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Bullying and School Violence

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1 Bullying and School Violence
Teen Truth Bullying and School Violence

2 Appreciations ONLY “you have the power”

3 Livonia Bulldog Pledge
OUT TRIBES AGREEMENTS Mutual Respect Appreciations – No Put-Downs Attentive Listening Right to Pass We must all agree to uphold this pledge. Consequences for not following the pledge?

4 Why are we here? Livonia is a great place to be, but we can get better. OUR GOAL is to Look at Bullying and School Violence, leave here with a new perspective Change will happen through you, your voice, your experiences, your ideas We want to hear your voice, we need to hear your voice. YOU HAVE THE POWER Remember our Tribes Agreements

5 We ALL Live with Pressure
Who do you tell, who do you share your pressures with? If you’re not telling someone, what could happen? Someone wants to help you!

6 Truth What’s your truth, what are you dealing with?
Many of us wake up each day, scared to come to school, or wondering how we’re going to make it through the day. Who do you tell? What makes you Mad-Sad-Glad, Tell someone!

7 What’s your view on Bullying
Think of a Bullying Situation (Were you the Bully or victim?) What is Bullying to you? Why do you think people Bully? How does it make YOU feel? Why do you think the tragedy in Columbine happened?

8 TAKE A STAND, LEND A HAND 70 percent of teachers surveyed think that teachers “almost always” intervene in bullying incidents, but only 25 percent of students agreed. Teachers DO understand, even we remember the bad from our past. We may Forget the Good, but we REMEMBER THE BAD. We need your help, you have the power to make a change in Livonia Schools THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS, can change the world (Appreciations only – NO PUT-DOWNS)

9 Kids who bully… are excited by their bullying behavior.
enjoy feelings of power and control. lack compassion and empathy for their victims. enjoy causing pain and are calm and show little emotion. blame the victims. think that the innocent remarks or actions of others are meant to hurt them. Over sensitive to other people’s remarks. are usually average students. do not have low self-esteem. Usually very confident. usually have a small network of friends. are successful at hiding their bullying behavior. are excited by their victims' reactions such as fighting back. who are boys more often use physical force, insults, and threats. who are girls more often rely on social alienation and intimidation, such as excluding their victims, threatening them, or making them feel as if they don't belong.

10 A quick look at US How many of us have been:
Pushed, shoved, kicked, or otherwise physically attacked by another person Purposely excluding or ostracizing from a group Had rumors spread about you Been intimidated by someone Been teased about your body, intelligence, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other characteristic that upset you Been insulted or called names Received a threatening , phone call, or text Had cruel photos or information posted online We ARE BULLIED!

11 A quick look at US Now think, How many of us have:
Pushed, shoved, kicked, or otherwise physically attacked another person Purposely excluding or ostracizing someone Spread rumors or gossiped about someone Using words or actions to intimidate someone Teasing another person about his or her body, intelligence, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other characteristic that upset that person Insulted someone or called them names Made threatening phone calls or sent mean s or Texts Posted cruel pictures or messages about someone online Used someone else’s identity inappropriately in , instant messaging, or elsewhere online We are the BULLIES TOO!

12 Being Bullied 30 percent of teens report being involved in bullying, either as the bully, the target, or both. 15-25 percent of US students report they are bullied with some frequency. As many as 160,000 students stay home from school on any given day because of fear of bullies. Girls between the ages of 8 to 17 found that bullying was the top concern about safety. The girls reported they were most worried about being socially excluded. One in 12 high school students are threatened or injured with a weapon each year. THINK TO YOURSELF, HOW ACCURATE ARE THESE FACTS?

13 Being The Bully 15-20 percent of students report that they bully others with some frequency. ONCE AGAIN, HOW ACCURATE IS THIS DATA?

14 Remember, No one deserves to be treated with disrespect
IGNORE THE BULLY AND WALK AWAY Sometimes a bully will stop when he sees he can’t get to you. ACT CONFIDENT/USE HUMOR TO DEFLECT THE INSULTS This shows her you’re not intimidated, and bullies thrive on intimidating and frightening their targets because it makes them feel more powerful. CLEARLY TELL THE BULLY TO STOP Keep your voice low and controlled. Tell him exactly what you would like him to do: “I want you to stop calling me names.” Use “I statements,” not “you statements,” when talking to a bully. Say, “I don’t like it when you spread rumors about me,” not, “You’re a liar.” AVOID SITUATIONS THAT LEAD TO BULLYING If someone bullies you on the way to school, take a different route. If someone corners you in the hallway, ask a friend or classmate to walk with you. TELL SOMEONE WHAT IS HAPPENING This is NOT tattling or snitching—it is standing up for your right to be treated with respect. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor about your feelings. Expressing emotion is much better than keeping it bottled up. GIVE THE BULLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY GAVE YOU

15 TAKE A STAND, LEND A HAND What can you do when you see someone being bullied at school? Making your school a better place is EVERYONE’S job! You have the power to make Livonia the best place to be – this is YOUR COMMUNITY Take control of the situation, define the moment, don’t let it define you. THAT’S ALL THAT IT TAKES!!

16 TAKE A STAND, LEND A HAND What can I do?
Lots of things! Think about what may work for you: Don’t just stand there... Say something! People who bully may think they’re being funny or “cool.” If you feel safe, tell the person to stop the bullying behavior. Say you don’t like it and that it isn’t funny. DON’T BULLY BACK! It won’t help if you use mean names or actions. And it could make things worse.

17 TAKE A STAND, LEND A HAND But what if I don’t feel safe telling a bully to stop? That’s OK. No one should put himself or herself in an unsafe situation. How else can you lend a hand when bullying happens? Support the person with kind words, be a friend Persuade your friend to talk to an adult, Offer to help by going along. Address the bystanders! You Tell an adult


19 If you’re not making a difference, what are you doing?

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