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My Unit Introduction: Ways of Life in Colonial America Rob Curry Vinci Park School San Jose, CA.

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2 My Unit Introduction: Ways of Life in Colonial America Rob Curry Vinci Park School San Jose, CA.

3 Components of this project: Research: Students will do research about the 18 th century Williamsburg resident they are assigned, especially with the resources from CWTI and

4 Presentation Projects: Power Point of a person who lived in 1770’s Colonial Williamsburg Web Page on that person Brochure on the person Quilt Panel representing that person

5 Students and their families will be kept up to date with the assignments of the project and they will share the results through the class web page. Web pages are also printed for those students without internet access at home.

6 Unit Topic: The Ways of Life in Colonial America 1770-1781 We will study the various groups and class levels of people living in the English Colonies during the period of 1607 through the end of the American Revolution.

7 Learning Objectives Students will be familiar with the various class groups in the society of English Colonial America. Students will be able to compare and contrast groups. Students will research a typical Colonial American character and take on that role in a Colonial History Fair. Students will research and present their role.

8 How are different groups in a society the same and different? Wealthy Landowners Government Officials Merchant Class Tenant Farmer FrontiersmenIndentured Servants Religious Dissidents Slaves and Freed Blacks Native Americans

9 Questions Essential Questions 1. How do the lives of people in different social classes differ and in what ways are they similar? Unit Questions 1. How were the lives of the people living during the Colonial era different and similar across social class levels? Unit Questions 2. In what ways are the similarities of the colonial period alike or dislike the differences among people in modern American society? 3. Are the contrasts between the highest social class more or less distinct now or during the colonial period?

10 What Learning Will Take Place Students will find out how people in the past did not have as much opportunity for upward mobility. Students will have more empathy for marginalized groups in the past and now.

11 Student Learning Through High Interest Technology And Character Role Play

12 This Project Will Allow students to do research of the past. Promote student empathy for people and groups from US history Require students to present their learning in multiple presentation media Energize student interest in history!

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