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090 00 0 1876543215 9 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Seating Instructions: 1)Please fill.

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Presentation on theme: "090 00 0 1876543215 9 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Seating Instructions: 1)Please fill."— Presentation transcript:

1 090 00 0 1876543215 9 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Seating Instructions: 1)Please fill in seats at tables starting in the front of the room 2)Complete seating at one table (5 seats) before starting a new table 3)Sit with people you don’t know, introduce yourself. You are all part of the network

2 Building the Alliance – A Regional Network Weaving Workshop Janne Flisrand, Flisrand Consulting Kristin Johnstad, Johnstad & Associates

3 Network weaving is the practice of: intentionally building effective relationships around a common issue area to accomplish a set of goals or build a movement.

4 Smart Networks: Most helpful in promoting collaboration & innovation

5 Why network weaving?

6 We need more involvement

7 Our networks are too homogeneous

8 Who is missing? ? ? ? ? ?

9 Listen deeply to Identify Resources and Needs

10 Close triangle with someone else

11 Close Triangles Lead education hazard prevention program staff You Both interested in the same thing One can help the other out Community gardener Innovation!

12 A Story of Using a Network Approach: Rebuilding Together and ESNCD

13 Reach Out – and give first

14 Small Projects build skills Large Projects for impact Building relationships and doing small things. It might not feel like we are doing something huge, but in doing small things together, we are building a network and strengthening the network Let’s practice with a GAME

15 Game Objective: Match needs and resources Needs: skills, capacities, relationships, or other assets Resources: skills, capacities, relationships, or other assets $ For example: Meeting space Contacts Video editing

16 Take a Moment What is a Resource you have to offer? What is a Need you have? Take a nametag from the table. Write 1.Your name 2.Your Resource 3.Your Need

17 Game Warm-Up – Meet your Team Quickly share 1.Name 2.Organization 3.Resource 4.Need Then: Find one match in your group.

18 Game Set-Up (It’s OK to redo the name-tag if you want.) Find your team worksheets (2) Write down your 5 resources and 5 needs Fill out BOTH worksheets Pick 2 people to stay, 3 people to roam – each group gets a copy of the worksheet (and a pen)

19 Game Objective: Match needs & resources 1 team point for each match A match counts if you plan to follow-up with the person after the Convening (Bonus: if you help others)

20 Ready to play?

21 090 00 5 876543215 4 104987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Play the game:

22 Ready, set, stop! Go back to your team’s table. Tally points – How many matches did you get? – What was the most surprising match? – What was the most practical match? – Did any other teams help you make a match? Write down the contact info for YOUR (personal) matches. We’re going to collect your sheets.

23 Let’s Debrief

24 What’s Next? Collecting worksheets for grant reporting If you had a need and found a resource it is YOUR job to follow up with the person who has the resource

25 Twosies build relationships Small Projects build skills Large Projects for impact Reflection Wrap-up: Twosies become energy centers

26 1993 2006 1000 50 Small projects Larger projects Tipping Point to Self-Organization & Innovation 0

27 Number One job of Network Weavers: help more people become Network Weavers …. unleashing the potential in us all

28 Catalyze and Support Others more! DO LESS ourselves!

29 We believe all Minnesotans should have the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live a long, healthy life, regardless of their income, education, or ethnic background. Everyone wants good health in order to be productive at work and to succeed in school, and to have affordable medical and housing costs. To make this opportunity a choice for all Minnesotans, we all have to do our part in creating and maintaining healthy homes and communities. Every person and every organization has a role to play, small or large. Thank you for playing your part in the network

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