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TSA S System Performance Improvement Report, 2010 To view data tables right click on a chart and select “Edit Data” Please see notes section for each slide.

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Presentation on theme: "TSA S System Performance Improvement Report, 2010 To view data tables right click on a chart and select “Edit Data” Please see notes section for each slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSA S System Performance Improvement Report, 2010 To view data tables right click on a chart and select “Edit Data” Please see notes section for each slide for additional information on graphs/tables Prepared 12-1-11 Source: Texas EMS/Trauma Registry as of 12/1/11

2 Trauma Registry Overview Hospital Case Inclusion Criteria A spinal cord injury, ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 806.0-806.9 and 952.0- 952.9 OR A traumatic brain injury, ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 348.1, 800.0-801.9, 803.0-804.9, 850.0-854.1, and 994.1 OR Another traumatic injury, ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 800-959.9 excluding 905-909, 910-924, and 930-939, AND at least one of the following: – admitted to a hospital inpatient setting (for more than 48 hours) – died after receiving any evaluation or treatment or was dead on arrival – transferred into or out of the hospital

3 Hospital Transfers TSA S, 2010 Table 1. Patient Destination at Discharge* FrequencyPercent Transfer36927% No Transfer1,01573% Unknown destination 00% Total1,384100% *This includes all trauma records that met the trauma case inclusion criteria AND records for TBI/SCI cases less than 24 hours length of stay. It does not include deaths as based on Condition on Discharge.

4 Hospital Transfer Type TSA S, 2010 Table 2. Transfer TypeFrequencyPercent Out of TSA20756% Within TSA15041% Other/Unknown123% Total369100% *This includes all records that meet the trauma inclusion criteria AND TBI/SCI cases with less than 24 hours length of stay. It does not include deaths as based on Condition on Discharge.

5 Table 3 Transfers Out of TSA S to Another TSA By Trauma Designation of Facility or Type of Facility in the Other TSAFrequencyPercent Higher level designation15575% Lower level designation or non- designated157% Same designation level84% Children's’ hospitals & specialty facilities2713% Rehab facility21% Total207100%

6 EMS Runs Out of TSA S, 2010 Table 4 Patient Destination FrequencyPercent Within TSA S9,99590% Out of TSA S3343% Unknown8007% Total11,129100%

7 Table 5: The Five Top Non-Fatal Injuries




11 820.21 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur closed 820.8 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur closed 820.09 Other transcervical fracture of femur closed 850.9 Concussion unspecified 807.01 Closed fracture of one rib 808.2 Closed fracture of pubis 813.44 Fracture of lower end of radius with ulna closed 812.01 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus closed 824.6 Fracture of ankle -Trimalleolar fracture closed 813.42 Other closed fractures of distal end of radius (alone)


13 Table 11 The Five Top E Codes for Fatal Injuries E Code and DescriptionFrequencyPercent 885 Fall on same level from slipping, tripping or stumbling623.08 888.9 Unspecified Fall311.54 955 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by firearms, air guns and explosives311.54 816 MVC due to loss of control, without collision on the highway27.69 922Accident caused by firearm and air gun missile27.69

14 Table 12 The Five Top Injury Categories for Fatal Injuries Injury CategoryFrequency Fall – Accidental10 Motor Vehicle Collision6 Suicide, Self-inflicted3 Assault3 Firearm2

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