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Its Our Life, May 2007. Whats this got to do with... Children Young People and Families Absolutely Everything.

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Presentation on theme: "Its Our Life, May 2007. Whats this got to do with... Children Young People and Families Absolutely Everything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Its Our Life, May 2007

2 Whats this got to do with... Children Young People and Families Absolutely Everything

3 Set up in 2003 as government-community social enterprise - will be established as independent charity by the Autumn 2007 Pioneered concepts of Self-Directed Support and Individual Budget (Phase One, 2003-2005) Today works across all social care groups - adults & children 94 local authorities have subscribed as members 1200 people using Self-Directed Support (Phase Two, 2005-2007) 9 local authorities committed to total change (Phase Three...) Leading website on Self-Directed Support: Open source community - working with over 20 franchised partners

4 Independent Living The point of it all... rights, citizenship, family... choice and control Self-Directed Support The new national support system (replacing the current Social Care) - it has many parts Individual Budget One part of the system... your money... calculated up-front... based on your needs Direct Payment Another part of the system... one way of managing your money

5 PersonRepresentativeTrust BrokerProviderCare Manager Question 1 What is a Direct Payment?

6 Question 2 What is an Individual Budget?

7 The Commission for Social Care Inspection 2004 - MORI Poll found that most people want to choose their social care - three-quarters (73%) say a person requiring social care should be able to choose their services and be given money by the government or council to pay for them, rather than have the government or local council decide. Question 3 What is Self-Directed Support?

8 Question 4 What is Independent Living? InstitutionCareCitizenship

9 Social Care Today Current system of social care doesnt work - its broken Its broken because power, control and responsibility is all in the wrong place Decisions are in the wrong hands - too far away from the person We need a system that treats people as citizens

10 We need a new system People needs to be in control of their own life People flourish as part of families and communities People are entitled to support And should have as much control as possible over how they live

11 Too Expensive Threatens Us Just for Some Direct Payments ILF Mark 1 ILF Mark 2 Self-determination (USA) European Systems Limit Eligibility Complicate Professionalise Ilegal Doesnt fit Over-regulate Self-Directed Support: Sensible, Legal, Affordable and Universal: Designed to put EVERYONE in control of their own life

12 in Controls Model of Self-Directed Support

13 Support Brokerage

14 Individual Service Fund

15 Self-determination - Helens Mum Direction - Janes Art Class Money - Margarets new family Home - Patricks Trust Support - Keiths personal trainer Community Life - Gavins season ticket

16 Many practitioners and Team Managers feel that this is what real social work is about... its what I trained for… J. Goldingham, West Sussex IBs changed my thinking! Its about getting the most out of your life. Living, instead of existing!" Disabled Person, is going to change for my son, my husband and I. Its going to make a mammoth difference. Mum, Essex We ask individuals and families what they want and its our job to go and find it... and generally people dont ask for unbelievable things... Doreen Kelly, Partners for Inclusion

17 Are you happy with your support?

18 Satisfaction RatesBeforeAfter Self-determination 42%97% Planning 61%97% Money 45%90% Home 65%94% support 48%100% Community life (family-based) 67%100% Community life (non-family) 56%100% Community life (overall) 61%100%

19 Desired changeNumberMade it Where I live1776% Who I live with1681% What I do with my time2669% Who supports me1889% Other specific changes1090% Total8779%


21 Self-Directed Support seems to lead to better support and happier people Self-Directed Support seems affordable Many social workers feel that Self-Directed Support is allowing them to return to the values and skills that made them join the profession Flexibility of funding is critical - we do not know - in advance - what good support looks like - so we must not fetter the discretion of those who know best Self-Directed Support implies a radical re-think of roles, funding, regulations and policy... and some people are ready to try in Controls learning


23 in Controls Plans for Children Make sure that in Controls model works across the whole of life Challenge the systems dominance in Transition and other multi-disciplinary processes Challenge the dominance of the child protection thinking Assume and support capacities in children, young people and families

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