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Geo-spatial information and remote sensing for crop production and environmental care Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden.

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1 Geo-spatial information and remote sensing for crop production and environmental care Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden

2 German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 1

3 Introduction: Geo-information in Agriculture  Most of the agricultural activities are area related and have a spatial reference  Use of geo-information in the European agriculture is quite common  Requirement of R&D for a wider use of geospatial data still exists 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 2

4 Provision of equipment, fertilizer and plant protection Products, seeds, irrigation systems International Organizations EU Food production Construction and equipment Companies Administration Farmers & Associations Agricultural enterprises 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 3 CAP Nat. GOV. Food Sec. & price stability Precision farming Nature & Climate Protection Content Consumers Fertilizer and Plant protection Industry Trading Companies & Retailer Farmers and Associations, Agricultural Industry EU and National Authorities International Organizations  Precision and Smart Farming  Subsidies  Environmental commitments  CAP  INSPIRE  COPERNICUS  GEO-GLAM

5 Precision Farming  Precise management of heterogeneous agricultural areas  Measurement and evaluation of intra-field variations of crop and soil parameter  Adjustment of agricultural measures according to the different needs of field sectors: precise inputs at the right time and place  Several benefits  Protection of environment based on precise targeting of agrochemicals  Improvement of efficiency of farming, increase of yield, saving of time, labor and costs 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 4

6 Precision Farming  German studies:  Precision farming leads to significant saving of fertilizers and pesticides  Higher acceptance by farmers in eastern parts of Germany, probably due to bigger farming companies  Due to additional equipment costs precision farming is only feasible for farms with 300 -400 ha of acreage  For management of complex data and techniques training and competence of farmers is required  Further technical development: Smart Farming 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 5

7 Control of the EU agricultural aid payments  Long history of using geo-information and remote sensing for the control of agricultural aid payments  Determination of area size (perimeter measurement)  GNSS devices (validated or certified accuracy ≤ 1.5 m)  Since 1993: remote sensing, i.e. 20 years of controls with remote sensing in Germany  satellite imagery (about 0.5 – 5 m resolution)  aerial imagery (about 0.2 m resolution)  Since 2005: mandatory introduction of GIS as managing tool for administration 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 6

8 Control of the EU agricultural aid payments  Capabilities of remote sensing  Determination of size, land cover, location of areas and relevant changes 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 7 Advantages of remote sensing:  quick  staff saving  cost-efficient  reliable and accurate Limits of remote sensing:  weather  sun zenith angle  crown cover  undergrowth

9 Control of the EU agricultural aid payments  Further needs - new requirements - new challenges  Greening  Cross Compliance  Agri-environment-climate measures 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 8

10 INSPIRE  aimed at the establishment of an INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe  leads to interoperability of spatial data sets and services throughout the EU  supports the formulation and implementation of the EU environmental policy  data accessible in principle to any citizen Directive 2007/2/EC (implemented by EU member states) Implementing EU regulations 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 9

11 INSPIRE  Examples for INSPIRE spatial data themes (34 themes in total)  Land cover  Land use  Habitats and biotopes  Species distribution  Step-by-step implementation is scheduled and will be completed in 2020 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 10

12 INSPIRE 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 11 Spatial data infrastructures of all European Member States German Geo- Portal GDI- DE Geo-Portals of the German Federal States metadata discovery services view services download services transformation services INSPIRE Geo-Portal

13 Copernicus  aimed at the establishment of a European capacity for earth observation  supports the development of environmental policies  collection of data from multiple sources:  Earth observation satellites (5 specially developed Sentinel missions and about 30 contributing missions)  In situ sensors, e.g. ground stations  data accessible in principle to any citizen 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 12

14 Copernicus  Monitoring services:  Land, climate change, weather, atmosphere, marine, emergency/security  Opportunity to develop value added services based on these so called “core services”  German projects DeCOVER, DeSECURE and DeMARINE concerning value added land, security and marine services. 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 13  Monitoring services:  Land, climate change, weather, atmosphere, marine, emergency/security  Opportunity to develop value added services based on these so called “core services”  German projects DeCOVER, DeSECURE and DeMARINE concerning value added land, security and marine services.

15 GEO-GLAM  International initiative for global agricultural monitoring with Earth observation and GIS technologies, agricultural and meteorological expertise and information  Support of G 20’s Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS)  Objective: enhance international capacity to produce and disseminate relevant, accurate and timely forecast of agricultural production 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 14

16 Conclusion 15/05/2013 Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden 15  Eradication of malnutrition and starvation are huge challenges, food production has to be increased due to rapid growth of population  Sustainable agriculture such as precision farming is required to preserve the environment  Use of geo-information systems and Earth observation techniques help to  monitor real-time changes of agricultural production,  predict crop requirements,  estimate yield and support early-warning-systems for harvest losses  Great effort is undertaken within the EU and worldwide to enhance agricultural monitoring with Earth observation  Development of common international standards for data exchange is needed

17 Geospatial information and remote sensing for crop production and environmental care Thank you for your attention! Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden

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