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“Save Our Students, Schools, State”. Agenda How the State budget is impacting public education in Michigan. How it is impacting Delton Kellogg Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "“Save Our Students, Schools, State”. Agenda How the State budget is impacting public education in Michigan. How it is impacting Delton Kellogg Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Save Our Students, Schools, State”

2 Agenda How the State budget is impacting public education in Michigan. How it is impacting Delton Kellogg Schools. What the school district has already done and is currently doing to address this challenge. What else can/should we do? What can you do to help?

3 What is the impact of the school funding crisis on Delton Kellogg Schools?

4 Immediate Future… 2009-10 $165.00 reduction from the legislators. What about next year? 2010-09 January Revenue Sharing Conference $268.00

5 What about next year? Foundation Allowance has decreased by $165 for 2009-10 and is expected to decrease again in 2010-11 by $268. Loss of 60 - 80 students Projected Increases to costs: ◦ Insurance at10% -15% ◦ Contract Obligation  Step & Wage Increases  Retirement Increase  FICA Increase Range Totals $707,089 $429,060 $572,080 $190,000 $285,000 $250,000 $350,000 $1,576,149 $1,914,169 (Total) Projected increases based on available data as of 1-19-2010


7 States Reduction to Funding will Impact Delton Kellogg Schools Proposed reduction $433 per student or $707,089. $707,089 would pay for: 7.7 Teachers 6.2 Administrators $315,000 more than the entire 2008-09 athletic expenditure budget Elimination of the three programs PE, Music or Art $60,000 more than the entire transportation budget 6 textbooks for every K-12 student (at an average cost of $65/student) 10 new buses (average cost per bus $70,000) 707computers (average cost per computer $1000)

8 MDE’s Bulletin 1014 Total Revenues Ranking Delton Kellogg Schools 751 out of 773 Total Expenditures Ranking Delton Kellogg Schools 681 out of 773

9 MDE’s Bulletin 1014 Total InstructionRanking Delton Kellogg Schools399 out of 773

10 Delton Kellogg Schools Revenue and Expenditure Comparison

11 Delton Kellogg Schools CPI Information All Items U.S. Depart of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

12 Delton Kellogg Fund Balance History

13 Delton Kellogg Schools Operating Expenditures

14 So…what has already been done to address the revenue reductions?

15 Reductions already made by Delton Kellogg School over the last 5 years. Including but not limited to:Reduction to the Budget of approximately : Privatization of custodial services$290,000 Privatization of High School Principal$27,000 Privatization of substitute teacher services$8,000 Consolidation with Thornapple Kellogg Schools for the Food Service Director $45,323 Elimination of Assistant Principal at the Elementary $99,530 Reduction of a bus run$10,000 Freeze on Capital Outlay Purchases$200,000

16 Reductions already made by Delton Kellogg School over the last 5 years. Including but not limited to:Reduction to the Budget of approximately : Discontinuation of an annual bus purchase$70,000 Elimination of Freshman Football and Middle School Cheerleading $7,598 Increased Athletic Participation Fees$4,000 Contributions to Insurance by Administration, Maintenance, Non-Union Support and Secretarial staff. $15,650 Direct reduction to school supplies Spending Freeze 08-09 $45,000 $35,000

17 Reductions already made by Delton Kellogg School over the last 5 years. Including but not limited to:Reduction to the Budget of approximately : Reduction to Administrative Staff20% Reduction to : Support Staff29% - 100% Reduction to: Teaching Staff Counselor 24% 40% Reduction of energy costs by utilizing programmable heat in classrooms, turning off parking lot lights between 11p.m and 6 a.m. To be determined Closing upper level of elementary building.To be determined

18 Additional Steps Taken Utilized the stimulus money to offset the general fund costs in Delton Kellogg. ◦ $200,000 IDEA ◦ $143,000 Title I ◦ Developed a Service Consolidation Plan to reduce operating costs. Surveyed the staff and community to determine priorities. Scheduled additional visits with legislators. Continued to reduce expenditures, find revenue sources, and redesign our district.

19 So…now what? DKS need your help! ◦ Fix the structural school funding problem (revenues and reform) and provide students with the level of education that can only come with a stable and predictable school funding source.

20 So…now what? (Continued) ◦ We expect Lansing to take action that will find a long range systemic solution to the state budget problems. ◦ The DKS have made the tough decisions needed to address the declining revenues in our school district, but it can not sustain the level of funding decreases being proposed. ◦ The economic viability of our community at- large is dependent on the existence of the school district. The School District is the hub of the community.

21 Conclusion Please help us advocate for the children of Delton Kellogg School District! Our children are our future and they deserve an outstanding education!! Thank you for your ongoing support and for your willingness to help us find ways to reduce and “re-imagine” our school district.


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