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AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Services to support the update of the EMEP EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook.

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Presentation on theme: "AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Services to support the update of the EMEP EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Services to support the update of the EMEP EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook Reviewing the POPs Sections of the Guidebook POPs emissions workshop, May 16 2012 Bern, Switzerland Ole-Kenneth Nielsen Department of Environmental Science Aarhus University

2 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Outline ›POP aspects of the GB project ›Issues identified ›Fuel combustion ›Fugitive emissions ›Industrial processes ›Agriculture ›Waste

3 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 POP aspects of the GB project ›Included in task 2 (Review of consistency) ›Identification of: ›Missing EFs ›Inconsistencies ›General lack of information on HCB and PCBs ›Better coverage for PAHs and PCDD/F

4 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Fuel combustion (1) ›Review of 1A1 is not completed ›Some comments received during the TFEIP meeting, e.g. the PCDD/F EF for natural gas ›General lacking EFs of PCBs and to some degree HCB ›“Problem” with many different references across pollutants ›An attempt will be made to increase the completeness ›The GB chapter 1A2 in general only contains EFs of NO x, SO 2 and CO ›More comments on cement production later

5 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Fuel combustion (2) ›Small combustion ›Review underway ›Received background paper to the current chapter yesterday – might lead to changes in the conclusions regarding consistency

6 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Fugitive emissions ›For catalytic cracking regeneration a PCDD/F EF is proposed to be included ›For fluid coking units a PCDD/F EF is proposed to be included ›Inclusion of PAH EFs for flaring in refineries

7 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Industrial processes (1) ›Metal production (iron and steel & aluminium) ›Huge differences between PCDD/F and PAHs EFs for different technologies in iron and steel have to be further investigated ›The HCB EF for secondary aluminium production is identified as an outlier and needs further investigation ›A number of the EFs for PCBs and PCDD/F attributed to Theloke et al. (2008), however, the study only includes heavy metals ›Other metal production ›The EFs for PCBs shows significant inconsistences with a factor 1000 difference, this has to be further investigated

8 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Industrial processes (2) ›Update of the PCDD/F EF for cement production to follow the latest BREF document ›Proposal to update HCB and PCBs EFs for cement production based on reports by SINTEF and VDZ ›Some information available in the previous GB has not been implemented in the current GB ›If time allows this will be addressed

9 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Agriculture ›Implementation of speciated PAH data from the current reference ›Currently only total PAH EF is available (Incorrect!) ›New information regarding the EF for PCDD/F has been received through the TFEIP and will be evaluated

10 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Waste (1) ›Proposal to simplify the EF tables for clinical waste incineration ›Proposal to implement US EPA EFs for PAH, also to include HCB and PCBs based on US data ›New EFs proposed for municipal waste incineration based on Danish measurements ›For cremation it is proposed to update and complete the EFs by using US data ›Restructuring of small scale waste burning, this will mean EFs for the different PAHs will be implemented

11 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Waste (2) ›Correction of unit error to all EFs for accidental fires in the GB ›Correction of units and implementation of speciated PAH EFs for tobacco smoking (3D3)

12 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Future ›It should be prioritised to improve the information on POPs in the GB ›Identification of missing sources ›Improve completeness of the available EFs ›Better understanding of uncertainties ›Long way to go…

13 AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May 16 2012 Thank you for your attention Please send any comments/suggestions no later than June 3 2012 to

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