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26 th meeting of the TERENA General Assembly St. Julian’s, 20 October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "26 th meeting of the TERENA General Assembly St. Julian’s, 20 October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 26 th meeting of the TERENA General Assembly St. Julian’s, 20 October 2006

2 1. Welcome and Apologies (1/2) Apologies have been received from: –Pierre Bruyère (BELNET) –Ole Kjærgaard (UNIC) –Dany Vandromme (RENATER) –John Boland and Michael Nowlan (HEAnet) –Kees Neggers and Boudewijn Nederkoorn (SURFnet) –Pedro Veiga (FCCN) –Arne Sundström and Hans Wallberg (SUNET) –Shirley Wood and Jeremy Sharp (UKERNA) –Johan Paardekooper and Graça Carvalho (Cisco) –Brian Carpenter and David Martin (IBM) –Jean-Marc Uzé and Eddie Minshull (Juniper) –Yves Poppe (Teleglobe)

3 1. Welcome and Apologies (2/2) Proxies: –Erik-Jan Bos represents SURFnet with proxy –René Buch represents SUNET with proxy –René Buch represents UNINETT with proxy –Sabine Jaume-Rajaonia represents UKERNA with proxy

4 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes and Action list The GA is asked to approve the agenda The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 25 th GA meeting (Catania, 18 May 2006)

5 4a. Admission of new members 4b. Changes in membership The GA is asked to note the resignation of the University of Belgrade as the National Member for Serbia and Montenegro. The GA is asked to admit the University of Belgrade as the National Member for Serbia, in category 2 with a membership fee of 0.6 units and 6 votes in the TERENA General Assembly. The GA is asked to admit MREN as the National Member for Montenegro, in category 1 with a membership fee of 0.3 units (with the usual phase- in discount for new National Members) and 3 votes in the TERENA General Assembly.

6 4c. Changes in representative Božo Krstajić (representative of MREN) and Dejan Abazović (substitute representative of MREN) ------- Vlado Pribolšan (substitute representative of CARNet)

7 4d. Outstanding membership fees organisationctrydebt 2004 debt 2005 debt 2006 total ANSTI/RNCRO19,316 MARNETMK1,461 3Com2,547 total23,324

8 5. Technical Programme

9 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2007 (1/5) Introduction: –2006: successful celebration of 20 th anniversary –2007: a year of looking-ahead, with the completion of the EARNEST study –Some of the trends that EARNEST may identify: Increasing importance of the local (campus) level of research networking (e.g. end-to-end services, authentication & authorisation) Increased attention for applications that need special network- related services (“big sciences”, but also e.g. arts & humanities, education, libraries, healthcare)

10 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2007 (2/5) TERENA’s mission and status: –(strategic vision:) TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative organisation –TERENA Secretariat in good shape Involved in fewer but bigger EU-funded projects, in particular GN2 –Financial status of TERENA satisfactory But strongly dependent on funding from GN2 project (ends in 2008)

11 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2007 (3/5) Highlights for 2007: –Need to raise awareness about research networking Support from national governments and EU cannot be taken for granted Positioning of research networks ↔ commercial ISPs Relation research networks ↔ network researchers –EARNEST results to be published in Q4 of 2007 Follow-up will involve strengthening ties with local (campus) networkers and with different kinds of users –PR can help in awareness raising Collaboration between TERENA and NRENs TERENA will implement its PR strategy

12 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2007 (4/5) Highlights for 2007 (cont.): –Digital Divide continues to require much attention To be addressed in EARNEST GN2/NA4 Development Support activity led by TERENA –Large number of specific events EuroCAMPs, CSIRT training courses, “NRENs and Grids” workshops, schools, arts & humanities, repositories –TF-VSS will try to solve the issues surrounding the creation of a Europe-wide videoconferencing service –TERENA as a clearinghouse for services such as Trusted Introducer and Server Certificate Service

13 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2007 (5/5) A few of the new things among the specific plans for 2007: –Completion of EARNEST –Adoption of new logo and house style in all TERENA communications –Book on the history of European research networking –Expanding GN2/NA4 Development Support activity –TF-VSS to complete attempt to solve issues in creating a pan-European videconference service –New, updated parts of GNRT to be published –Server Certificate Service to be continued on multi-annual basis –In collaboration with other bodies, try to get research networking higher on the European political agenda

14 7a. Projected outlook 2006 (kEUR)2005 result2006 budget2006 outlook INCOME contributions956948969 project income116718721356 other income411 TOTAL 212728212326 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-1387-1948-1456 Technical Programme-36-81-48 TOTAL-1423-2029-1504 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE704792822 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-429-459-548 other administrative costs-165-191-227 TOTAL-593-650-775 OPERATING RESULT11114247 interest received524058 financial expenses-120-28-20 TOTAL-671238 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE4315485 RESERVES AT YEAR START10281071 RESERVES AT YEAR END107112251156

15 7b. Contribution categories of National Members The GA is asked to decide that all TERENA National Members will be in the same membership category in 2007 as they were in 2006

16 7c. Proposed budget 2007 (1/2) (kEUR) 2006 budget2006 outlook2007 proposed budget INCOME contributions948969991 project income 187213562052 other income 111 TOTAL282123263044 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-1948-1456-2114 Technical Programme-81-48-58 TOTAL-2029-1504-2172 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE792822872 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-459-548-589 other administrative costs-191-227-256 TOTAL-650-775-845 OPERATING RESULT1424727 interest received405855 financial expenses-28-20-22 TOTAL123833 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE1548560 RESERVES AT YEAR START1071 1156 RESERVES AT YEAR END122511561216

17 7c. Budget 2007 and membership fees 2007 (2/2) The GA is asked –to set the membership fee unit for 2007 at 4,943 euro –to adopt the budget for the year 2007 as in document GA(06)021

18 8. Organisation of the Server Certificate Service (1/2) See detailed presentation by John Dyer in previous GA meeting ( ) Initially 8 Participating NRENs –ACOnet, CARNet, CESNET, UNIC, RENATER, SURFnet, RedIRIS, SWITCH –BELNET, UKERNA and UNINETT joined in Oct. 2006 Current contract expires 8 January 2007 –negotiations for 3-year extension are ongoing ( to be reported verbally )

19 8. Organisation of the Server Certificate Service (2/2) Following suggestion from SWITCH, the TEC plans to set up the organisational structure for SCS on the basis of the TI model: –Regular meetings of all Participating NRENs –Performance of SCS monitored by SCS Review Board: Three persons elected by the Participating NRENs Chairman of TF-EMC2 (ex officio) Representative of TERENA appointed by TEC

20 9. Discussion on budgets in 7 th Framework Programme

21 10. Presentation of the new TERENA logo

22 11. Conferences and Workshops

23 12. Liaisons

24 13. Secretariat Matters Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerChief Technical Officer Valentino CavalliDeputy Chief Technical Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer Cătălin MeiroşuProject Development Officer Guy Van Den BerghProject Development Officer Dick VisserIT Support Officer Christian GijtenbeekWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Joanne BarnettExternal Relations Officer Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator28/39 Carol de GrootPR & Conference Officer Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser / Project Management Assistant Aukje BakkerSecretary Esther Kleijne SnuverinkAssistant Bookkeeper16/39

25 14. Next meetings GA 27, Lyngby, 24 May 2007 –Hosted by UNIC –Immediately after TNC2007 –It is proposed not to continue on Friday morning, but to make this a long half-day meeting (afternoon / early evening) GA 28, ?? October 2007 –Again co-located with NREN PC meeting the previous day? –Consulting with NREN PC chair on suitable date and venue

26 15. Any Other Business and Close

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