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Envisioning a World of Justice Chapter 1. Your Dreams for the World Prepare a creative presentation of your vision of an ideal world May write a reflection,

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Presentation on theme: "Envisioning a World of Justice Chapter 1. Your Dreams for the World Prepare a creative presentation of your vision of an ideal world May write a reflection,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Envisioning a World of Justice Chapter 1

2 Your Dreams for the World Prepare a creative presentation of your vision of an ideal world May write a reflection, poem, song, drawing, short story, etc. Which presentations struck you the most? What common themes were expressed by a number of presentations?

3 Reflection Write a response to each statement in agreement or disagreement. I would like the world to be more like the world we have been imagining. I believe the world can become more like the world we have been imagining. I believe I have a responsibility to help the world become more like the world we have been imagining.

4 Reflection To what extent do your visions include a sense of relationship with God for following God’s guidance? Do the reasons for your answers about the possibility of such a world include references to the presence and activity of God in the world? Or do they focus only on efforts of humans? Does your sense of responsibility include a sense of God empowering and accompanying others?

5 Reflection on loose leaf Write out your dreams for you life including short and long term goals. (1 page)

6 Ideal World in the Bible Micah 4:1-4 Isaiah 11:1-9 Isaiah 25:6-8 Isaiah 35:1-7 Isaiah 65:17-25 Ezekial 36:8-11, 24-30, 33-36 List the images of an ideal world in the passage. Place a star by the things that sound similar to your visions of an ideal world. Identify the role God plays in the passage

7 Longing for Justice What does a just world look like? Vision of Jesus and the Church is a vision justice We must participate

8 The Real World What are examples of injustice in your life? How do these lead to larger social problems? From divorce to war From gym class to business class From self abuse to earth abuse

9 How did the world get this way? What can we learn from the creation story? 1.God wants the whole of creation to flourish 2.God wants creation to be a place of goodness and beauty and is satisfying 3.Creation is a place where humans are caretakers: it survives and thrives

10 Human beings can choose… Created with capacity to love and choose Sin-make choices oppossed to love What happens when humans go against God’s intention? Wars, persecution, discrimination, and exploitation

11 Sin leads to more sin Cain and Abel Noah Think about your own lies…

12 What consumes our society? Selfishness, acting out of self interset Attitude of the “way things are” Does it have to be this way?

13 The Christian Vision Sin is not the only way Grace: God’s transforming love Story of the women in NYC Love has the power to transform sinful situations into opportunities for good Based on Natural Law, Scriptures, Jesus and the Church

14 Natural Law Moral order built into creation by God Key aspect of Catholic Social Teaching, morality and justice Applies to all people for all time

15 Hebrew Scriptures Covenant Exodus Promised Land 1.God is determined to secure well being of creation 2.God’s love turns death (slavery) into new life

16 Jesus Meet God in Jesus Follow me ▫What does it mean to follow Jesus? Paschal Mystery transforms Love has the ability to overcome all sin even death

17 Witness of the Church Another example of God’s power to overcome sin Mission: proclaim God’s desire for all creations abundant life Service: what are examples? ▫Provide survival and thrival needs Teaching ▫Catholic social teaching ▫Documents Lived experience is a testimony of God’s love

18 Accepting God’s Call to Justice Essential for Christians—LOVE Kingdom of God—this world All are invited to the “feast”

19 Justice and Rights Rights flow from worth ▫Conditions needed in order to live fully 2 kinds of rights ▫Survival ▫Thrival If rights are meaningful they must be respected

20 Principles Necessary in a Just World Inclusive Responsible Grateful Earth-conscious Renewing Peace-seeking Changing Hopeful Believing

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