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Written by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Presented at MICA By Idris Tiamiyu The Beginning of Guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Presented at MICA By Idris Tiamiyu The Beginning of Guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Presented at MICA By Idris Tiamiyu The Beginning of Guidance

2 Outline About the Author Part 1 : On Obedience Part 2 : On Refraining from Disobedience Part 3 : The Etiquette of Companionship with the Creator and with the Creation

3 About Al-Ghaz ā l ī ( الغزالي )

4 About Abū Ḥ āmed Mu ḥ ammad ibn Mu ḥ ammad al-Ghazālī He was born on a date in the year of 448 AH (1056–1057 CE), in Tabaran, a town in the district of Tus, which lies within the Khorasan Province of Persia (Iran). Died December 19, 1111 Tus, Persia, Great Seljuk Empire

5 About Abū Ḥ āmed Mu ḥ ammad ibn Mu ḥ ammad al-Ghazālī He contributed significantly to the development of a systematic view of Sufism and its integration and acceptance in mainstream Islam. He was a scholar of orthodox Islam, belonging to the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence and to the Asharite school of theology. Al-Ghazali received many titles such as Sharaf-ul-A ʾ imma ( شرف الأئمة ), Zayn-ud-d ī n ( زين الدين ), Ḥ ujjat-ul-Isl ā m ( حجة الإسلام ).

6 About the EnglishTranslation Translated by Dr. Mashhad Al-Allaf Published by White Thread Press

7 Introduction: Seeking knowledge (pages 17-22)

8 If you then ask: “what is the beginning of guidance?” Know that its beginning is the outward form of God-consciousness (taqwa) and its end is the inward reality of God-consciousness. Hence there is no ultimate bliss except through God-consciousness, and guidance does not come but to those who are conscious of Allah.

9 Taqwa Taqwa means carrying out the commands of Allah Most High and turning away from that which He has forbidden. There are two parts to taqwa: 1. Obedience 2. Refraining from Disobedience

10 Part 1 On Obedience

11 Obedience Acts are categorized as: Obligatory Voluntary Make your greatest effort that Allah does not find you present where He has forbidden you to be, nor find you absent from where He has commanded you to be. Pay attention to time and organize yourself from the time you awake from sleep to the time you return to bed.

12 Etiquettes: (pages 26-88) Waking from Sleep Using the lavatory Ablution Ritual Bath Setting out for the Mosque Staying in the Mosque until sunrise Sunrise to Midday Preparation for the other prayers Sleep Ritual Prayers Leading and Following in the prayer Friday Fasting

13 Part 2 On Refraining from Disobedience

14 The sins committed with the limbs Guard the seven parts: 1. The eye 2. The ear 3. The tongue (protect it from 8 things) 4. The stomach 5. The private part 6. The hands 7. The feet

15 Roll up your sleeves!!! The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “The intelligent one is he who takes account of himself, and works for what comes after death, and the foolish one is he who follows the inclinations of his self, while entertaining false hope of Allah” (Tirmidhi) “Man will have nothing but what he strives for” (Qur’an 53:39)

16 The sins of the heart (pages 112-126) 1. Envy 2. Ostentation 3. Conceit, Arrogance, and Pride

17 Hadith of Mu’adh The 7 angels guarding the 7 heavens Angel guarding the First heaven - Backbiting Angel guarding the Second heaven - Pride Angel guarding the Third heaven - Arrogance Angel guarding the Fourth heaven - Conceit Angel guarding the Fifth heaven - Envy Angel guarding the Sixth heaven - Those without Mercy Angel guarding the Seventh heaven - Show off

18 Part 3 The Etiquette of Companionship with the Creator and with the Creation

19 The Etiquette of Companionship with Creation: Etiquette of the scholar Etiquette of the student Etiquette of the child with his parents Etiquette with other people: People you do not know Brothers and Friends Acquaintances

20 Concluding Remarks

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