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11 th IB English (SL) 8/12/10 (G &H) 1.Table Discussions (10 minutes) 2.Journal Writing (15 minutes) 1)How does the Laguna story on page 13 relate to Tayo?

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Presentation on theme: "11 th IB English (SL) 8/12/10 (G &H) 1.Table Discussions (10 minutes) 2.Journal Writing (15 minutes) 1)How does the Laguna story on page 13 relate to Tayo?"— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th IB English (SL) 8/12/10 (G &H) 1.Table Discussions (10 minutes) 2.Journal Writing (15 minutes) 1)How does the Laguna story on page 13 relate to Tayo? Why does Tayo feel so guilty? (Please Focus on the author’s descriptions on page 10 and 11.) 2)How is “story” a part of the Laguna cosmological system and why is it so important? (Please focus on all the poems and Ku’oosh’s words.) 3)How does the author capture Tayo’s struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and how does it relate to the themes of identity and circular time? 4)How is Tayo different from his auntie, Emo, and Harley? How are these forces weighing on Tayo? 3.Class Discussion (20 minutes) 4.Silent Reading Time (25 minutes) 1.Tutorial: Tim, Kevin, RG, Eun-Yeol, Reed

2 11 th IB English (SL) 8/12/10 (G &H) 1. Quickly Review Ceremony Overview (10 minutes) 1. Mandala / Essay / World Literature Criticism 2. Campbell 10-15 1. Group Discussions (10 Minutes) 1. How is everybody a hero? 2. Explain the middle way using either Gawain or Zarathustra. 3. How is individuality important to growing up? 4. What is Nirvana? 5. What is meant by “joyful participation in the sorrows of the world”? 2. Circle your best answer and Turn in at front table 3. “Sure you Can Ask me a Personal Question” (15 min) 1. Read and Mark Text 4. SILENT READING TIME (35 Minutes)

3 11 th IB English (SL) 8/10/10 (G &H) 1. Campbell (45 Minutes) Discuss / Notes 3. Why is modern society in need of new heroes? 4. How are science and myth merging today? 5. How is Odysseus a hero? 6. What’s the difference between fairy tales and myths? 7. How is Jesus an archetypal hero (Temptations)? 8. How is Buddha an archetypal hero (Temptations)? 9. What’s the difference between religion and theology? 10. How is Star Wars a modern myth? 2. Ceremony (10 Minutes) 2. Assignment Overview (Due Dates, etc.) 3. Terms and Concepts Sheet 4. Check out book (on your time…) 3. Silent Work Time (15 Minutes) 2. Campbell 11 – 15 (Due Next Class)

4 11 th IB English (SL) 8/6/10 (G &H) 1. JOURNAL (15 minutes): Describe the ball-game from last class. (What did it look and sound like?) Analyze the various dynamics involved. (What worked? What didn’t?) Explain why we played the ball game (What did we discuss before, during, and after?) Evaluate the overall effect (Based on the purpose, was it effective?) 2. Supplies Check (MINOR ASSESSMENT) 3. Group Discussions (15 minutes): Campbell 1-2 1. Swap papers and read 2. Discuss / Add notes in margins 4. 7-Traits Rubric(15 minutes): Ideas / Sentence Fluency 5. Work on Campbell 3-10 (DUE TUESDAY 8/10)

5 11 th IB English (SL) 8/5/10 (G &H) 1. Introduction: Instructor ( / 1. Pretzi Slide Show (10 minutes) 2. Course Outline / Rules (20 minutes) 3. Supplies (DUE Friday 8/6- MINOR ASSESSMENT) 1) 1” 3 ring binder 2) 5 dividers [Assignment Sheets, Handouts, Texts, Graded Work, Writing] 3) 50 pages lined loose-leaf binder paper 4) Journal [179mm X 252mm] 5) package of sticky notes 2. Name Game- Journal on Friday (30 minutes) Seating Chart 3. HOMEWORK (10 minutes to work in class) 1. Begin Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey” 1. Short Paragraph Responses to 1-2 DUE FRIDAY 8/6

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