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Why CAL? Conference Approved Literature
Opening Screen (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Goals of this workshop What is “Conference Approved Literature” (CAL)?
Why do we use only CAL at meetings? Why all outside literature, like the A.A. “Big Book“ and religious materials are not used in Al-Anon meetings? What are we going to discuss in this workshop? What is “Conference Approved Literature (CAL)? Why do we use only CAL at meetings? Why outside literature, like the A.A. “Big Book" and religious materials are not used in Al-Anon Meetings? (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
CAL helps Al-Anon to establish and maintain unity within our fellowship
Past Present Future Unless you were a member of one of the original 87 Family Groups in the 1940’s or started attending Al-Anon in the 1950’s, you have always had access to Conference Approved Literature (CAL). Even members who have been attending Al-Anon for 30 to 40 years are accustomed to having a variety of books, pamphlets, and other materials approved by Al-Anon’s World Service Conference. It is easy to take CAL for granted. Learning why and how CAL was created is a journey of gratitude to the generations of members who have gone before us. When you visit a group or attend an Al-Anon event in another city, state, province, or country, you will find some or most of the same literature. Although the language may be different, the literature reflects members’ use of the Al-Anon program and its principles. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
CAL has grown and continues to evolve
Preserves the Al-Anon message and principles worldwide Represents members’ use of the program Meets the needs and interests of a changing fellowship The availability of CAL grows steadily each decade Read the slide to the attendees. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
CAL is a vital tool for personal recovery
Reading other members’ experiences Focusing on Al-Anon principles Staying “on track” Gaining new insights and ideas CAL helps to establish and maintain unity within our groups CAL helps us in both our personal recovery, as well as in our group’s recovery. Many of us start our day reading from one of Al-Anon‘s daily readers. Reading CAL reminds and helps us to maintain positive attitudes and to take actions based upon a Higher Power’s will for us, and to utilize the principles of our program. When we are feeling “stuck,” complacent, in a crisis, or unsure about an action to take, reading CAL supports us in between or at meetings. We are never alone. The collective wisdom of the Al-Anon fellowship supports us with their written words in CAL. Many members find a new understanding of our Legacies by reading and rereading CAL. When CAL is used at meetings, groups have found that it keeps their meetings on track. It helps to avoid weakening or modifying the Al-Anon program with the philosophy and purpose of other organizations. This includes Alcoholics Anonymous publications. CAL keeps us focused on ourselves and the Al-Anon program at meetings. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
We only use CAL at meetings
Members can read what they like on their own Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual page 101: “While individuals may use whatever they find helpful as part of their personal recovery outside of meetings, Al-Anon does not evaluate or recommend anything other than Al-Anon materials. When sharing at meetings, members limit any mention of outside material to a brief reference.” This doesn’t mean that members shouldn’t read non-Al-Anon materials, watch or listen to professionals with a wide variety of expertise. All it means is not to use it or discuss it at our meetings. One of our earliest pamphlets, So You Love an Alcoholic (P-14), encourages members to learn all that they can about alcoholism and its effects on the family. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
What is CAL? Conference Approved Literature
CAL is written by and for Al-Anon members CAL has passed a rigorous review process CAL is identified by this logo What is CAL? CAL is the acronym for Conference Approved Literature. CAL is written by and for Al-Anon members on various shared experiences and topics from the Al-Anon point of view. CAL contains a unified and consistent message available to members and potential members worldwide. All submissions, publications, and translations have passed a rigorous committee review process to insure they accurately express Al-Anon policies, perspectives, principles, and reflect the group conscience of Al-Anon Family Groups. Conference Approved Literature is easily identifiable with its logo. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why we use CAL in meetings
Unity Consistency Al-Anon focus “Our literature contains a unified message, consistent in principle and language, and great care is taken to see that this literature adheres to our principles before it is Conference Approved.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 172. We use CAL in meetings for unity, consistency, and focus. Either the presenter or a member of the audience can read the quote to the attendees. “Our literature contains a unified message, consistent in principle and language, and great care is taken to see that this literature adheres to our principles before it is Conference Approved.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 172. CAL is a good source of unifying material and most effective as a recovery tool when it is part of the complete Al-Anon program. Only Al-Anon/Alateen literature and materials are used in meetings to ensure our program message stays consistent with our principles worldwide. (CLICK) For presenter’s use/information only; Additional references: Discovering Choices (B-30), pp Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 101. Paths to Recovery (B-24) pp. 135, 137, 163, 255. he Al-Anon Family Groups Classic Edition (B-5) p. 160 WSO CAL Task Force
Why we use CAL in meetings
Tradition One Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity. The need to maintain our unity is a foundational concept in Al-Anon. We follow Tradition One when we do what is best to enhance the recovery of the greatest number. Either the presenter or a member of the audience reads the quote to the attendees: “Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity.” (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why should members use only CAL at meetings?
“The Traditions that follow bind us together in unity. Although they are only suggestions, Al‑Anon’s unity and perhaps even its survival are dependent on adherence to these principles.” Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), pp. 15. Either the presenter or a member of the audience reads the quote to the attendees. The introduction to the Al-Anon Traditions states: “The Traditions that follow bind us together in unity. Although they are only suggestions, Al‑Anon's unity and perhaps even its survival are dependent on adherence to these principles.” We only use CAL at meetings because it encourages and protects our unity, provides a consistent Al-Anon message, and keeps the focus on us because it is written by Al-Anon members, for Al-Anon members. As with our adherence to the Traditions, Al-Anon’s unity and perhaps even our survival depends on only using Conference Approved Literature at our meetings. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Questions for discussion
How is CAL used in your meeting to help stimulate discussion and participation for the long timer as well as the newcomer? How does the fact that CAL is only written by Al-Anon members help keep our message consistent with the Traditions? Presenter’s note: Encourage audience participation by discussing the questions on the slide with the group. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Motion # 8 2010 World Service Conference
Today, we have more than 60 years of Al-Anon members and groups’ experiences. We know how the early Family and Al-Anon Family Groups struggled without or with a limited amount of Al-Anon literature. There was a time when our groups relied upon A.A. literature, religious, spiritual, and self-help books that were not written by or for Al-Anon members. As the need for Al-Anon unity grew, so did the need for our own literature as a tool to keep us rooted in our Al-Anon program of recovery. In 2010, Al-Anon’s World Service Conference, the group conscience of the Al-Anon fellowship, approved Motion #8 to modify the wording in the Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies in the Service Manual, p. 101, to remove the word “suggested” to strengthen the policy, the Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies in the Service Manual now reads: “To keep Al‑Anon’s message in focus and encourage unity, only Al‑Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and Al‑Anon/Alateen service tools are displayed, distributed, and used at Al‑Anon and Alateen meetings, including meetings at conferences and conventions. These items reflect the informed group conscience of the Al‑Anon Family Groups as expressed by its World Service Conference since 1961.” (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why do we use only CAL at meetings?
Ensures that Al-Anon remains Al-Anon and avoids confusion “Only Al-Anon materials are used at Al-Anon meetings. We do not impose this restriction to pass judgment on material produced by others, but because, by focusing exclusively on the Al-Anon philosophy in our meetings, we avoid a great deal of confusion.” How Al-Anon Works for Family and Friends of Alcoholics (B-22), p. 111. Either the Presenter or a member of the audience reads the quote to the attendees: “Only Al-Anon materials are used at Al-Anon meetings. We do not impose this restriction to pass judgment on material produced by others, but because, by focusing exclusively on the Al-Anon philosophy in our meetings, we avoid a great deal of confusion.” (CLICK) For presenter’s use/information. Additional references: How Al-Anon Works for Family and Friends of Alcoholics (B-22) (B-32), p. 111. WSO CAL Task Force
The Forum The Forum, as a concept, is Conference Approved
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 102. In 1979, the World Service Conference approved a statement about The Forum to clarify its role as a recovery tool in Al-Anon. Either the presenter or a member of the audience reads the following to the attendees: “The Forum can be used, and is encouraged to be used, by all members and groups for meetings. The Forum, as a concept, is Conference Approved, but it is not possible for each issue to follow the full procedure for Conference Approved Literature.” However, everything published in it - personal stories and issues affecting the fellowship – is reviewed for its fidelity to the Al-Anon program and principles. (CLICK) For presenter’s use/information. Additional references: Al-Anon/ Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), pp. 101,102. WSO CAL Task Force
Questions for discussion
Have you ever been in a meeting where outside literature was used? Why is the use of CAL important to group unity? How does use of CAL avoid confusion? What CAL would you recommend to discuss this topic? Presenter’s note: Read the questions on the slide to the attendees for group discussion. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
A.A. literature is not Al-Anon CAL
We are often asked if A.A. literature is Conference Approved It is approved by A.A.’s General Service Conference for A.A.─ but not for Al-Anon We are often asked, “What about A.A. literature? Is it Conference Approved ?” Yes, it is approved by A.A.’s General Service Conference for A.A. members and groups—but not for Al-Anon. Approval by the A.A. General Service Conference does not mean the “Big Book“ is approved for use at Al-Anon meetings and events. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
A.A. literature, including the “Big Book” is:
Why use of A.A. literature is no longer an accepted practice at Al-Anon meetings A.A. literature, including the “Big Book” is: Not written from the perspective of family members, written by and for the alcoholic Different recovery issues, e.g., drinker’s sobriety Use of A.A. literature would impact Al-Anon unity Confuses newcomers about Al-Anon’s purpose Use of AA literature could be threatening and divisive to Al-Anon Unity Can be confusing as to what Al-Anon’s message is, particularly to Newcomer The use of A.A. literature including the “Big Book“ is not an accepted practice: Not written from the perspective of family members Different recovery issues Use of A.A. literature would impact Al-Anon unity Can be confusing as to what Al-Anon’s message is, particularly to the newcomer (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why is use of outside literature not an accepted practice at Al-Anon meetings?
Religious literature “Discussions of Religion: Al‑Anon is not allied with any sect or denomination. It is a spiritual program, based on no particular form of religion. Everyone is welcome, no matter what affiliation or none. Let us not defeat our purpose by entering into discussions concerning specific religious beliefs.” Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 24. Discussion of religion is one of “Three Obstacles to Success” in Al-Anon. Either the presenter or a member of the audience reads the quote to the attendees: “Discussions of Religion: Al‑Anon is not allied with any sect or denomination. It is a spiritual program, based on no particular form of religion. Everyone is welcome, no matter what affiliation or none. Let us not defeat our purpose by entering into discussions concerning specific religious beliefs.” Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 24. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Psychological/Self Help Books and Materials
Why is use of outside literature not an accepted practice at Al-Anon meetings? Psychological/Self Help Books and Materials “Focus on the Al‑Anon interpretation of our program is strengthened when we avoid using professional terms and labels since they may confuse members by implying affiliation with certain persons or specific therapies.” Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 117. Using professional terms in Al-Anon meetings may create confusion regarding their meaning and be contrary to Al-Anon principles. It may also confuse members by implying affiliation with or adoption of a particular psychological school of thought or idea. Either the Presenter or a member of the audience reads quote to the attendees: “Focus on the Al‑Anon interpretation of our program is strengthened when we avoid using professional terms and labels since they may confuse members by implying affiliation with certain persons or specific therapies.” Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), p. 117. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why should members only use CAL at meetings?
“Ours is a spiritual program. Again and again we must place our trust in a God of our understanding to lead us to decisions for our common good and we must practice the principles we know have worked for others in our fellowship.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 163. We follow the Steps, Traditions, Concepts, and guidelines set forth in the Service Manual, not because we have to but because we have learned that by doing so we place our common welfare first and accomplish personal progress for the greatest number, through unity. Either the presenter or a member of the audience reads quote: “Ours is a spiritual program. Again and again we must place our trust in a God of our understanding to lead us to decisions for our common good and we must practice the principles we know have worked for others in our fellowship.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 163. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Why should members use only CAL at meetings?
Tradition Four: Each group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting another group or Al-Anon or AA as a whole. “When I don’t follow the program’s suggestions, I seem to hurt myself as well as others…The price I pay in terms of my integrity and self-esteem, as well as possible damage to the groups that make my recovery possible, just isn’t worth it.” Hope for Today (B-27) (B-28), p. 55. The best way to recover from the effects of someone else’s drinking is to follow the suggested guidelines that have worked for so long and for so many. CAL unifies us; gives a consistent Al-Anon message; and is written by members, to for and our common recovery and to address our unique experience, strength, and hope. Either the presenter or member of the audience reads the quote to the attendees: “When I don’t follow the program’s suggestions, I seem to hurt myself as well as others…The price I pay in terms of my integrity and self-esteem, as well as possible damage to the groups that make my recovery possible, just isn’t worth it.” Hope for Today (B-27) (B-28), p. 55. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Summary─Why CAL? Using CAL Written by and for Al-Anon members
Ensures that Al-Anon remains Al-Anon Subject to rigorous review to ensure it accurately reflects Al-Anon principles Avoids confusion about Al-Anon’s focus and purpose Enhances our unity by avoiding outside issues Presenter’s note: Read slide to the attendees. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Questions for discussion
What effect could the use of outside literature have on group unity? What are some ways we could approach a member who uses outside literature in sharing at an Al-Anon meeting? Presenter’s note: Read the questions on the slide and provide time for discussion by the attendees. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
Questions for discussion
What ideas have I learned from this presentation? How can I help my group to understand these ideas? Presenter’s note: Read the questions on the slide and provide time for discussion by the attendees. (CLICK) WSO CAL Task Force
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