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Presentation on theme: "2014 ST. JOHNS MAIN STREET MINI-GRANT PROGRAM MATCHING GRANTS & DESIGN ASSISTANCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA St. Johns Main Street Overview Mini Grant Program Overview Application & Next Steps Questions

3 ABOUT ST. JOHNS MAIN STREET The mission of the St. Johns Main Street Coalition is to create a thriving and diverse town center that supports and attracts small businesses and customers. We connect the people and resources of St. Johns to preserve our unique business district, promote livability, and foster responsible development for the future. St. Johns is a diverse neighborhood of Portland, Oregon, that feels like a small town in the middle of the city. Its main street business district serves as the center of a thriving community. The district is defined by the rich history of its buildings, bridge, industries and unique geographic location. Its future growth is achieved by economically and environmentally sustainable and diverse local businesses, supported by the resources of a collaborative community.

4 MAIN STREET FOUR POINT APPROACH The four point approach is a unique economic development tool and the foundation for local communities to revitalize their districts by leveraging local assets, from cultural or architectural heritage to local enterprises and community pride. The four points – Organization, Promotion, Design, and Business Development- work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort.

5 MINI-GRANT PROGRAM OVERVIEW Goals Funding Eligibility Types of Projects Application Process & Selection Criteria

6 MINI-GRANT PROGRAM GOAL The goal of the program is to offer matching funds and design assistance to business and property owners in the St. Johns Main Street target area to improve the look and feel of the business district while simultaneously achieving the goals outlined in our District Design Plan.

7 FUNDING Total Funds Available $22,000 Grants $500 - $2,500 (min $1 to $1 match) Funding for Capital Improvement Projects only (not maintenance) Design Assistance may be available Reimbursement Basis Projects To Be Completed by June 30, 2014

8 DESIGN ASSISTANCE Applicants may include the cost of an architect as part of the project costs, as long as the architectural drawings are not the bulk of the project. Applicants may also receive informal assistance or advice in developing a full proposal from St. Johns Main Street Coalition.

9 GRANTEE ELIGIBILITY Commercial Property Owners Tenants with Lease Authority Located within Target Area


11 ELIGIBLE PROJECTS Types of projects that are eligible for Mini-Grant funding include, but are not limited to: Exterior Lighting Interior Lighting Street Trees Tree Well Improvements Paint (interior or exterior) Planters Awning replacement or removal Unique Bike Racks Doors/Windows Signage (not A-frame Boards) All improvements must focus on “sticks and bricks”

12 OTHER REQUIREMENTS Conform to Portland Zoning Code Align with the Main Street Design Handbook & St. Johns Main Street District Design Plan Approved by the St. Johns Main Street Design Committee and Board

13 DISTRICT DESIGN PLAN ALIGNMENT The St. Johns Main Street District Design Plan is an overall ‘master plan’ to visually communicate the incremental change that has been planned for implementation over time by St. Johns Main Street.

14 SELECTION CRITERIA Increase visibility of business Improve customer experience Reflect the creativity of the district Increase green space Include a plan for ongoing maintenance Integrate sustainability (economic, environmental & equity) Improve pedestrian safety and the pedestrian experience

15 HOW IS THE MONEY AWARDED? This is a matching grant program, which means that the applicant pays a portion of the improvement and St. Johns Main Street Coalition pays a portion. The amount of the match must be at least 1:1 — the applicant pays $1 and St. Johns Main Street Coalition pays $1. Maximum grant contribution by St. Johns Main Street Coalition of $2,500 per project. Work completed prior to letter of commitment is not eligible for funding. Grant funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis and won’t be issued until the project has been completed.

16 HOW CAN I COVER UPFRONT COSTS? SJMSC is committed to helping applicants meet the matching requirement for the grant. We will work with you and support your efforts to identity a source for the match. Albina Community Bank is offering loans to grantees that will help the grantees cover upfront costs. These loans would effectively take the place of future reimbursement funds from the SJMSC Matching Mini Grant, which would be paid to Albina Community Bank at the completion of the project

17 APPLICATION PROCESS Attend informational meeting (Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30 pm and Friday, January 24th at 8:30 am. Both events will be held at Inspire Wellness, 7319 N. John Avenue) Submit a detailed concept paper – due February 14, 2014 Design Committee Review – to be completed by February 20, 2014 Selected concept papers invited to submit full application – successful applicants to be notified by March 10, 2014 Full applications due April 18

18 WRITING A STRONG CONCEPT PAPER Your concept paper should tell a story. Describe what you want to do and why. How will it benefit your building, your business, & the St. Johns community? Be realistic about time and money. Be clear & concise. Imagine you are writing it for someone who has never seen your property. Ask someone unfamiliar to read it– do they ‘get’ what you are trying to accomplish? Follow the instructions. Review your concept paper to ensure it is complete and submit on or before the deadline.


20 INTERIOR LIGHTING Promotes your business Deters miscreant activity Encourages pedestrian traffic

21 CREATIVE & PROFESSIONAL SIGNAGE Promotes your business Expresses the uniqueness of St. Johns Encourages pedestrian traffic

22 TREE WELL IMPROVEMENTS Enhances attractiveness of streetscape Improves pedestrian experience Supports nature in the urban environment BEFOREAFTER

23 BIKE RACKS Express unique character of district Encourage alternative transportation Enliven streetscapes

24 EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PAINTING Revitalizes storefront appearance “Spruces up” shop entranceways Presents inviting shopping experience to visitors

25 NEXT STEPS – GRANT CYCLE January 23 & 24: Grantee informational meetings February 14: Concept papers due March 10: Selected applicants invited to proceed to full application April 18: Full application due. Successful applicants will be notified no later than 2 weeks after submission date. June 30: Projects completed

26 QUESTIONS? Primary Contact: Robin Wright Program Director, St. Johns Main Street Amanda Morgan Design Committee Chair Neil Buono Americorps VISTA, SJMS St. Johns Main Street 8250 N Lombard St Portland, OR 97203 phone (503) 841-5522


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