox Dei,Using natural revelation

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