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Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years
November 1, 2012
Key Findings What will be the three biggest challenges facing HR executives over the next 10 years? Retaining and rewarding the best employees (59%), developing the next generation of corporate leaders (52%), and creating a corporate culture that attracts the best employees to organizations (36%). What will be the biggest investment challenge for organizations over the next 10 years? About two-fifths (43%) of HR professionals indicated that obtaining human capital and optimizing human capital investments will be the biggest investment challenge. Which tactics will be the most effective in attracting, retaining and rewarding the best employees over the next 10 years? The top four responses were providing flexible work arrangements (40%); creating an organizational culture where trust, open communication and fairness are emphasized and demonstrated by leaders (37%); providing employees with opportunities for career advancement (26%); and offering a higher total rewards package than organizations that compete for the same talent (26%). How do HR Professionals expect the future workforce to evolve over the next 10 years? In terms of workforce size, the majority (69%) of HR professionals expect their organization to have a larger workforce in 10 years. Just over one-half (54%) indicate that their use of contract/temporary employees will not change, and 29% expect a growing proportion of contract/temporary employees. Nearly one-half (47%) indicate that over the next 10 years there will be a greater proportion of full-time employees, whereas the other half believe the workforce will stay the same (27%) or have more part-time employees (26%). Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Key Findings (continued)
Which HR competencies will be most critical 10 years from now? Over one-third of HR professionals think that the four most critical competencies in 10 years will be business acumen (42%), organizational leadership and navigation (40%), relationship management (37%), and communication (35%). What components (subcompetencies) of business acumen will be most critical in 10 years? HR professionals expect the top three components to be HR and organizational metrics/analytics/business indicators (45%), knowledge of business operations and logistics (41%), and strategic agility (41%). What bodies of knowledge do HR professionals rate as being the most important in 10 years? The four bodies of knowledge that were rated as most important were strategic business management, talent management, change management, and workforce planning and employment. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Challenges in HR Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, what do you think will be the three biggest challenges facing HR executives at your organization? Note: Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. Respondents who answered “don’t know” were excluded from this analysis. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Comparisons by organization sector
Over the next 10 years, what do you think will be the three biggest challenges facing HR executives at your organization? Comparisons by organization sector Publicly owned for-profit and privately owned for-profit organizations are more likely than nonprofit organizations to indicate that finding the right employees in the right markets where we do business around the world is one of the biggest challenges facing HR executives. Comparisons by organization sector Publicly owned for-profit (24%) Privately owned for-profit (19%) > Nonprofit (8%) Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, what do you think will be the biggest investment challenge facing organizations? Note: Percentages do not total 100% due to rounding. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Talent Management Tactics
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, which of the following tactics do you believe will be most effective in attracting, retaining and rewarding the best employees in your organization? Note: Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. An asterisk (*) indicates option was not included on 2010 survey. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Comparisons by organization sector
Over the next 10 years, which of the following tactics do you believe will be most effective in attracting, retaining and rewarding the best employees in your organization? Comparisons by organization sector Nonprofit organizations are more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations to indicate that creating an organizational culture where trust, open communication and fairness are emphasized and demonstrated by leaders is one of the most effective tactics in attracting, retaining and rewarding the best employees. Comparisons by organization sector Nonprofit (51%) > Privately owned for-profit (33%) Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Future Workforce Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect the size of your organization’s workforce to evolve?
Note: Respondents who answered “don’t know” were excluded from this analysis. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect the size of your organization’s workforce to evolve?
Comparisons by organization sector Privately owned for-profit organizations are more likely than nonprofit and government organizations to expect the size of their organization’s workforce to grow larger over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization sector Privately owned for-profit (80%) > Nonprofit (62%) Government (36%) Government organizations are more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations to expect the size of their organization’s workforce to get smaller over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization sector Government (39%) > Privately owned for-profit (11%) Nonprofit organizations are more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations to expect the size of their organization’s workforce to have no change over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization sector Nonprofit (23%) > Privately owned for-profit (10%) Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012 Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown.
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect your organization’s use of contract or temporary employees to evolve? Note: Respondents who answered “don’t know” were excluded from this analysis. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Comparisons by organization staff size
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect your organization’s use of contract or temporary employees to evolve? Comparisons by organization staff size Organizations with 25,000 or more employees are more likely than organizations with 1 to 2,499 employees to expect a growing proportion of contract or temporary employees over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization staff size 25,000 or more employees (57%) > 1 to 99 employees (25%) 100 to 499 employees (21%) 500 to 2,499 employees (29%) Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect your organization’s employment status to evolve?
Note: Respondents who answered “don’t know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Over the next 10 years, how do you expect your organization’s employment status to evolve?
Comparisons by organization staff size Organizations with 25,000 or more employees are more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to expect a growing proportion of regular part-time employees over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization staff size 25,000 or more employees (44%) > 1 to 99 employees (16%) Comparisons by organization sector Privately owned for-profit organizations are more likely than nonprofit and government organizations to expect a growing proportion of regular full-time employees over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization sector Privately owned for-profit (58%) > Nonprofit (38%) Government(21%) Government organizations are more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations to expect a growing proportion of regular part-time employees over the next 10 years. Comparisons by organization sector Government (50%) > Privately owned for-profit (21%) Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012 Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown.
HR Competencies Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Ten years from now, which of the following competencies do you see being most critical for the HR professional? Note: n = 472. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Ten years from now, which of the following competencies do you see being most critical for the HR professional? Comparisons by organization staff size Organizations with 2,500 or more employees are more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to see business acumen as being most critical for the HR professional 10 years from now. Comparisons by organization staff size 2,500 to 24,999 employees (56%) 25,000 or more employees (59%) > 1 to 99 employees (24%) Organizations with 100 to 499 employees are more likely than organizations with 2,500 to 24,999 employees to see HR technical expertise and practice as being most critical for the HR professional 10 years from now. Comparisons by organization staff size 100 to 499 employees (35%) > 2,500 to 24,999 employees (14%) Organizations with 2,500 to 24,999 employees are more likely than organizations with 100 to 499 employees to see global and cultural effectiveness as being most critical for the HR professional 10 years from now. Comparisons by organization staff size 2,500 to 24,999 employees (27%) > 100 to 499 employees (10%) Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Comparisons by organization sector
Ten years from now, which of the following competencies do you see being most critical for the HR professional? Comparisons by organization sector Publicly owned for-profit organizations are more likely than nonprofit organizations to see business acumen as being most critical for the HR professional 10 years from now. Comparisons by organization sector Publicly owned for-profit (57%) > Nonprofit (34%) Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012 Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown.
Ten years from now, when considering Business Acumen for HR professionals, which of the following components (i.e., subcompetencies) will be most critical? Note: n = 469. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Comparisons by organization staff size
Ten years from now, when considering Business Acumen for HR professionals, which of the following components (i.e., subcompetencies) will be most critical? Comparisons by organization staff size Organizations with 2,500 to 24,999 employees are more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to consider HR and organizational metrics/analytics/business indicators as being most critical for the HR professional 10 years from now. Comparisons by organization staff size 2,500 to 24,999 employees (57%) > 1 to 99 employees (34%) Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Rate the importance of these bodies of knowledge for HR professionals 10 years from now.
Body of Knowledge Average Rating (0 to 10) Strategic Business Management 8.8 Talent Management 8.6 Change Management 8.5 Workforce Planning and Employment Compensation and Benefits 8.3 Human Resource Development 8.2 Employee and Labor Relations 8.1 HR Technology 8.0 Risk Management 7.7 Global and International Human Resources 6.9 Note: n = 446. Respondents rated each body of knowledge on a scale from 0 (not important) to 10 (very important). Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Organization Demographics
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Demographics: Organization Industry
Percentage Professional, scientific and technical Services 20% Health care and social assistance 17% Manufacturing 16% Educational services 13% Finance and insurance 12% Accommodation and food services 7% Transportation and warehousing 6% Arts, entertainment and recreation 5% Government agencies Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services 4% Religious, grant-making, civic, professional and similar organizations Note: n = 461. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Demographics: Organization Industry (continued)
Percentage Retail trade 4% Construction 3% Information Real estate and rental and leasing Repair and maintenance Wholesale trade Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 2% Mining 1% Personal and laundry services Utilities Other 9% Note: n = 461. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Demographics: Organization Sector
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Demographics: Organization Staff Size
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Other Demographics Is your organization a single-unit organization or a multi-unit organization? Does your organization have U.S.-based operations (business units) only, or does it operate multinationally? Single-unit organization: An organization in which the location and the organization are one and the same. 28% Multi-unit organization: An organization that has more than one location. 72% U.S.-based operations only 71% Multinational operations 29% n = 470 n = 473 For multi-unit organizations, are HR policies and practices determined by the multi-unit headquarters, by each work location or by both? What is the HR department/function for which you responded for throughout this survey? Multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 51% Each work location determines HR policies and practices 3% A combination of both the work location and the multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 46% Corporate (companywide) 71% Business unit/division 17% Facility/location 12% n = 348 n = 347 Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years
Survey Methodology 2012 response rate = 17% 2010 response rate = 17% Sample composed of 487 (2012) and 449 (2010) randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership Margin of error +/-5% 2012 survey fielded September 14 to September 28, 2012 2010 survey fielded August 10 to August 23, 2010 Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years
About SHRM Research For more survey/poll findings, visit For more information about SHRM’s Customized Research Services, visit Follow us on Project leader: Tanya Mulvey, survey research analyst, SHRM Research Project contributors: Mark Schmit, Ph.D., SPHR, vice president, SHRM Research Evren Esen, manager, Survey Research Center, SHRM Research Alexander Alonso, Ph.D., SPHR, director, HR Thought Leadership Copy editor: Katya Scanlan, SHRM Knowledge Center Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years ©SHRM 2012
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