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Www.wip-munich.de1 WP2: European PV Policy Database & Best Practice Report Best Practice Report Ingrid Weiss, Stephan Orthen, Johannes Stierstorfer, Ralph.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.wip-munich.de1 WP2: European PV Policy Database & Best Practice Report Best Practice Report Ingrid Weiss, Stephan Orthen, Johannes Stierstorfer, Ralph."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.wip-munich.de1 WP2: European PV Policy Database & Best Practice Report Best Practice Report Ingrid Weiss, Stephan Orthen, Johannes Stierstorfer, Ralph Gisler WIP Renewable Energies Thematic Working Group Meeting, Catania, 7 Oct 2005

2 www.wip-munich.de2 Overview / modules of the project Data Collection / Structuring PV Policy Database Assessment Country & Benchmark Analysis Dissemination Best Practice Report

3 www.wip-munich.de3 Schedule

4 www.wip-munich.de4 Status of the Project (WP2) Fine-tuning of research design and concept => completed 03/2005 Data collection on national frameworks by means of questionnaire => (nearly) completed 04-05/2005 Data evaluation (country and benchmark analysis) => started, due 06/2005 Data completion & validation of findings => due 06 – 07/2005 Composition of Best Practice Report => due 08 – 09/2005 Presentation to thematic Working Groups => due 10/2005

5 www.wip-munich.de5 Best Practice Report: Overall Structure Executive Summary – key hypotheses from all chapters A. Background (Introduction) – PV Policy Group project and European Best Practice report B. Country Analysis – assessment of 12 national PV policy frameworks C. Benchmark Analysis – comparison of 12 national PV policy frameworks D. Best Practice Analysis – transnational conclusions E. Outlook – recommendations to PV Policy Group

6 www.wip-munich.de6 Chapter A: Background (Introduction) 1. Background and objectives of the Best Practice Report (why?) 2.Concept of the Best Practice Report (what?) 3.Methodology of the Best Practice Report (how?) 4.Contributors to the Best Practice Report (who?) => Chapter status: nearly completed, no further input required!

7 www.wip-munich.de7 Chapter B: Country Analysis (1) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) 1.1PV market Natural conditions Market background and history Market size and growth Market structure Administrative processes => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

8 www.wip-munich.de8 Chapter B: Country Analysis (2) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) 1.2PV industry PV industry structure and development Key industry data => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

9 www.wip-munich.de9 Chapter B: Country Analysis (3) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) 1.3PV policy strategy and regulatory framework (overview) National strategy and framework for PV promotion National PV incentive systems Electricity sector regulations relevant for PV market Building sector regulations relevant for PV market PV industry regulations relevant for PV market => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

10 www.wip-munich.de10 Chapter B: Country Analysis (4) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) 1.4Key PV legislation (e.g. feed-in-tariff system) General characteristics of legislation Contents and conditions of legislation 1.5Key PV support schemes (e.g. subsidy programme) General characteristics of support scheme Contents and conditions of support scheme => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

11 www.wip-munich.de11 Chapter B: Country Analysis (5) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) 1.6 PV monitoring systems National approach to PV market monitoring National approach to performance measurement of PV policy framework => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

12 www.wip-munich.de12 Chapter B: Country Analysis (6) Conclusions from country analysis (analytical information) 2.1General assessment of performance 2.2Key strengths of national PV policy framework 2.3Key weaknesses of national PV policy framework 2.4Lessons learned from the past 2.5 Outlook for the future => 12 synthetic country profiles, based on common structure (= “Best-of” questionnaires)

13 www.wip-munich.de13 Chapter B: Country Analysis (7) 1.Country profile (descriptive information) => NCPs: please validate collected information & add missing information for your country! 2. Conclusions from country analysis (analytical information) => NCPs: please add further conclusions, since this is the basis for Benchmark & Best Practice analysis!! => Chapter status: nearly completed, final validation & input by national partners / experts (NCPs) required until 15/10!

14 www.wip-munich.de14 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (1) Objective: to measure the performance of national PV policy frameworks (+ single instruments) PV regulatory framework PV support schemes PV monitoring systems Market Development Industry Development PV Price Development National PV Policy Framework National PV Sector Development Input (= Efficiency) Vs. Output (= Effectiveness)

15 www.wip-munich.de15 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (2) Methodology: to measure and compare performance of 10+ heterogeneous national policy frameworks (+ single instruments) 1. Define Assessment Areas 2. Define Performance Criteria 3. Measure performance (for each country & criterion) 4. Identify benchmarks (No 1, for each criterion) 5. Analyse gaps to benchmark (for each country) e.g. PV support schemes (investment subsidies & soft loans) e.g. Programme efficiency: organisation/ management according to opinions of market actors e.g. Germany (HTDP Programme): „Stop&Go“ programme management in 2001, 2002 e.g. Spain (Línea ICO-IDAE): „good“ programme management e.g. Spain vs. Germany

16 www.wip-munich.de16 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (3) => Criteria to measure overall effectiveness of national PV policies Assessment areas (1) PV Market Development (2) PV Industry Development (3) PV Price Reduction * (4) PV Image / Acceptance Performance criteria (indicators) Market size (newly installed MWp 2003/04) Module / cell production capacities (MWp 2003/04) Average module prices (shipment, €/Wp, %, 2002-04) PV acceptance by general public (qualitative assessment) Market growth (% p.a. 2003/04) Industry sales (Mio € p.a.) Average system prices (turn-key, €/Wp, %, 2002-04) PV acceptance by politics (qualitative assessment) Market penetration (kWp / 1.000 inhabitants 2003/04) Industry investments (Mio. € p.a.) - Policy acceptance by PV industry (qualitiative assessment) Market perspectives (newly installed MWp 2010) Employment PV industry (number employees 2003/04) -- Benchmark countryGermany Germany (Spain, Japan) (Germany)Germany

17 www.wip-munich.de17 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (4) Assessment areas (1) PV Targets & Strategy (2) Attractiveness of conditions (3) Economic cost * (4) Administrative implementation Performance criteria (indicators) Official PV target 2010 (yes / no)? Attractiveness of feed-in- tariffs (€/kWh) Budget for feed-in-tariffs 2004 (in M€) Complexity of administrative processes (qualitative assessment) Ambition / Consistency of PV strategy (qualitative assessment) Investor security (guarantee period in years) Budget per installed unit (€/Wp) Permissions required (number) Consistency of PV policy framework (qualitiative assessment) Energy yield (kWh/kWp) + payback time for investors (years) - Authorities involved (number) --- Average duration / lead time (months) Benchmark countrySpainGermany / SpainUK??Germany => Criteria to measure efficiency of PV policy instruments: legislation

18 www.wip-munich.de18 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (5) Assessment areas (1) Attractiveness of conditions (2) Economic cost * (3) Administrative implementation Performance criteria (indicators) Type of system / mix of instruments Budget for programme / public spend 2004 (in M€) Assessment by programme managers (qualititative) Subsidy terms (max. % of investment cost) Budget per installed unit (€/Wp) Assessment by PV industry (qualitative) Total budget available (M€) - General market impact (qualitiative assessment) Total capacity (in MWp / number of projects subsidised - Benchmark countrySpainJapan??Germany => Criteria to measure efficiency of PV policy instruments: support schemes

19 www.wip-munich.de19 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (6) Assessment areas(1) Market monitoring (2) Policy performance meassurement Performance criteria (indicators) Quality of project monitoring (qualitative assessment) Consistency of approach (qualitative assessment) Quality of market surveys (qualititative assessment) Data quality (qualitative assessment) Quality of national plant register (qualitative assessment) Transparency (qualitative assessment) Benchmark CountrySpain / The NetherlandsGermany / Austria => Criteria to measure efficiency of PV policy instruments: monitoring systems

20 www.wip-munich.de20 Chapter C: Benchmark Analysis (7) 1.Overall validation of benchmarking results (for each assessment area!) => NCPs: please check assessment data / values for your country! 2. Discussion of critical issues of benchmark analysis => All: please discuss performance criterion “price reduction” => All: please discuss performance criterion “economic cost” => Chapter status: first draft, final validation & input by all project partners during Thematic Core Groups, and until 15/10 at the latest!

21 www.wip-munich.de21 Chapter D: European Best Practice Analysis 1.Overview: comparison of different policy frameworks 2.European Best Practices in national policy frameworks 3.Key success factors for national policy frameworks 4.Key barriers / risk factors for national PV policy frameworks => Chapter status: will be completed until 15/10, based on discussions in Thematic Working Groups and input from project partners

22 www.wip-munich.de22 Chapter E: Outlook Recommendations to European PV Policy Core Group EU-wide improvement and alignments of 1.national regulatory frameworks 2.national support schemes 3.national monitoring systems => Chapter status: will be completed until 15/10, based on discussions in Thematic Working Groups and input from project partners

23 www.wip-munich.de23 Thank you for Your Attention!

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