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Daily Geography Week 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Geography Week 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Geography Week 17

2 DG Week 17 Day 1 #1. What Isthmus connects North and South America?
#2. What are the continents of the world arranged according to land size, largest to smallest?

3 Answer Day 1 #1 Isthmus of Panama

4 Answer Day 1 #2 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America
5. Antarctica 6. Europe 7. Australia

5 DG Week 17 Day 2 #1. What do Kingston, Jamaica, and Kinshasa, Congo, both have in common? #2. What natural boundary separates Texas from Mexico?

6 Answer Day 2 #1 Both are National Capitals

7 Answer Day 2 #2 A River called the Rio Grande

8 DG Week 17 Day #3 #1. What capital city is near 40ºN latitude and 83º W longitude. #2. What large desert is found in northern China and Mongolia?

9 Answer Day 3 #1 Columbus, Ohio

10 Answer Day 3 #2 Gobi Desert

11 DG Week 17 Day 4 #1. Which area has higher elevation, eastern or western Brazil? #2. What is the capital of the landlocked country that borders Russia to the north and China to the south?

12 Answer Day 4 #1 Eastern Brazil (The Brazilian Highlands)

13 Answer Day 4 #2 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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