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Helpful Resources for Families of CYSHCN Presented by Diana Autin, Executive Co-Director Statewide Parent Advocacy Network & National Field Co-Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Helpful Resources for Families of CYSHCN Presented by Diana Autin, Executive Co-Director Statewide Parent Advocacy Network & National Field Co-Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helpful Resources for Families of CYSHCN Presented by Diana Autin, Executive Co-Director Statewide Parent Advocacy Network & National Field Co-Coordinator Family Voices NJ’s PTI Family Voices & F2F HIC Parent to Parent FFCMH Chapter

2 Helpful Resources: EI & Education Parent Training & Information Center –Every state has at least one PTI funded by US Department of Education to provide early intervention & special education information & training to parents of infants, toddlers, children & youth with disabilities birth to 26 –Go to www.parentcenternetwork for each state’s PTI www.parentcenternetwork

3 Helpful Resources: Health & Mental Health Family Voices –Every state has at least one FV State Affiliate Organization or Network member to help families advocate for effective health care & other services for children with special healthcare needs –Go to http://www.familyvoices. org/states to locate the Family Voices contact in your state http://www.familyvoices. org/states

4 Helpful Resources: Health & Mental Health Family to Family Health Information Center –There is an F2F HIC in every state –Go to tates to find the one nearest you tates –Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act authorizes F2F HICs for the next two years

5 Helpful Resources: Mental health Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health –There is at least one state organization &/or chapter in every state –Go to state-organizations/ state-organizations/

6 Helpful Resources Parent to Parent –Almost every state has a statewide parent to parent program connecting families for emotional support & info on resources –Go to to find your P2P program

7 Helpful Resources University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities –Every state has a UCEDD to provide info & professional development on developmental disabilities –Go to rectory/directory.cfm? program=UCEDD for the one nearest you rectory/directory.cfm? program=UCEDD

8 Helpful Resources Councils on Developmental Disabilities –Every state has a CDD funded through DD Act to engage in advocacy, capacity building and systemic change activities through the life span –Go to ges/councils.htm to find your state CDD ges/councils.htm

9 Helpful Resources: Legal representation Disability Rights/Protection & Advocacy Agency –Every state has a P&A funded through DD Act to advocate & provide legal representation for people with disabilities of all ages –Go to to find your state P&A

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