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E-communications: Getting our message out... effectively and consistently!

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2 E-communications: Getting our message out... effectively and consistently!

3 Video Clip

4 Our Tools Our website – how the world views us Introduces our organization to the general public Introduces our organization to the general public Reaches the widest potential audience for our message Reaches the widest potential audience for our message Is a “living” electronic document requiring frequent updates Is a “living” electronic document requiring frequent updates Includes links to other sustainability resources Includes links to other sustainability resources Invites viewers to visit our SJ Google group Invites viewers to visit our SJ Google group

5 Our Tools Google groups – the world is watching here, too Sustain Jefferson (Wisconsin) current membership ~80 On-line discussion group viewable by the general public worldwide On-line discussion group viewable by the general public worldwide Members may post new messages or respond to existing messages Members may post new messages or respond to existing messages SJ Fire Souls current membership ~20 On-line group available to Board, Committee chairs, and core SJ members On-line group available to Board, Committee chairs, and core SJ members Dedicated largely to the business of operating Sustain Jefferson Dedicated largely to the business of operating Sustain Jefferson Members may post new messages or respond to existing messages Members may post new messages or respond to existing messages Members of this group are also in the Sustain Jefferson group above Members of this group are also in the Sustain Jefferson group above Jefferson County CSE current membership ~20 On-line group allied with, but not identified as part of SJ On-line group allied with, but not identified as part of SJ Focus – community supported energy (gasifier, et al) Focus – community supported energy (gasifier, et al)

6 Our Tools E-mail list / SJ Calendar E-mail contact list currently ~220 addresses Includes members of the 2 SJ Google groups and many of the CSE group Includes members of the 2 SJ Google groups and many of the CSE group Includes many who have taken a TNS Study circle in the past Includes many who have taken a TNS Study circle in the past Includes visitors to MREA booth, Fighting Bob, etc. Includes visitors to MREA booth, Fighting Bob, etc. Includes visitors to the Sustain Jefferson website Includes visitors to the Sustain Jefferson website Includes representatives of other similar organizations (GO, T&CRCD, etc) Includes representatives of other similar organizations (GO, T&CRCD, etc) SJ Calendar Hosted on Google email account and viewable on the SJ website Hosted on Google email account and viewable on the SJ website Provides a method of sending invitations for SJ events to our E-mail list Provides a method of sending invitations for SJ events to our E-mail list Public can view but not add or change listings Public can view but not add or change listings

7 Our Challenges We have an important message to share If we want to get our message across, we have to: Keep it simple Keep it simple Make it clear Make it clear Repeat it often Repeat it often Ensure it's consistent with our mission Ensure it's consistent with our mission To ensure your message isn't buried, lost, or ignored Make the subject clear and concise Make the subject clear and concise Don't “tag on” to other subjects (example) Don't “tag on” to other subjects (example) Minimize unnecessary responses Minimize unnecessary responses

8 Our Challenges We have to identify & be cognizant of our audience Which audience is your message best suited for? Core SJ participants (SJ Fire Souls Group) Core SJ participants (SJ Fire Souls Group) Interested observers (Sustain Jefferson Group) Interested observers (Sustain Jefferson Group) Wider local and regional interested parties (email list / calendar invites) Wider local and regional interested parties (email list / calendar invites) World-wide audience (website) World-wide audience (website) Could your public message alienate newcomers? (Sustain Jefferson group) Avoid cliquish atmosphere Avoid cliquish atmosphere Reduce superfluous emails Reduce superfluous emails Keep off-topic messages off Keep off-topic messages off When in doubt, consider a smaller audience When in doubt, consider a smaller audience

9 Our Options Should additional communications tools be used? Consider if additional communications media can be useful Local newspapers / publications Local newspapers / publications Window cards in local businesses Window cards in local businesses Local / regional Radio – TV opportunities Local / regional Radio – TV opportunities Consult with the Publicity Committee for options Consult with the Publicity Committee for options

10 Our Actions Should the SJ Google group stay open to the public? Keep it open and stay on topic Valuable tool for sharing information, new ideas, events, etc.Valuable tool for sharing information, new ideas, events, etc. Provides an open forum for discussion of sustainability issuesProvides an open forum for discussion of sustainability issues Gives viewers a more personal, up-to-date view of our organizationGives viewers a more personal, up-to-date view of our organization May encourage visitors to join the discussion, and ultimately the organizationMay encourage visitors to join the discussion, and ultimately the organization Close public access and convert to “members-only” Limits our means of delivering our message to those outside the groupLimits our means of delivering our message to those outside the group Reduces opportunities to attract potential membersReduces opportunities to attract potential members Removes need for careful consideration of subject matterRemoves need for careful consideration of subject matter

11 Open Discussion


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