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Bboogle: Bringing Blackboard and Google Apps Together For Collaborative Learning Brian Nielsen, Northwestern University With support from Jonathan Smith,

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Presentation on theme: "Bboogle: Bringing Blackboard and Google Apps Together For Collaborative Learning Brian Nielsen, Northwestern University With support from Jonathan Smith,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bboogle: Bringing Blackboard and Google Apps Together For Collaborative Learning Brian Nielsen, Northwestern University With support from Jonathan Smith, Patricia Goldweic, James Altman

2 Overview Google Apps for Education: a quick review Alternative models for learning Bboogle: integrating Bb and Google Apps What can one do with Bboogle?

3 What Is Google Apps for Education? Gmail Google Docs (docs, presentations, spreadsheets and forms) Google Calendar Google Sites Northwestern students have been using GAE since 2007 in Our “@u” domain

4 “Traditional” Model for Teaching

5 Today’s Model for Learning

6 What is Bboogle? A “connector” technology: Google Apps in Blackboard Learn An open source Building Block, available at Developed at Northwestern for Blackboard 8, 9, and 9.1 As open source, we are encouraging other developers/instructional technologists to join us in contributing to the future of Bboogle

7 What Does Bboogle Offer? 1 2 3 Google Bookmarklet 4 Single SignOn 5

8 But What Does Bboogle Do? Collaborative writing Group presentations Aggregating data collection and management Calendar overlays for coordination of personal and academic life Collaborative multimedia hypertexts – Google Sites

9 And, Importantly … Manages permissions and Creates Groups

10 A Class Project “The subject of this course is vast and in order to create an organized mental map of the people, places, concepts, and events we encounter, as a group we will collaborate to create a web-based encyclopedia that will both help you prepare for your midterm essay and final exam, and serve as a source for future reference.” -- Prof. Geraldo Cadava

11 Project Scenario 27 Students in a 10-week course A group of 2-3 students becomes “editor for the week” – Responsible for determining and assigning articles – Manage editorial review and style uniformity Remainder of students become author/ researchers, submitting 2-3 entries per week Weekly rotation of responsibilities

12 Demonstration

13 Google Site: Encyclopedia of Latin American History

14 Student Entry: Encyclopedia of Latin American History

15 Collecting Student Papers

16 Other Applications Data sharing Calendar coordination Sharing student writing Collaboration on group presentations etc., etc. For developers, work with the Google API

17 Thinking About Evaluation Students are engaged Instructors are pondering possible instructional activities/designs Many instructors need more assistance and support for Google Apps than for Bboogle Modeling other learning project scenarios will help promote adoption of Bboogle

18 Resources Project site: Meetings of Bboogle Community Developers/Users twice monthly via AdobeConnect session A listserv: email or to Test/demonstration accounts available through Northwestern University Video featuring Encyclopedia of Latin American History

19 Please provide feedback for this session by emailing The title of this session is: Bboogle: Bringing Blackboard and Google Apps Together For Collaborative Learning Presenter contact:

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