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SS Vocabulary Chapters 4 A & B. Someone who is looking for gold or silver.

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Presentation on theme: "SS Vocabulary Chapters 4 A & B. Someone who is looking for gold or silver."— Presentation transcript:

1 SS Vocabulary Chapters 4 A & B

2 Someone who is looking for gold or silver

3 Prospectors

4 A person living on land granted by the government

5 Homesteader

6 A factory where metals, fuels, and other materials are cleaned and made into usable products

7 Refinery

8 A public announcement that tells people about a product or an opportunity

9 Advertisement

10 A trip made by ranchers to lead cattle to market

11 Long drive

12 A time of fast economic growth. There’s money to be made.

13 Boom

14 A time of fast economic decline (There’s no more money to be made)

15 Bust

16 An unfair feeling of hate or dislike for members of a certain group of people because of their background, race, or religion

17 Prejudice

18 A voting method in which no one knows how anyone else voted

19 Secret Ballot

20 The practice of keeping people in separate groups based on race or culture

21 Segregation

22 A verdict of not guilty

23 acquittal

24 Land on which livestock can graze freely

25 Open Range

26 A system of working the land in which the worker is paid with a share of the crop

27 sharecropping

28 oil

29 Petroleum

30 People who came from northern and western Europe to settle in the United States

31 Old immigration

32 The time after the Civil War during which the South was rebuilt

33 Reconstruction

34 A poorly built apartment building

35 Tenement

36 A rule or law

37 Regulation

38 A Northerner who moved to the South to take part in Reconstruction government (they were mostly there to make money)

39 Carpetbagger

40 Laws limiting the rights of former slaves in the South

41 Black codes

42 People who came from southern and central Europe and other parts of the world after 1880 to settle in the United States

43 New immigration

44 To murder a leader by sudden or secret attack

45 Assassinate

46 An area of land set aside by the government for use only by Native Americans

47 reservation

48 The railway line that crossed the US

49 Transcontinental Railroad

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