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Exhibit of Watergate Exhibit of Oil Crisis and Energy Crisis and Hostage Crisis Exhibit of 1970’s Culture Exhibit of EPA And The Clean Air Act Quiz.

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4 Exhibit of Watergate Exhibit of Oil Crisis and Energy Crisis and Hostage Crisis Exhibit of 1970’s Culture Exhibit of EPA And The Clean Air Act Quiz Room



7 back WATERGATE This Exhibit was donated By: Ethan Dickstein

8 EXIT Nixon Resigns

9 EXIT Nixon video

10 back The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the presidency of Richard Nixon that resulted in the conviction of several of Nixon's closest advisors, and ultimately his resignation on August 9,1974. President Richard Nixon

11 The scandal began with the arrest of five men for breaking and entering into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate hotel in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972. Investigations conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Later the press revealed that this burglary was one of many illegal activities authorized and carried out by Nixon's staff back

12 Nixon and his staff conspired to cover up the break-in as early as six days after it occurred. After two years of mounting evidence against the President and his staff, it was revealed that Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations Recordings from these tapes revealed that he had attempted to cover up the break-in.

13 With certainty of an impeachment in the House of Representatives and the strong possibility of a conviction in the Senate, Nixon resigned ten days later, becoming the only US President to have resigned from office. His successor, Gerald Ford, would issue a controversial pardon for any federal crimes Nixon may have committed while in office. back


15 In the 1970’s one of the styles of hair that people wore was a afro. back

16 In the 1970’s there were many dance clubs that were made into disco clubs which was like a dance club for them in a different form. back

17 In the 1970’s there were many new bands and kinds of music that were made. In this picture you see the band ABBA singing “The Dancing Queen” back

18 The Clean Air Act was an act that lowered the usage of things that would pollute the air and water. This picture is a sign of the few people or places that had gas. Back



21 1970’s culture This exhibit was donated By: Eli Amzalag back

22 In this picture there is a long line of cars waiting to get oil during the 1970’s. There is a huge line of cars waiting for gas because of the oil embargo. Back

23 The president Jimmy Carter is very worried about the hostage situation in Iran in 1979. In this hostage crisis the Iranians captured over 60 people to make them hostages. There was a big worry in the U.S about this so president Carter launched a plan that was called “Desert One” unfortunately the plan failed because of two malfunctions in helicopters. In the End they were not let out until the inauguration of the new president and Jimmy Carter Lost the election because of this crisis Back



26 This picture is a picture of a child playing with a Frisbee in the street but in the background there is polluted air, and it is so polluted that you cant see the sky. Back

27 The Clean Air Act made sure that that people wouldn’t use things that can cause pollution in this picture you can see group of people having fun, and in the front you see a girl with a T-shirt saying “ LET ME GROW UP!” What this shows is that people couldn’t grow up with all of the pollution that was in the air because the wouldn’t be able to breath. Back

28 The Energy Crisis caused the prices to go up more than what was expected. The Carter administration instituted price controls resulting in long gas lines at gas stations.

29 I am the Governor of Maryland, and I say only an even numbered license plate can get gas on an even numbered day, and only an odd numbered license plate can get gas on an odd numbered day. Back

30 In 1979, the second energy crisis occurred in the wake of the Iranian revolution. Protests broke the Iranian oil sector. Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations increased their production to offset the decline. The total production loss was about 4%.


32 B. 1999 What year did the hostage situation happen? A. 1998 C. 1979 D. 1978

33 Back



36 A. Clean Air Act B.Clean Water Act C. Negotiating Act D. EPA Act

37 A. It prevented people from eating and wasting grass B. It made restrictions of using too much gas or oil C. It lowered the price of oil products D. It lowered the price of oil E. All Of The Above except for A Back







44 Exhibit of EPA And The Clean Air Act This exhibit was donated By: Eli Amzallag back



47 Oil Crisis, Energy Crisis and HostageCrisis This exhibit was donated By: Murray Maleh back


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