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Why are some changes difficult?. Small Group Timer.

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Presentation on theme: "Why are some changes difficult?. Small Group Timer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are some changes difficult?

2 Small Group Timer

3 Online Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City-Vocabulary Spelling City-Amazing Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Spelling City

4 I Like Where I Am Amazing Words adjust landmark unexpected tease quiver foreign accent forlorn

5 I Like Where I Am Vocabulary Words trouble giant chuckle fair strong block tears glee usually

6 I Like Where I Am High Frequency Words animals early eyes full water

7 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

8 Big Question: Why are some changes difficult? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9 I Like Where I Am Monday Morning Warm-Up Everybody goes through changes. We grow older. We move to a different school or town. We even change friends. Why are some changes difficult?

10 I Like Where I Am Monday Morning Warm-Up Everybody goes through changes. We grow older. We move to a different school or town. We even change friends. Why are some changes difficult?

11 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Dipthongs: oi, oy Plot and Theme Summarize Adverbs that Tell When and Where

12 Amazing Words

13 adjust ad – just When you get used to a new situation, you adjust to it. When you change or move something to make it fit or make it better, you adjust it. The children will soon adjust to their new school. We’ll have to adjust to the snowy weather. Please adjust the position of the TV so we can see it.

14 landmark land - mark A landmark can be any natural or human- made feature such as a building, a statue, a bridge, or a tree that identifies a location and can serve as a guide for directions. The Great Salt Lake is a landmark in Utah.Great Salt Lake Fisherman’s Wharf is a landmark in San Francisco.Fisherman’s Wharf The Empire State BuildingEmpire State Building is a New York City landmark. (next word)

15 Great Salt Lake Utah

16 Fisherman’s Wharf

17 Empire State Building

18 unexpected un – ex – pect - ed Something that comes as a surprise or something you do not think will happen is unexpected. The rainstorm was unexpected. We had unexpected company yesterday. The surprise party was unexpected.

19 Click to listen to a song about moving to a new place.

20 Dipthongs: oi, oy south - cow What do you know about reading these words? The vowels ou and ow can stand for the sound /ou/. Today we will study vowels oi and oy and the sound they can stand for.

21 oil The letters oi and oy stand for the dipthong /oi/. In a dipthong, each vowel contributes to the sound heard. – boil – coin – join – choice – noise – spoil – boy – joy – enjoy – royal – cowboy

22 Dipthongs: oi, oy oil coil The letters oi stand for the sound /oi/ in oil and coil. boy The letters oy stand for the sound /oi/ in boy.

23 Dipthongs: oi, oy point loyal foil joy moist destroy broil spoil toy hoist voyage joint voice enjoy

24 Making Words a, e, i, o j, n, p, t, y

25 Dipthongs: oi, oy soil oyster spoil coin soy cloud boil employ scout join annoy loyal choice royal mouse

26 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

27 Word Family Word – guess (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends Bess less mess yes chess bless dress

28 Word Family Word – guess mess chess bless dress BessTruman

29 Word Family Word – hand (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends band land sand bland brand gland grand stand strand

30 Word Family Word – hand band land brand gland sand stand Grand Canyon grandstrand

31 Theme and Plot & Summarize Good readers pay attention to what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. They also think about the “Big idea” behind the story as they read

32 Theme and Plot & Summarize Theme is the “big idea” a story is about. Plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. A summary is a short retelling of a story. We can summarize what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of a story to help understand and remember what we read.


34 Daily Fix-It i wipd my hands on the clohi wipd my hands on the cloh I wiped my hands on the cloth.I wiped my hands on the cloth. the childrin yelled with joy.the childrin yelled with joy. The children yelled with joy.The children yelled with joy.

35 Adverbs that Tell When and Where Adverbs tell more about a verb. Some adverbs show when or where. School begins tomorrow. Tomorrow tell when. I will be a a new student there. There tells where.

36 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday.

37 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when)

38 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys.

39 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when)

40 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs.

41 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs. (where)

42 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs. (where) The moving van is parked outside.

43 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs. (where) The moving van is parked outside. (where)

44 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs. (where) The moving van is parked outside. (where) Soon we will go to a new house.

45 Adverbs that Tell When and Where I packed my books yesterday. (when) Now I am packing my toys. (when) The movers carry boxes downstairs. (where) The moving van is parked outside. (where) Soon we will go to a new house. (when)

46 Wrap Up Your Day! Vowel dipthong oi, oy Plot and Theme Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about a boy who has to move.

47 I Like Where I Am Monday Journal Topic Write about a time when something unexpected happened to you.

48 I Like Where I Am Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a little boy. Movers come and pack all his toys. He is afraid he won’t enjoy his new home. Have you ever been afraid of a change?

49 I Like Where I Am Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a little boy. Movers come and pack all his toys. He is afraid he won’t enjoy his new home. Have you ever been afraid of a change?

50 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Dipthongs: oi, oy Vocabulary Words High-Frequency Words Multiple-Meaning Words Context Clues Adverbs that Tell When and Where

51 Amazing Words

52 tease If you tease someone, that means you make fun of the other person. You can tease someone in a playful or a hurtful way. He teased her about her short haircut. My friends tease me because I won’t go on the roller coaster.

53 quiver quiv - er Quiver means “shakes quickly with movements or sounds.” Her voice quivers as she tries to speak. His hands quiver from the cold. As the little horse tries to stand, its legs quiver.

54 foreign for - eign A country that is not your own is foreign. Someone or something that is from a different country is foreign. We traveled to many foreign countries. Alejandro is a foreign exchange student from Brazil. Anna speaks two foreign languages.

55 Read-AloudRead-Aloud All the Same, Only Different

56 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice You can read this word because you know how to read words with the sound /oi/. What sound do the letters oi stand for in this word?

57 Dipthongs: oi, oy When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word. destroy

58 Dipthongs: oi, oy sirloin voyage boyhood ointment Roy broiler

59 Click to listen to “A New School.”

60 Dipthongs: oi, oy Find the words with oi and oy in “A New School.” choice join voice boy toy enjoy rejoice

61 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

62 Word Family Word – hide (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bide ride side tide wide chide glide pride slide snide stride

63 Word Family Word – hide ride tidechide glide prideslidestride

64 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy

65 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice

66 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join

67 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join voice

68 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join voice boy

69 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join voice boy toy

70 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join voice boy toy enjoy

71 Dipthongs: oi, oy choice, join, voice, boy, toy, enjoy, rejoice oi oy choice join voice rejoice boy toy enjoy

72 Dipthongs: oi, oy Could you enjoy the show with all that noise? I will take the foil off the fish before I broil it. The crowd was full of joy when they saw the cowboy.

73 I Like Where I Am High Frequency Words animals early eyes full water

74 I Like Where I Am Vocabulary Words trouble giant chuckle fair strong block tears glee usually

75 Vocabulary Words trouble – something that is difficult or upsetting giant – very large or huge chuckle – to laugh quietly fair – just and by the rules

76 Vocabulary Words strong – having great power or strength block – part of a city or townblock tears – drops of salty water that come from your eyes (next slide)

77 block

78 More Words to Know glee – great happiness or joy usually – something that commonly happens

79 Vocabulary Words trouble friend giant move chuckle love block pretty tears school

80 Context Clues There are strategies to use when you come across words you don’t understand. You can look in a dictionary or glossary. You can get the meaning from word parts— the base word, prefix, or suffix. Sometimes you can look for context clues in the words and sentences around the unknown word. Today we will learn how to use context clues to find the meaning of a multiple- meaning word.


82 Daily Fix-It the coboy ride his horse fast.the coboy ride his horse fast. The cowboy rode his horse fast.The cowboy rode his horse fast. did jill enjoy the show.did jill enjoy the show. Did Jill enjoy the show?Did Jill enjoy the show?

83 Adverbs that Tell When and Where Adverbs tell more about a verb. Some adverbs show when or where. A moving van came today. Today tell when. Movers took boxes outside. Outside tells where.

84 Wrap Up Your Day! Lesson vocabulary Summarize Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will find out how two children are alike, but different.

85 I Like Where I Am Tuesday Journal Topic Write about something in your neighborhood that makes you chuckle.

86 I Like Where I Am Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Emilio and Nina. Emilio has trouble at school, but Nina helps him to be strong. What does it mean to be strong?

87 I Like Where I Am Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Emilio and Nina. Emilio has trouble at school, but Nina helps him to be strong. What does it mean to be strong?

88 Today we will learn about: Dipthongs ou, ow Dipthongs oi, oy Amazing Words Synonyms Adverbs that Tell When and Where

89 Amazing Words

90 accent ac - cent When someone pronounces words in a way that is heard in a different part of the country or in a foreign county, we say that person has an accent. Jose speaks with a Spanish accent. My cousin has a southern accent. In our class, we all have a southern accent!

91 forlorn for - lorn If someone is forlorn, that person is lonely and sad. Some children at camp were forlorn on their first day away from home. The lost puppy looked forlorn.

92 Read-AloudRead-Aloud All the Same, Only Different

93 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow

94 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow somehow

95 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow somehow crowd

96 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch somehow crowd

97 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch somehow crowd towel

98 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch somehow crowd towel

99 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors somehow crowd towel

100 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors somehow crowd towel allow

101 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors count somehow crowd towel allow

102 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors count somehow crowd towel allow powder

103 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors count amount somehow crowd towel allow powder

104 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors count amount somehow crowd towel allow powder brown

105 Dipthongs ou, ow somehow, crowd, crouch, towel, pouch, outdoors, allow, count, powder, amount, brown, flour ou ow crouch pouch outdoors count amount flour somehow crowd towel allow powder brown

106 I Like Where I Am Vocabulary Words trouble giant chuckle fair strong block tears glee usually

107 Vocabulary Words What have you done that helped someone else who was in trouble? What are some things that make you chuckle? What are some people, places, and things that can be found on the block where you live?

108 Vocabulary Words If you were giant, what things could you do that you can’t do now? If you and your friend had a pile of toys, how could you be fair about sharing them? What are sometimes when people cry tears? What kinds of things could you do if you were really strong?

109 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

110 Word Family Word – keep (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends beep deep keep peep seep weep sheep cheep bleep creep sleep steep sweep

111 Word Family Word – keep beep peep sleepcreepcheep sheep weep steepsweep

112 Synonyms Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. The movers put a giant box onto the truck. What are some synonyms for giant? What are some synonyms for chuckle and strong?

113 Daily Fix-It did you here that noise.did you here that noise. Did you hear that noise?Did you hear that noise? a wave destroy my sandcastlea wave destroy my sandcastle A wave destroyed my sandcastle.A wave destroyed my sandcastle.

114 Adverbs that Tell When and Where Adverbs tell more about a verb. Some adverbs show when or where. Carla drove her car today. Today tell when. Carla drove her car downtown. Downtown tells where.

115 Wrap Up Your Day! Theme Fluency Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read another story about changes.

116 I Like Where I Am Wednesday Journal Topic Ask children to write a paragraph about the strongest person they know.

117 I Like Where I Am Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read Colleen’s e- mail. At first she felt unhappy about moving to a new house, but after some time passed, she reconsidered. What are some good things about change?

118 I Like Where I Am Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read Colleen’s e- mail. At first she felt unhappy about moving to a new house, but after some time passed, she reconsidered. What are some good things about change?

119 Today we will learn about: Dipthongs oi, oy Adverbs That Tell When and Where How to Deliver a Report

120 I Like Where I Am Amazing Words adjust landmark unexpected tease quiver foreign accent forlorn

121 Read-AloudRead-Aloud The Brand New Kid

122 Sentence Reading I got up early so I could enjoy a full game of football. I need to warm a cup of milk and boil the pudding. Look, one of my eyes has a cut underneath it.

123 Sentence Reading You must put the pail of water and the pile of wood near the soil for the garden. “That cookie is full of sugar,” said Uncle Gus in a playful voice. Last summer some boys and I took care of a bulldog and other animals.

124 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

125 Word Family Word – kneel (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends feel heel keel peel reel wheel creel steel

126 Word Family Word – kneel heel keel peelsteel reel wheel creel



129 Daily Fix-It a good friend is loial.a good friend is loial. A good friend is loyal.A good friend is loyal. did dee make that sound.did dee make that sound. Did Dee make that sound?Did Dee make that sound?

130 Adverbs that Tell When and Where Adverbs tell more about a verb. Some adverbs show when or where something happens.

131 Speaking and Listening: How to Deliver a Report There are many different kinds of reports—news reports, weather report, oral book report to the class. A report usually tells facts about a topic. Your language should be matched to your audience.

132 Speaking and Listening: How to Deliver a Report SpeakersListeners Use appropriate language and word choice for the audience and the occasion. Speak clearly. Use body language that matches your words.

133 Speaking and Listening: How to Deliver a Report SpeakersListeners Use appropriate language and word choice for the audience and the occasion. Speak clearly. Use body language that matches your words. Sit quietly. Face the speaker. Listen to what the speaker says.

134 Wrap Up Your Day! Making Connections; Text to Self Let’s Talk About It The stories we read this week were about changes. We will learn more about this topic tomorrow.

135 I Like Where I Am Thursday Journal Topic List different landmarks in your state.

136 I Like Where I Am Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about things being different. Being in a new place or meeting someone new is hard sometimes. What can make change easier?

137 Today we will learn about: Dipthongs oi, oy Vocabulary Words Adverbs That Tell When and Where E-Mail

138 I Like Where I Am Amazing Words adjust landmark unexpected tease quiver foreign accent forlorn

139 Read-AloudRead-Aloud The Brand New Kid

140 I Like Where I Am Word Family Words guess hand hide keep kneel Spelling Words joy foil noise enjoy royal destroy moist loyal broil employee cowboy corduroy spoil turquoise joint

141 Dipthongs oi, oy Did you broil the oysters and the sirloin? I am full of joy when I avoid a bad choice! Troy is the boy with the good voice. She got oil on her new toy.

142 I Like Where I Am Vocabulary Words trouble giant chuckle fair strong block tears glee usually

143 Vocabulary Words strong, trouble, chuckle, block, tears, giant, fair My family went to the county ___. I bought a ___red balloon there. A ___gust of wind whipped through the air. It stole my balloon without any ___ or care. It blew the balloon around the ___ and into a tree. No ___here, because what did I see? I had to ____ --my balloon came back to me!

144 Rhyming Words My family went to the county fair. I bought a giant red balloon there. A strong gust of wind whipped through the air. It stole my balloon without any trouble or care. It blew the balloon around the block and into a tree. No tears here, because what did I see? I had to chuckle—my balloon came back to me!

145 I Like Where I Am High Frequency Words animals early eyes full water

146 Daily Fix-It sam collect baseball cardssam collect baseball cards Sam collects baseball cards.Sam collects baseball cards. did your team win the gam.did your team win the gam. Did your team win the game?Did your team win the game?

147 Technology: E-mail When you have information you need to share with someone else, you may make a phone call or write a note. We can use technology to communicate with others.

148 Technology: E-mail I use e-mail to send messages to my friends. An e-mail is like a letter, but it is sent through the Internet and not through the postal service. I have an e-mail address that I use to send and receive messages. I type my friend’s e-mail address into the To box. I type the topic of the message in the Subject line. That way my friend will know what the message is about before opening it. Let’s send an e-mail to the principal!

149 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Our Changing World

150 I Like Where I Am Friday Journal Topic Write a paragraph about something funny.

151 APT Plus Video: Password Required Timothy Goes to School

152 We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test –Classroom webpage, –Student page, –Taking Tests AR –Other Reading Quizzes –Quiz # 904626

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