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June 2013 Symposium Debbie Robinson
F-CAP Flagship-Chinese Acquisition Pipeline The K-12 Language Flagship Seal of Proficiency June 2013 Symposium Debbie Robinson Good morning everyone! My name is Debbie Robinson, and I am so happy to be here at the second annual meeting of the F-CAP consortium representing the Defense Language and National Security Education Office. As the K-12 Strategist and consultant to The Language Flagship, one of our office’s programs, I’d like to share some general information about how your tax dollars are spent in support of language education and showcase some specific efforts in the K-12 arena.
Case in Point DOD Language Needs
Of 3.3 million personnel, only 8% with reported language skills Over half of those Spanish speakers @37,000 positions with specific language requirements 81% filled, but only 28% at required level of proficiency About a year ago, Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaii convened a hearing on “A National Security Crisis: Foreign Language Capabilities in the Federal Government.” Invited testimony from DOD, State Department, FBI and ODNI, as well as American Councils, IIE, teachers and students. What came out of that was a reiteration that to build a future workforce can only be accomplished by collaboration, partnerships across the Nation, and engagement with our Nation’s schools, colleges and universities, industry, and research centers to foster a new generation of skilled individuals, from which DoD and other Federal agencies can recruit a national security workforce.”
Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) Core Programs
STUDENTS INSTITUTIONS PROFESSIONALS David L. Boren Scholarships The Language Flagship Language Training Centers David L. Boren Fellowships Project Global Officer National Language Service Corps English for Heritage Language Speakers Pilot Flagship/ROTC Initiative African Language Initiative To help address these needs, the DLNSEO manages a numbers of programs for students, institutions, and professionals, including The Language Flagship. I’ll mention some of the others a bit later to highlight funding sources for university students and support beyond FS for K-12 learning opportunities .
Provide necessary resources, accountability, and flexibility to meet U.S. national security education needs; Increase quantity, diversity, and quality of teaching and learning in foreign language and other international fields critical to the nation’s interests; Produce an increased pool of applicants for work in departments and agencies of the U.S. government with national security responsibilities;
Expand, in conjunction with other federal programs, the international experience, knowledge base, and perspectives on which the U.S. citizenry, government employees, and leaders rely; and Permit the federal government to advocate the cause of international education.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Goal: To create a pool of college graduates from all majors with professional proficiency (ILR Level 3, ACTFL Superior) in critical languages to create the next generation of global professionals, and to change the expectations for foreign language learning. Reconfiguring undergraduate programs and interventions to develop higher proficiency Pathways for all students; no prior language experience necessary Articulation of domestic curriculum and overseas program elements (intensive language, direct enrollment courses, internship) Read goal, then go to next slide to introduce audience to how we talk about proficiency. Then come back and explain the program. After language courses, content in the language, such as introduction to social or hard sciences. This in combination with tutorials and social activities on campus with native speakers and innovative uses of technology. For example: Once a week hour-long Skypeing between U. Georgia Portuguese learners and San Paolo students of English to chat, give feedback on writing. Although FS takes true novices, I think everyone in this room understands the benefits of students entering a Language Flagship with useable proficiency, especially given that students carry a heavy language and domain-specific course load. Standards of advanced proficiency in speaking plus one other modality for admission to overseas programs that include direct enrollment in a foreign university and an internship in a company or NGO. Students receive Flagship Certification with superior proficiency in speaking plus program completion and graduation.
Proficiency Scales
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Arabic Chinese Hindi Urdu Korean Persian
Michigan State University University of Arizona University of Maryland University of Oklahoma University of Texas, Austin Alexandria University, Egypt* Chinese Arizona State University Brigham Young University Hunter College Indiana University San Francisco State University University of Mississippi University of Oregon University of Rhode Island Western Kentucky University Nanjing University, China* Tianjin Normal University, China* Fall 2013 Hindi Urdu University of Texas, Austin Jaipur Hindi Flagship Center, India* Lucknow Urdu Flagship Center, India* Korean University of Hawaii, Manoa Korea University, Korea* Persian University of Maryland Ankara, Turkey* Portuguese University of Georgia, Athens Sao Paulo State University, Brazil* Russian Bryn Mawr College Portland State University University of California, Los Angeles University of Wisconsin, Madison St. Petersburg State University, Russia* Swahili Indiana University State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania* Turkish Ankara, Turkey* Pilot Flagship/ROTC Centers Arizona State University Georgia Institute of Technology North Georgia State College and University So, you may be curious to know if there is an institution near you! As you can see, there are 22 universities and 9 overseas language centers across 10 languages involved in the FS enterprise.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Flagship Language 2010 UG Enrollment
Arabic 269 235 182 Chinese 289 387 434 Hindi Urdu 32 24 22 Korean 31 29 37 Persian 30 18 14 Portuguese 16 55 Russian 82 118 128 Swahili 8 9 Turkish 7 733 835 888 Other learners may be in courses, but have not registered as being a FS student. * Enrollments are based on registered students, additional students may participate in courses but are not fully registered
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP You can see the growth from 64 learners overseas in to 124 learners this year into next.
*Figures Include Projected Spring 2014 Overseas Enrollments
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Projected 2014 spring enrollments include all of the critical languages. This unique opportunity to develop professional level language in a discipline does not come cheaply. You might be wondering how families can afford the extra burden of overseas direct university enrollment and internships on top of tuition, room, and board. *Figures Include Projected Spring 2014 Overseas Enrollments
Student Support Maximum Flagship student support is now capped at $20,000 ($15,000 maximum for capstone overseas) Additional support from DLNSEO/NSEP comes with service: Boren Scholarships or participation in ROTC ROTC Scholarships: Air Force issued first six Language Flagship Scholarships. Army recently developed guidance on Language Flagship scholarships Flagship institutions need to partner with private sector for additional scholarships and internships Read slide this is a maximum, not a guarantee.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP How likely are FS scholars to score one of these scholarships? The odds are pretty good as you can see!
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Universities also pony up support to the tune of over three million dollars. Additional funds come from other sources, such as Gilman and FLAS.
Data and Results Flagship Model relies on data for constant feedback and improvement. Flagship reports results to Congress, the National Security Education Board, and the public. So, are we, the taxpayers, getting our money’s worth? Let’s take a quick look at some results.
Proficiency To earn FS certification, students must reach 3 on the ILR or Superior on the ACTFL scale.
Undergraduate Results
72% of Boren/Flagship undergraduates tested to date reached or exceeded ILR 3/Superior on oral proficiency test; 60% reached or exceeded ILR 3/Superior in reading Academic Year Flagship Overseas Cohort: 66% reached Advanced-High or higher scores on ACTFL speaking (OPI); 32.5% reached Superior/3 for Flagship Certification
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Learners need to reach superior in speaking.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP They also need to reach superior in at least one additional skill area. Remember that a 3 or above means superior.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP Here are the data for reading.
Why am I bothering to show you these data? Think how many more learners we could certify at superior if they entered a FS institution with useable language proficiency out of K-12! That’s where the K-12 language flagship comes in! Of course we still consider those students in the Advanced range to be successes as well.
Overall Goal UG > Global Professionals, Superior HS programs > Advanced MS programs > Solid Intermediate Elementary programs > Dual Literacy With learners who begin in kindergarten and graduate with solid intermediate or Advanced proficiency, the task of reaching superior while majoring in a discipline would be much less daunting. Over the course of these next two days, you’ll learn how both the immersion and early and late start secondary tracts help learners do just that.
Short & Long-Term K-12 Investment Strategy
(Our mission is to develop a strategy for the Language Flagship to impact FL capacity at the K-12 level with the overall goal of graduating global professionals with superior language proficiency in a discipline from university.) Short term, we want to create a pool of HS graduates with demonstrated proficiency who are ready for FS. Most Flagships have an admissions requirement of Advanced-Low. The long-term goal is investing in K-12 to impact how languages are learned and taught.
Leveraging Partnerships
SEAs Universities LEAs ACTFL DoDEA LRCs AATs NSLI-Y STARTALK K-16, we are partnering, whenever possible, with like-minded initiatives and organizations, such as STARTALK, ACTFL, LRCs, and state and district supervisors to increase our nation’s critical language capacity. For example, our sister NSLI initiative, STARTALK, holds summer language and professional development programs, in many of the same universities as our FS programs, often directed by the very same players. FS funding can extend and augment these short-term offerings. In fact, based on survey data from earlier this year, many FSs cite recruitment of learners who have had STARTALK or NSLI-Y experiences.
THE LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP As with the University FSs which Dana will talk more about later, The K-12 Language Flagship is seeking to effect systemic change on how languages are taught and learned. While all FSs cannot address all aspects of the system all of the time, we are forging ahead to develop exemplary programs. Let me highlight a few of them for you.
MSU Secondary Arabic Curriculum Project
Created 32 standards-based thematic units for secondary learners. Now developing a third level with 16 additional units. 75 teachers in 17 states have received professional development on the curriculum to date. 60 learners through Level 2 in three locations assessed this May on AAPPL. Possible cooperation with College Board on introducing AP Arabic is latest development. The curriculum includes audio and video files as well as performance-based activities and assessments. All of the materials will soon be digitized for easy access by any school that wishes to begin an Arabic program. (This year, there were 1800 students in Level 1.)
Portland Public Schools
Serving over 1200 students in elementary through high school dual-language immersion and articulated middle and high school programs (3 elementary, 3 MS, 3 HS sites) Dual-language immersion program fully integrates age-appropriate assessment to yield results (e.g., 87% of 8th graders I-M or higher; 25% HS grads at A-L or above ) High school programs articulate with University of Oregon Chinese Flagship program. 21 PPS grads to date in U. of O. Chinese Language FS program. Developing modules in Chinese in humanities and health fields for use in high school programs across the country. Started in Sept. 1998, PPS’s program had a great track record already when FS funding began in 2006. Resources from FS have enabled the elementary immersion program to increase to two K classes each year; helps supports 8th graders during their two-week research residency in China, and provides funds for PD focused on curriculum, articulation, and assessment. U. Of O has been instrumental in helping teachers develop a Chinese language arts scope and sequence based on assessment results. Data discussions drive the project and have resulted in 11 PPS immersion students thus far matriculating into advanced content courses at the U. of O.
Portland Public Schools/U. of Oregon K-16 Chinese Language Flagship
Nation's first K-16 Chinese Language Flagship Program. Replication model for other schools. But with funding came a daunting charge: To establish the nation's first K-16 Chinese Language Flagship program that not only graduates students who are professionally proficient in Mandarin (at the Superior level) but also provides a model for replication by other schools. photos: 1) Kindergarteners in the Mandarin Immersion Program (MIP) working on a math assignment (June 2012) and 2) MIP 8th graders on their China Research Residency interviewing a Suzhou, China local on a field study (April 2012). This incubated, proven model informs the work of our second project, the F-CAP consortium.
Flagship – Chinese Acquisition Pipeline (F-CAP)
Consortium managed by BYU and the State Education Office of Utah reaching state and local educational agencies and Flagship institutions across 19 states (critical mass of 15K elementary-high school learners in ). Promoting dual-language Chinese immersion at the elementary level (now through fourth grade in Utah) and articulated Chinese language and content learning at the middle- and high-school levels. The consortium includes six FSs (BYU, ASU, Hunter, and the Us of MS, OR, and RI); five state departments of education (DE, GA, KY, OK, and SC); and districts in 19 states (AZ, CA, DE, GA, ID, IL, KY, MI, MS, NY, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, WY) > Critical mass of K-12 learners (15,000 learners)
F-CAP “Chinese in a box” with detailed unit
and lesson plans, professional development, and materials. Piloting AAPPL proficiency assessments for high school students studying Chinese at levels 2 (video chat only), 3, and 4 (complete battery) state-wide in Utah and South Carolina, and within several local education agencies across the U.S. “Chinese in a Box,” that enables districts to implement programs knowing what human and material resources are needed: Detailed lesson plans Proficiency targets AAPPL and BYU assessments (State Superintendent Larry Shumway.) Assessment results will enable us to know if learners are on track to meet proficiency targets.
Time to Proficiency How many of you looked through one of the airplane magazines on your way to this meeting? Did anyone see an ad for language learning kits? If so, what did the ad promise? (With just 10 minutes a day, you’ll be proficiency in NO time!) NOT! It takes 24 weeks in small classes of intensive language learning hours a day) for highly motivated learners to reach between the advanced-mid and Superior levels. 44 for green and 86 for gold What if we could send more high school graduates with demonstrated proficiency to Language Flagships? Our short and long-term strategies of graduating high school learners with useable proficiency will allow us to do just that. But how do we conquer the age-old problem of postsecondary faculty and program coordinators perceptions that learners coming out of K-12 programs don’t know anything and need to “start over.”
Gold Silver Bronze Seal of Proficiency At least Advanced-Low
At least Intermediate-High Bronze At least Intermediate-Mid We are in the process of developing a seal of proficiency for Learners coming out of K-12 with to certify their useable language skills. And, while university FS students need to reach superior in speaking and just one other skill, the seal of proficiency can only be earned by demonstrating proficiency across all skills. This is critical, for accessing information about a discipline through listening and reading are necessary skills to succeed in the university FS program.
DRAFT Process Learners collect evidence (3) across the modes of communication aligned to Can-Do statements. Learners take (an) external assessment(s) across the modes of communication. For bronze, teacher sign-off. For silver and gold, sent to (3) raters at Language Flagships for certification.
Hopefully coming soon—the dossier build-out of LFO!
While we have not ironed out all the kinks in the process or obtained the funds yet to build out the dossier, you all have access to LFO through this consortium. See Gregg Roberts if your learners need access. Even without the online dossier add-on, learners who are ready to seek the seal can put their evidence in a folder. We’d like to pilot with anyone who is ready.
The Language Flagship K-12 Linkages Funds
Elements of Flagship K-12 Strategy and Activity Across Our 26 Programs Advocacy and Communication; Articulation; Assessment; Connections, Partnerships, and Relationship-building; Curriculum/Materials/Resources; Pedagogy; Professional Development; and Recruitment and Retention. Beyond our three K-12 focused FSs, most of the campuses developK-12 linkages Three concrete outcomes have been language learning and professional development opportunities for pre-collegiate students and teachers and joint materials or curriculum development initiatives.
Sample K-12 Initiatives UHI Korean Language Flagship Center
After school, summer, and online courses for pre-collegiate learners and professional development for teachers UW-Madison Russian Language Flagship Summer intensive language learning for underserved high school youth and year-long collaboration with teachers UT-Austin Arabic Language Flagship First-ever statewide professional development workshop for Arabic teachers Ole Miss Chinese Language Flagship Support and professional development for building secondary program; dual-enrollment options for learners for Chinese 3 and 4. For the past few summers, the Korean Language Flagship in Hawaii has offered summer intensive language programs for HS learners. This summer as last, the Russian language FS at the U. of WI will offer an intensive summer workshop for underserved youth from Chicago and will include a NJ school this summer. The Pushkin Institute combines four hours of Russian a day with readings and discussions on Russia’s most famous poet in English. Writing workshops, college life. Just a few weeks ago, we learned that a second high school in Oxford MS would be starting a Chinese program with FS help.
Sample K-12 Initiatives Portland State University-Portland Public Schools Russian Immersion Language Arts Scope and Sequence Hunter College Chinese online learning modules for beginning and intermediate secondary learners University of Georgia Linkages Brazil-U.S. for K-12 learners (forthcoming!) Portland State University collaborated with Portland Public Schools on a forms and functions document for use in the K-5 Russian immersion program. Stay tuned for information on linking our Portguese learners here in the states with English language learners near San Paola. UG and others in the SE, plus schools in the Utah consortium and beyond are eligible. While part of the motive may be recruitment to the various campuses, Many enduring products and memories have been made through FS funding.
Strategic Foreign Languages Expansion Program (S-FLEP)
Long sequence, articulated K-12 programs; 50/50 dual immersion; secondary content-based or subject-matter language learning; Incorporate technology; don’t supplant teacher/student interaction; Support AP or Higher Ed. Courses for HS learners; Lastly, I’d like to showcase one of our other DLNSEO initiatives. USDOE funding for language education has disappeared , but The DoD’s S-FLEP aspires to expand, strengthen and coordinate strategic foreign language programs for military dependent students at all levels, K-12, and to ease the challenges of transitions and relocation for military dependent students. The goal is to build a collaborative, outcomes-based curriculum across language programs nationally, designed to improve access to foreign language learning. Grant awards may be used for areas listed on this screen and the next. READ this if running out of time. If time, go to next slide. There were six awards made this first round: WA state: N. Kitsap SC: Beaufort CO TX: Fort Sam Houston KS: Geary CO. CA: San Diego Unified VA: Virginia Beach
Increase/institute HS graduation requirements;
S-FLEP, continued Increase/institute HS graduation requirements; Professional development ; Student assessment; and Program and curriculum evaluation. Each award of 100K to 350K is based on the # of military dependent children served. Districts must have at least five percent and individual schools at least 30 percent, but the programs put in place must serve all children. The grants, which run from June 15, 2012 – August 31, 2015 fund the teaching of commonly taught languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese, but competitive priority points are awarded to projects that support the teaching and learning of strategic languages and cultures, such as Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu.
22 military installations, 27 schools
Impact Thus Far 22 military installations, 27 schools 8,200 military-connected students 24,900 total students Languages include Chinese, Spanish, and German. Because of the sequester, the RFP has yet to be released, so the status for this next school year is unclear.
Current Schools & Programs
Beaufort, SC 476 total student population 24.7% military-dependent students Language: Chinese Bridges their current gap: Middle School (Grades 5-8). The feeder elementary (K-4) school has a Chinese language program, as does the high school. Fort Sam Houston, TX 836 students impacted 97.37% military-dependent students Language: Spanish K-5 program that meets 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes USE only if time
Current Schools & Programs
Geary County, KS 217 total student population 70% military-dependent students Language: Spanish Bridges their current gap: K-5. This elementary school feeds into Spanish language programs in both middle and high school. North Kitsap, WA 2,400 students impacted 27% military-dependent students Improves their K-5 Dual Language program, and increases their middle and high school offerings. Also, adding an AP Spanish class.
Current Schools & Programs
San Diego, CA 742 total student population 53.4% military-dependent students Language: Chinese & German K-4. Hired Chinese & German teachers & two student interns from Germany. The Chinese elementary program feeds into already standing Chinese middle & high school programs. Virginia Beach, VA 16,006 students impacted 33% military-dependent students Language: Chinese Focus is on Grades 6-12, leveraging successful STARTALK Summer Program (elementary aged kids) to launch language instruction at the middle and high school levels.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for your interest in our programs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or suggestions. Enjoy the rest of the symposium!
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