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By: Lucy Sincek & Jerome Stone  Born May 19, 1890  Born in Nghe Province in Vietnam  Nickname –Uncle Ho  His Father, Nguyen Sinh Huy was employed.

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2 By: Lucy Sincek & Jerome Stone


4  Born May 19, 1890  Born in Nghe Province in Vietnam  Nickname –Uncle Ho  His Father, Nguyen Sinh Huy was employed by the French. His father taught him to resist the French anyway he can.  His sister joined the French military to steal there supplies. (caught and sent to jail for life)  Ho Chi Minh died September 3, 1969

5  In 1917 he settled in Paris where he read the book Karl Marx and he became interested in communism.  While sailing he visited many other countries that were colonies of the French.  He saw they were also suffering from exploitation  A founding member of French Communist party

6  Like his father he was a school teacher.  After school teaching he became a sailor  Died in Hanoi, Vietnam

7  He established the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth Association  Also established the League of Oppressed Peoples of Asia  Founded the Indo-Chinese Communist party.  He founded the Viet Minh(a group of guerilla fighters)  Proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

8  After pushing the French back he was still forced to sign the Geneva Cease- fire Agreement  That agreement gave him half of Vietnam.  Unfortunately for him it was the poor half of Vietnam

9  Trying to get more food the country he tried to get the farmers to do a new agricultural there was a revolt from the lower classes  After the help from China and Russia Ho got more weapons for the Viet Minh. They also got economic aid.  The Viet Minh came up with a plan to infiltrate South Vietnam

10  During the whole war the Viet Minh used guerilla warfare tactics.  Ho Chi Minh left power before the end of the war


12 Ho Chi Minh. (2013). The Biography Channel website. Apr 11, 2013. “Ho Chi Minh.” Vietnam Gear. Website, 2005. April 11, 2013. McMillan, Peter. Spartacus. Ho Chi Minh. 2012. April 11,201. Rosenburg, Jennifer. About. Vietnam War. 2013. April 11,2013.

13  ho-chi-minh-vietnam ho-chi-minh-vietnam  s/2009/031509.htm s/2009/031509.htm  minh.html minh.html  chi-minh-city-vietnam.html chi-minh-city-vietnam.html

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