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AP Lang & Comp Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Week 2: TSL, HF, Narrative Mode Rhetorical Analysis Week 3.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Lang & Comp Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Week 2: TSL, HF, Narrative Mode Rhetorical Analysis Week 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Lang & Comp Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Week 2: TSL, HF, Narrative Mode Rhetorical Analysis Week 3

2 9/9-9/13 Rhetorical Analysis ObjectiveAssignmentsHW Mon TuesAnalyze narrative essays WU: Vocab Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Rhetorical Analysis Essay Tips Practice Scoring Read HF & prepare for seminar; Work on narrative essay WedDevelop WritingWU: Vocab Syntax Writer’s Workshop on narrative intros Read HF & prepare for seminar; Work on narrative essay ThursWrite an effective timed essay Quick Write: Narrative Rhetorical AnalysisRead HF & prepare for seminar; Work on narrative essay FriParticipate in a seminar HF Seminar *now with tea!* Turn in your Qs & As! RRead HF & prepare for seminar; Work on narrative essay Rhetorical Analysis Week 3

3 Rhetorical Terms colloquialismA word or phrase used in conversational or informal language but not in formal speech or formal writing. Fancy Words plethoraOverabundance; excess Note: pairs well with paucity: A plethora of advice and a paucity of assistance Rhetorical Analysis Week 3

4 Rhetorical Terms Coherencequality of a piece of writing in which all the parts contribute to the development of the central idea, theme, or organizing principle Fancy Words pretextsomething that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object Rhetorical Analysis Week 3

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