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AfA/DfF is Scripture Union’s response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "AfA/DfF is Scripture Union’s response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 AfA/DfF is Scripture Union’s response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa

2 Aims: Working with the churches, Scripture Union aims: a)To make God‘s Good News known to children, young people and families, and b)To encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the bible and prayer so that they may come to personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need

3 SU Africa Vision:

4 SU Africa Mission:

5 Philosophy HIV/AIDS is only a symptom of a much greater problem – the breakdown of the nuclear family and the loss of traditional and Christian moral values in society

6 Main Objective: To significantly influence and shape the character of Africa’s children, young people and families through life skills education by empowering them to make the right decisions and in turn positively influence others

7 Programmes : 6 – 13 y.o.: ADVENTURE UNLIMITED 9 session seminar addressing various topics such as : family, adolescence, reproduction, peer pressure, communication, inter- personal relationships, HIV/AIDS, decision making…

8 Programmes (contd) : 13 y. o. +: CHOOSE FREEDOM 9 session seminar addressing topics such as: freedom, self- esteem, communication, child- parents relationships, love and infatuation, sexuality, HIV/AIDS, dating...

9 Additional materials:

10 Method: Multi- sessions seminar using a participatory approach*

11 Programmes (contd) For Parents & Couples Positive Parenting Enjoy your Marriage

12 Sphere of Activities Schools Churches Workplaces Camps Youth Associations Communities Etc…

13 An AIDS-free generation is… A God fearing generation!!!

14 Briefly, SU‘s AFA project...  i s implemented in 31 african countries  r eaches out to approx. 6 million young people every year  w orks in partnership with other CBOs (Family Impact, World Vision, MAP International, World Relief...) and churches institutions (AEA, AACC...) ill be soon introduced in other SU regions (Europe and Asia)

15 Scripture Union Africa Aid for AIDS Department P.O. Box 52443 City Square 00200 Nairobi KENYA E-mail: Websites:

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