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UMS Speaking Writing Reading Macedonia 2010. 2 Jagged profiles Paper 1 Paper 5.

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1 UMS Speaking Writing Reading Macedonia 2010

2 2 Jagged profiles Paper 1 Paper 5

3 3 Speaking : Areas of competence  Discourse management  Communicative skills  Pronunciation  General ability  Interactive skills  Fluency  Grammatical and Lexical Resource

4 4 B1 scale  limited but effective  most everyday situations  longer utterances but not complex language  problems searching for language  pauses and hesitation  generally intelligible  may require prompting and assistance - good control of simple forms and attempts some complex language - exchange views on a range of familiar topics - contributions are relevant and there is very little repetition - extended discourse despite hesitation - is intelligible - maintains and develops interaction B2 scale

5 5 Let’s watch 2 candidates

6 6 FCE assessment criteria Grammar and Vocabulary Discourse management Pronunciation Interactive communication Global achievement

7 7 Format of FCE Speaking 3-way between candidates and interlocutor Discussion4 ? 2-way between candidates Collaborative task 3 Individual with brief response from second candidate Individual long turns 2 3-way between candidates and interlocutor Social interaction 1 Language KEY StrategiesInteraction pattern FormatPart ?

8 8 General Themes Active Listening Patterns of Interactio n Skills and strategies Spoken language Turns

9 9 Part 1  How should we encourage students to think about Part 1 ?

10 10 Part 1 [interview] interaction strategy one : short answer - expansion

11 11 Part 1 : Key strategy  Short Answer  Not really  Expansion  I never seem to get the time..I’m very busy with school

12 12 Explore/Practice  Shape of question (specifically what)  Appropriate short answer  Expansion ( how much information)

13 13 Part 1: Topic Areas  family life  daily routines  free-time activities  your town / country  future plans  learning English

14 14 Questions- short answer holiday ? Nowhere special No idea really future ? I do actually

15 15 Sample Task  Work with another student. Practice interview sequences with these short answers. Think of questions and how to expand on these answers.  Only at weekends. None at all  Whenever I can I do actually..  A few times. It depends.

16 16 Collaborative practice  you answer  you extend  you extend some more  What do like about living in Athens ?

17 17 Strategy two : your partner’s answer Think about and practice relating your answer to your partner’s answer………. ……..even if only through pronunciation.  For me it’s the same ….  I’m a bit different to/ Like Sergio ….  I don’t think it’s that/so good / bad..  but not : A : I like to play basketball B : I like to play basketball [.. and tennis]

18 18 Free time  What do you like do to in your free time ?  What do you usually do at weekends ?

19 19 Part 2 How can we ensure that students have plenty to say in their long turn ?

20 20 Part 2 : the bigger picture  situate  move back and forth  plus … specific task dimension

21 21 Begoña; Part 2 1 Why do people enjoy activities like these in their free time?

22 22 Why do people choose to shop in places like these? Sung Hye; Part 2 2

23 23 Let’s watch 2 candidates

24 24 Candidates need reliable language : for comparison and speculation  a reliable conjunction …. that fits the dimensions of the task  ….whereas …..  most reliable compare / contrast language same as, different from, similar to … this … that both/each/neither ….

25 25 Safe speculation language  It looks [a bit] like …  I suppose it’s  It could be ….  It’s probably something/somewhere like …

26 26 Part 3  How can we help students to interact appropriately ?

27 27 Let’s watch 2 candidates in Part 3

28 28 So a good Part 3 candidate will..  actively listen …  support and comment ….  seek and help to clarify  initiate and respond …  probe and question ….  help navigate …..  …….. agreeing / disagreeing …. tend to seek closure

29 29 Encourage simple ‘across turn’ strategies  Across turn …And ….But ….That’s

30 30 Part 4  What is the difference between Discourse Management and Interactive Communication ?

31 31 Discourse Management This scale refers to the coherence, extent and relevance of each candidate’s contribution. The candidate’s ability to produce a coherent flow of language is assessed. Also assessed here is how relevant the contributions are to what has gone before.

32 32 Let’s watch 2 candidates in Part 4

33 33 Interactive Communication  The ability to use language to achieve meaningful communication. This includes:  initiating and responding without undue hesitation  the ability to use interactive strategies to maintain or repair communication  sensitivity to the norms of turn-taking.

34 34 Further Support  Handbook  Top Tips for PET / FCE / CAE  Preparation for Speaking packs [e-shop]  Website: http://www.cambridgeESOL.org  Seminars  Teaching Resources website:

35 35 Further information University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU, UK Tel:44 (0)1223 553355 Fax:44 (0)1223 460278 E-mail: Keep up to date with what's new via the Cambridge ESOL

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