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Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 1C Awards, Recognition and Publicity Tom Perkins IEEE Life Sr. Member R1 Awards.

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Presentation on theme: "Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 1C Awards, Recognition and Publicity Tom Perkins IEEE Life Sr. Member R1 Awards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 1C Awards, Recognition and Publicity Tom Perkins IEEE Life Sr. Member R1 Awards and Recognition Employer: BAE Systems, Nashua, NH

2 Overview Purpose of Awards Program Award Categories Rules/Guidelines 2008 Region 1 Activity Issues Needing Attention Member and Geographic Activity Awards Summary Contact Information

3 Purpose To Provide High-value Recognition of a Professional Achievement. – Technical – Educational – Service to IEEE Provide High Visibility to other Engineers, Employers and the Public Publicize IEEE Increase Incentives to Join and Volunteer

4 Award Categories Professional 3A Technological Innovation (Academic) 3B Technological Innovation (Industry or Government) 3C Managerial Excellence in an Engineering Org. 3D Outstanding Teaching (IEEE Area of Interest) University/College 3E Outstanding Teaching (IEEE Area of Interest) Pre-Univ./College 3F Enhancement of IEEE/Industry Relationship 3G Enhancement of IEEE or Profession’s Public Image 3H Outstanding Support for the Mission of IEEE, MGA, R1, Section Lifetime Service 4A William Terry Distinguished Service Award GOLD – Region 1

5 Rules/Guidelines FOUND ON R1 HOMEPAGE Submit Nomination Form Suggested Citation Summary of Contribution – that You Believe Warrants the Nomination Resume of Nominee Nominator [Submitted By:] Section Chair Signature

6 Issues Needing Attention: Point One Must Enforce R1 Submission Deadline: June 15 –Make Submission Process Simpler –Electronic Only ? In 2008 Waived Deadline –Some Applications 3 Weeks Late This Year

7 Issues Needing Attention: Point Two Need Participation From More R1 Sections In 2008 10 Sections Submitted 40 Applications –Southern Area Dominant- Approx. 85% Submissions –Connecticut Submitted 6 – 1 st in Some Time – Kudos If Your Section Does Not Have an Awards Chair/Committee, Please Appoint One ASAP Urging You to Initiate Effort Early for 2009

8 Issues Needing Attention: Point Three Need to Enhance Publicity Press Kit created by Harold Belson –Prepare Press Release –Personally Telephone Newspaper Editor  Explain You Have Press Release  Ask If They Would Be Interested in Receiving It  Ask If Can Sent Via E-mail and Verify Address  Promptly Sent Press Release

9 2008 Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board Awards Submission Deadline – 15 October 2008 Categories –MGA Achievement Award –MGA GOLD Achievement Award –MGA Innovation Award –MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award –MGA Leadership Award

10 2008 Member and Geographic Activities Board Awards (Cont.) Endorsement letters should address specific activities of the nominee which set his/her contributions apart from what would reasonably be expected of a volunteer who is carrying out his/her volunteer responsibility

11 2008 Member and Geographic Activities Board Awards (Cont.) For complete descriptions, past award recipients, citations, nomination forms, and submission guidelines, please review the MGA Awards web page Questions? E-mail or contact Janet Caswell, or phone 1 732 652

12 Summary Your Section Leadership Needs to Include an Awards/Publicity Chair/Committee (If Not Already Implemented) Publicity Provides Greatest Exposure and Recognition to the APPLICANT, IEEE, and our PROFESSION Please Consider Submitting MGA Awards Applications Before October 15 Please Be Timely In Your Future Submissions

13 Contact Information Tom Perkins Cell: (603) 345-5170

14 End

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