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GGBN 2012 MEETING TASK FORCE INTRODUCTION Katharine Barker GGBN Coordinator Smithsonian Institution.

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Presentation on theme: "GGBN 2012 MEETING TASK FORCE INTRODUCTION Katharine Barker GGBN Coordinator Smithsonian Institution."— Presentation transcript:

1 GGBN 2012 MEETING TASK FORCE INTRODUCTION Katharine Barker GGBN Coordinator Smithsonian Institution

2 GGBN Task Forces  Data Standards and Data Access for Genomic Samples  Policies and Practices Related to Management and Stewardship of Genomic Samples  Marketing and Outreach

3 Data Standards and Data AccessTask Force Program of Work  Develop a standard for sharing DNA and tissue information  Develop a global platform for aggregating relevant data sources of genomic samples, vouchers, molecular analysis, publications, and images

4 Main Outcomes  Identify collection gaps across the Tree of Life (TOL)  Members adapt standards for sharing DNA/tissues information  Member website (data portal)  Access to aggregated information on genomic samples, metadata, DNA, images, publications, etc.

5 Policies and Practices Task Force Program of Work  Define best practices and assist members towards achievement  Develop a values statement in support of member organizations' work on access and benefit sharing (ABS)

6 Main Outcomes  Members adapt policies and best practices guidelines

7 Marketing and Outreach Task Force Program of Work  Promote a shared vision for genome-level repositories and disseminate information to raise awareness of them

8 Main Outcomes  Information on member DNA and tissue holdings made publicly available  Increased interest and participation in the Global Genome Biodiversity Network

9 2012 Meeting Goals  Define user demands/function and services  Identify data and metadata standard  Develop directory  Develop best practices and ABS statement  Develop marketing and outreach strategy  Finalize five year work plans  Develop sustainment plan

10 Schedule Review  Friday  GGBN Use Case Presentations and Discussion  Task force working sessions (led by ISC liaisons)  DNA Bank Network capabilities/DFG discussion  Data Standards and Data Access plenary (metadata)  Group dinner  Saturday  Task force working sessions (led by ISC liaisons)  Marketing and Outreach plenary (strategy)  Policies and Practices plenary (best practices and ABS)  Field trip (NHM Denmark Cryo-facility)  Sunday  Plenary, led by ISC (Governance, membership, secretariat)  Five year workplans (finalize)  Closing discussion

11 Credits  Ornithologist Chris Milensky extracts a Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler from a mist net in the Foja Mtns. of New Guinea, image by  Juniperus phoenicea, image by Wojciech Przybylski and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons  Antilocapra americana, image by Kristopher Helgen  Eragrostis tef, image by Rasbak and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and EOL rapid response  Entomologist Ted Schultz collects ants by hand in Guyana, by Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo  Tissue sample prepared in a cryogenic tube, by Christina A. Gebhard  Passerina cyanea, image by Kevin Bolton and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons  Cryogenic tubes, courtesy of Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin  Biorepository Robot, image by Donald Hurlbert courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution  Tree of Life, modified from David M. Hillis, Derrick Zwickl, and Robin Gutell, University of Texas.  K. Schmidt preparing a bird specimen, image by Christina A. Gebhard, Personal Communication Div Birds  Chris Milensky extracts a Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler from a mist net in the Foja Mtns. of New Guinea, image by Christopher Milensky Personal Communication Div Birds  Chris Milensky demonstrates techniques for preparing a study skin of a hawk to members of an ornithology training class in Gabon, image by Christopher Milensky Personal Communication Div Birds  Ted Shultz collecting ants by hand, image by Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo  An intern pours liquid nitrogen into a container where tissue samples will be sorted, image by Azhar Husain  DNA Analysis, image by Chris Meyer  Biorepository-004_55, image by Donald Hurlbert courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution  Parallalb, image by and courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution  Suomi NPP Blue Marble, NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring  Mycale laxissima, image by Klaus Ruetzler  Centropyge flavissimus, image by Jeffrey T. Williams and courtesy of MooreaBiocodesPhotoStream  Phidippus mystaceus, image by Thomas Shahan and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 

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