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Green Economy in EU: Policy and Case Studies Niccolò Lombardi Project Manager, KnowlEdge Srl Astana, 13/11/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Economy in EU: Policy and Case Studies Niccolò Lombardi Project Manager, KnowlEdge Srl Astana, 13/11/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Economy in EU: Policy and Case Studies Niccolò Lombardi Project Manager, KnowlEdge Srl Astana, 13/11/2013

2 Contents 1.Introduction 2.GE Policy in EU 3.Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 4.GHG Emissions and Air Pollution 5.Waste 6.Water 7.Sustainable Production and Consumption 8.Biodiversity 9.Conclusion

3 1. Introduction Green economy policies have the overall objective of creating the enabling conditions for a shift to more sustainable production and consumption patterns.

4 1. Introduction Key objectives of public green policies include, among others: Leveling the playing field for greener products by phasing out antiquated subsidies. Reforming policies and providing new incentives. Strengthening market infrastructure and market- based mechanisms. Redirecting public investment. Greening public procurement.

5 1. Introduction. Four main ways for governments to influence behavior and shape future trends : Investments Incentives and Disincentives Public Targets Mandated by Law Social Interventions

6 2. GE Policy in EU. General ObjectivesSpecific TargetsPolicy Instruments

7 2. GE Policy in EU. Non-binding objectives Goals set out in Commission communications, environmental action programmes and European Council Presidency conclusions, as well as those incorporated into EU legislation. Binding targets Binding goals established by EU legislation (regulations, directives and decisions) and international legislation that Member States and the EU are required to achieve. Source: EEA, 2013

8 2. GE Policy in EU Source: EEA, 2013 Non-binding Objectives

9 2. GE Policy in EU Source: EEA, 2013 Binding Targets

10 3. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 20 % increase in energy efficiency by 2020. 20% of EU energy consumption produced from renewable resources (Binding). Key objectives and targets

11 3. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policy Example: KfW Energy-Efficient Construction and Refurbishment Programme - Germany Impacts: 360,000 housing units reached 370,000 jobs created Energy savings of 2,200 Gigawatt Source: CA-EED, 2013

12 4. GHG Emissions and Air Pollution Reduction in total EU greenhouse gas emissions (including both energy and non-energy related sources) from 1990 levels: 20% reduction by 2020 - Europe 2020 Strategy 40% reduction by 2030 – Roadmap for a Low Carbon Economy 80% reduction by 2050 - Resource efficient Europe flagship initiative Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution: Air pollutants reduction, compared to 2000 levels: Sulphur dioxide: 82 %; Nitrogen oxides: 60 %; Volatile organic compounds: 51 %; Ammonia: 27 %; Primary PM2.5 (59 %). Key general objectives

13 4. GHG Emissions and Air Pollution Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Reduction in CO2 emissions from the transport sector: 20% by 2030 compared to 2008 levels, and 60% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. Conventionally fuelled cars in cities: 50% reduction by 2030, and complete phasing out by 2050. Shift of road freight over 300 km to rail/waterborne transport: 30% by 2030 and 50% by 2050. Shift of the majority of long- and medium-distance passenger road transport to rail by 2050. 40% increase in use of low carbon fuels by airlines by 2050 40% reduction of carbon emissions from shipping by 2050, compared to 2005 levels. Key general objectives

14 4. GHG emissions and Air Pollution Fuel taxes, e.g. environmental taxes on fuels account for about 57% of total price of diesel in the Netherlands. Fee-bate, e.g. France bonus-malus system. Buy-back, e.g. 1,500€ scrappage incentive in Italy. EU Green Car Initiative, €5 billion plan through a Public-Private-Partnership to support innovation in the automotive sector. Policy Examples – Transport Fiscal Policies and Economic Instruments

15 5. Waste Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2020 objectives): Waste is managed as a resource Absolute decline of waste generated per capita High quality recycling Limit energy recovery to non-recyclable materials Virtually eliminate landfilling Eradicate illegal shipments of waste Key general objectives

16 5. Waste 19 Member States have a tax Taxes vary: €3 (BG) - €107.49 (NL) per tonne Policy Example – Pay-as-you-throw Taxes Source: EC, 2012

17 6. Water Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2020 objectives): Keep water abstraction below 20% of available renewable water resources. Alternative water supply options are only relied upon when all cheaper savings opportunities have been taken. The impacts of droughts and floods are minimised. Key general objectives

18 6. Water Water Law of 2006 imposes the equipment of volumetric metering devices, and defines the conditions under which users can abstract surface and groundwater resources. Regulations are also more stringent in some areas qualified nationally as suffering of chronic water shortage. Policy Example: Agriculture Water Pricing - France

19 7. Sustainable Production and Consumption Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2020 objectives): Phase out environmentally harmful subsidies and substantially increase the share of environmental taxes Food chain resource inputs should be cut by 20 % Disposal of edible food waste should be halved Market and policy incentives that reward business investments in efficiency are in place Economic growth and wellbeing is decoupled from resource inputs Key general objectives

20 7. Sustainable Production and Consumption Key Objective: phasing out of harmful subsidies and secure a sustainable fishing and aquaculture sector. 4.3 billion Euro over the 2007–2013 period. Main Impact: Construction and export of overcapacity to third countries – have now officially been removed. European Fisheries Fund (EFF)

21 8. Biodiversity EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: Achieve a significant and measurable improvement in the status of species and habitats covered by EU. Better protection/restoration of ecosystems and their services and greater use of green infrastructure. More sustainable agriculture and forestry. Better management of EU fish stocks. Tighter controls of invasive alien species. Greater EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss. Key general objectives

22 8. Biodiversity EU network of area of high biodiversity value. Payments for Natura 2000 management are provided for farmers and land owners that operate within sites in order to maintain the biodiversity and the good ecological status in these sites/areas. Policy Examples: Payments for Ecosystem Services - Natura 2000 Netwok

23 9. Conclusion GE policies: From objectives and targets to EU policy instruments and specific country-based initiatives. Different level of alignment with EU Policies across member states, largely depending on financial resource availability and R&D capacity. Upcoming: Launch of Horizon 2020 financing instrument in 2014  Will combine all EU innovation funding streams.

24 Thank you! For more information you can find me at:

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