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February 2006 F. Nachira European Commission DG-INFSO - Unit “ICT for Enterprise Networking” “Technologies for Digital Ecosystems“ F. Nachira European.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2006 F. Nachira European Commission DG-INFSO - Unit “ICT for Enterprise Networking” “Technologies for Digital Ecosystems“ F. Nachira European."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2006 F. Nachira European Commission DG-INFSO - Unit “ICT for Enterprise Networking” “Technologies for Digital Ecosystems“ F. Nachira European Commission DG-INFSO - Unit “ICT for Enterprise Networking” “Technologies for Digital Ecosystems“ Innovation Ecosystem Initiative The roadmap 2nd DE cluster meeting Bruxelles, 10 January 2006

2 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 2 DE Roadmap - past Until 2002 - go-digital - SMEs take up actions Sep 2002 - Discussion Paper End 2002 - Cycle of Workshops

3 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 3 Digital Business Ecosystem (Innov.Ecosys) Technological + socio-economic aspects open-source, public, distributed pervasive environment - spontaneous evolution, adaptation and composition of services, sw, business models, digital content, knowledge, …

4 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 4 DE Roadmap - past Until 2002 - go-digital - SMEs take up actions Sep 2002 - Discussion Paper End 2002 - Cycle of Workshops Nov 2003 - Start 1st DE project, DBE Apr 2005 - Cycle of Workshops - re-tuning DE concept June 2005 - Position paper - Research vision 2010

5 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 5 Knowledge Economy Research areas (from position paper) Business Ecosystems and Regional Economies Social Science Business models, Formalised Basic Models and Services Execution environment “life support structure” Digital Ecosystem Open-source service- and knowldege-oriented infrastructure Networking technologies ICT Infrastructure Research areas Semantics of services Syntax of economic behaviour Rules ( and Regulatory Framework Formalisation of Knowledge (Languages) Innovative Ecosystem

6 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 6 DE Roadmap Until 2002 - go-digital - SMEs take up actions Sep 2002 - Discussion Paper End 2002 - Cycle of Workshops Nov 2003 - Start 1st DE project, DBE Apr 2005 - Cycle of Workshops - re-tuning DE concept June 2005 - Position paper - Research vision 2010 July 2005 - Int’l Summer School - EU biz ecosystems Nov 2005 - WSIS - Int’l interest for EU models

7 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 7

8 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 8 DE Roadmap Until 2002 - go-digital - SMEs take up actions Sep 2002 - Discussion Paper End 2002 - Cycle of Workshops Nov 2003 - Start 1st DE project, DBE Apr 2005 - Cycle of Workshops - re-tuning DE concept June 2005 - Position paper - Research vision 2010 July 2005 - Int’l Summer School - EU biz ecosystems Nov 2005 - WSIS - Int’l interest for EU models Feb 2006 - 2nd DE cluster - Launch of Innovation Ecosystem Initiative

9 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 9 DE Roadmap : Feb -> May 06 Feb-May : Multi-stakeholder open consultation process for the Innovation Ecosystem Initiative Defining future innovation and research initiatives in digital ecosystems and priorities (FP7) strategy and instruments for a pan-European deployment and mechanisms for local self-sustainability (CIP; structural funds, nat ’ l initiatives) roadmap for technical development (needs, … ) structures and the bodies needed for the sustainability of the local/regional digital business ecosystems, the global technical interoperability of the technical infrastructure, the definition of a “ bill of rights ” : the “ constitutional ” ethical rules and the obligations, of the digital ecosystems the legal framework

10 EC - Directorate-General Information Society and Media Unit D5 : ICT for Enterprise NEtworking F.NachiraBruxelles - January 2006 10 DE Roadmap - future June 2006 - Stakeholder position paper (process keep going) Sept 2006 - Staff working paper on Innovation Ecosystems Oct 2006 - DBE conference Oct 2006 - First governance structures Dec 2005 - FP7 - call 1 CIP, struct.funds, nat’l actions, open source, market, …

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