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One-Way Street Current State of ILL/Document Delivery from Korea by Joy Kim University of Southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "One-Way Street Current State of ILL/Document Delivery from Korea by Joy Kim University of Southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 One-Way Street Current State of ILL/Document Delivery from Korea by Joy Kim University of Southern California

2 Summary  Assessment of the Current Need for ILL  Factors Affecting ILL/DD from Korea  ILL/DD Options  In the Future…

3 The Current Need for DD?  USC’s Experience: Non-traditional materials requested --Videos --Articles in med/science/technology  Need to reassess the scope of our collections?

4 Factors Affecting ILL/DD from Korea Korea: A Leader in Information Technology!  Internet connectivity very high!  Extensive full-text resources online!

5 Korean Domestic ILL/DD KERIS (Korean Education & Research Information Service)  Union Catalog of 316 member libraries  Document Delivery Service  ILL (not popular)

6 KERIS ILL/DD STATS Average Domestic Monthly Statistics in 2002:  6500 requests  5200 supplied

7 KERIS ILL/DD FEES  Ca. 60 cents base charge/request (for postage) + 6 cents/page  A 10-page article would cost ca. $1.20.  Express mail and fax services cost more.

8 Types of Full-Text Databases (both commercial and non-profit)  Scholarly/Academic Journals, all subjects  Classical Literature/Rare Books  Government Pub./Historical documents  Dissertations  Statistics/References  Newspapers/Magazines  More!

9 USC’s Union List of Electronic Resources (compiled by Sun-Yoon Lee) Over 4000 titles,and growing! erlist_khl.xls

10 Commercial Database Providers Nuri Media: Dong Bang Media: KSI: Free Trial of 2002/2003: Over 30 individuals in 20 institutions participated

11 ILL/DD Options  Commercial Document Delivery Service  Personal Contacts  OCLC Not an Option: The 167 Korean users are all NONSUPPLIERS

12 Commercial Document Delivery Service Providers KINS  Contact Persons: Ms Min-yong Kang, Ms Ju-hwa Ha  Email:  Tel: 02-589-1740 (ex) 3  Fax: 02-589-1746  Web:  Delivery Options: Email, Fax, Mail  Fees: $12-40 per request (regardless of size of document)

13 Commercial DD Service Providers—cont. Shinwon Data Net  Contact Person: Ms Yon-jong Nam  Email:  Tel: 02-326-3535 (ex) 208  Fax: 02-326-0343  Web:  DD Request Page:  Delivery options: Email, Ariel  Fees: $11-22 (varies; RUSH service extra)

14 Most Effective Option So Far? (According to USC’s Experience) Personal Contacts! Send Your Korean studies librarians ( or Yourself) to … KOREA!

15 In the Future… Organized Efforts Necessary…  CEAL?  Korean Collections Consortium of North America?

16 Questions? Contact: Joy Kim Tel: 213-740-2329 Fax: 213-740-7437 Email:

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