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End of The Year Procedures Coding & Reporting: Industry Certifications Occupational Completion Points (OCPs) Career Academy Identifier (CAI) for CAPE.

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Presentation on theme: "End of The Year Procedures Coding & Reporting: Industry Certifications Occupational Completion Points (OCPs) Career Academy Identifier (CAI) for CAPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of The Year Procedures Coding & Reporting: Industry Certifications Occupational Completion Points (OCPs) Career Academy Identifier (CAI) for CAPE

2 1.Run MTS2602P (Vocational Final Class Roster) report for each CTE course (courses beginning with 8 or 9) 2.Give to Career Academy Coordinator for distribution to teachers 3.Teachers/Coordinator enter data on 2602 (OCP, Industry Cert., Pass/Fail, and CAI) 4.DP enters all data on C2B 5.Rerun MTS2602P for each course – all data will now be on report 6.Return both copies to Coordinator for verification 7.Teacher, Coordinator and Principal sign off. 8.Keep with FTE documents – VERY IMPORTANT!

3 MTS2602P 8209020 001 Computing for College & Careers APROSO016 P A P A F 123

4 C2B Screen

5 Are entered by district on the C17 Master Schedule screen All students in the class will receive the OCP. If the student fails the course, you must REMOVE the OCP from the C2B. The following examples DO NOT have the OCP entered as they have multiple OCPs and must be entered by hand on C2B: – Practical Nursing 1 Level 3 – Marine Service 8 Level 2 – Diversified Career Technology Applications Level 2 – Diversified Career Technology Management Level 2 – Workplace Essentials Level 2 DO NOT USE GRADE QUICK For Seniors: OCP’s MUST BE ENTERED BEFORE POSTING GRADES SO THEY WILL APPEAR ON THE A13 All Other students (9-12) must be coded no later than June 4, 2014 before grades are posted.

6 Enter the Industry Certification code (i.e. MICRO069, ADOBE011) must be a valid code from Appendix Z Enter code ONLY for students who took the Industry Certification exam (on C2B) Enter P (pass) or F (fail) ONLY for students who took the Industry Certification exam For students who did NOT take an Industry Certification exam – leave blank For Industry Certifications taken over the summer – must be entered on C2B by August 22, 2014

7 Data entered on the C2B will be programmatically moved to the A10 and A13 detail pages

8 Coding Career Academy Indicators (CAIs) For a list of CAIs for your school see: (under Useful links on the right) Run MTS1175P – provides a list of students for each academy in your school Only CAPE academy students will have a CAI (previously entered on A26) The CAI must be entered when reporting an Industry Certification attempt Not ALL students taking Industry Certification exams are part of a CAI

9 For courses that are non-CTE, enter 0000000 for the sub-program on the C17 and enter the Industry Certifications on the C2B as usual

10 After OCPs, Industry Certifications, P/Fs and CAIs are entered, run MTS2602P again. Return original MTS2602P along with new runs to Coordinator for double check. Teacher, Coordinator and Principal must sign off on final copy Scan and email a copy to: Place documents with FTE documents in case of an audit. (Industry Certification information is auditable since it generates additional FTE)

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