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Or, how can I be out of cash when I still have Commercial Warrant stock?

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Presentation on theme: "Or, how can I be out of cash when I still have Commercial Warrant stock?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or, how can I be out of cash when I still have Commercial Warrant stock?

2 What up with Cash?  Where do CoEs get cash flow data?  Cash flow war stories  Examples of tools for cash flow analysis AB 1200 Cash Flow 2

3 Where do CoEs get cash flow data?  From districts, COE provides, SACS, etc.  What assumptions do you need to see?  What’s working and not working in getting data?  What will you provide/ask for now? AB 1200 Cash Flow 3

4 All Districts are not Created Equal  Large Counties  Small Counties  Large Districts  Small Districts  High Percentage of State Aid  Low percentage of State Aid AB 1200 Cash Flow 4

5 Cash War Stories  Improper TRAN sizing  Early December payroll  Bad fall out at Un/Act  Preventative review for a troubled district  From your experience? AB 1200 Cash Flow 5

6 How much is enough cash?  What kind of reserve level would help? Not all districts are the same!  3% Minimum Reserve for Economic Uncertainties?  One month of expenses? AB 1200 Cash Flow 6

7 SDCOE Cash Analysis: the Red Sheet  Indicators of structural imbalance AB 1200 Cash Flow 7

8 SDCOE Cash Analysis  Are there sufficient cash solutions?  If any red, can we eliminate it?  Internally, then externally  Include most recent budget data and match to actuals  Verify with district AB 1200 Cash Flow 8

9 Any questions? AB 1200 Cash Flow 9 Thank you!

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