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An ontology-based approach for enhancing public expenditure awareness in Greece M. VafopoulosM. Vafopoulos, M. Meimaris, A. Papantoniou, I. Anagnostopoulos,I.

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Presentation on theme: "An ontology-based approach for enhancing public expenditure awareness in Greece M. VafopoulosM. Vafopoulos, M. Meimaris, A. Papantoniou, I. Anagnostopoulos,I."— Presentation transcript:

1 An ontology-based approach for enhancing public expenditure awareness in Greece M. VafopoulosM. Vafopoulos, M. Meimaris, A. Papantoniou, I. Anagnostopoulos,I. Anagnostopoulos G. Alexiou, I. Avraam, I. Xidias, G. Vafeiadis and V. Loumos National Technical University of Athens Samos Summit on Open Data and Interoperability for Governance, Industry and Society 2-4/7/12

2 Outline ① our vision ② LOD in Greece ③ main questions ④ the Clarity program (“diavgeia”) ⑤ WHERE MY MONEY GOES App ⑥ ontology engineering ⑦ to the future 2

3 Our vision I Contribute to a solid & fertile information ground for: inter-creativity innovation 3

4 Our vision II bring together open spending fixmystreet --> is public spending effective? <-- can everyday problems provide input in spending decisions? 4

5 LOD in Greece: current status in its infancy – NO Apps yet 2-3 stars Open - not Linked very limited public awareness 5

6 Main questions o how can we initiate the virtuous cycle of creation? demonstrate LOD’s added value users & developers involvement o how to get the most out of data? local & global interconnections 6

7 Clarity program (“diavgeia”) o horizontal, huge, inspiring… o change in paradigm in GR Open Data o no validation rules o some incomplete & false entries o Open but not Linked 7

8 WHERE MY MONEY GOES in Greece the first LOD App in Greece (June 2012) daily updates open spending linked data, endpoint & visualizations 8

9 Checklist Ontology Basic visualizations SPARQL endpoint Interconnections Product classifications  Greek LOD (e-proc, geodata, dbpedia)  EU and US Demos & services  Public awareness - working with the media, hackathons, courses, theses 9

10 Ontology engineering ① basis o FOAF, Product Classifications (CPV) o UK payments ontology ② working on: o Core Business & Persons Vocabulary (EU) o Data Cube o Organization ontology o Dcatalog 10


12 Core Business Vocabulary

13 Core Person Vocabularies

14 Data Cube Skos:Concept has subClass

15 Organization ontology

16 Data Catalogue Skos:Concept has subClass

17 WHERE MY MONEY GOES ongoing use cases building a Greek business repository (ongoing) examining global interconnections (e.g. Open Corporates, CPA->NAICS) More on our demo Wednesday 12 pm 17

18 ? 18

19 references o 19

20 appendix 20

21 PS to WESO PSC relations

22 some last thoughts o first App on the Greek LOD o based on ontological modeling o Re-use of main vocabularies o co-operations & interconnections are in the top of our agenda o motivate people to be involved 22

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