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By: Jennifer Liem Internship: Textron Mentors: Randy Goebbert, Nathan Kimura, Ross Matoi.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jennifer Liem Internship: Textron Mentors: Randy Goebbert, Nathan Kimura, Ross Matoi."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jennifer Liem Internship: Textron Mentors: Randy Goebbert, Nathan Kimura, Ross Matoi

2  Introduction and key terms  Background information  Design  Implementation  Challenges  Final Results

3  Stabilized  High accuracy  Optical  Tracking  System ◦ A NAVSEA (Naval Sea Systems Command) telescope used to track satellites, missiles, and other celestial objects.






9  User Datagram Packets  Connectionless Protocol ◦ email instead of phone call  No error checking ◦ Faster data transmission ◦ Less bandwidth needed

10  G – Graphical  U –User  I - Interface An interface that allows the user to interact with the computer using a mouse.

11  Tool Command Language ◦ Easy string based scripting language  Toolkit ◦ Used with TCL to create the Graphical part of the user interface.  Platform independent. ◦ Build in Unix used in Windows

12  Build the GUI to given specifications.  Connect all the devices together correctly and test each component.  Use the serial device server to reach video control switch.  Send commands to the video control switch over network using UDP and confirm results. Implementation Design

13 SHOTS TELESCOPE SYSTEM Video Control Switch Serial Device Servers Outputs Network

14  Design Specifics: ◦ One input may have many outputs (Not vice versa). ◦ Load in configuration and labels files ◦ Save current configuration to a file. ◦ Communicate with a Serial Device Server over Ethernet. ◦ Display the current configuration in real time. ◦ Simplicity



17  Unfamiliar with TCL/TK language in Linux environment. ◦ Normally used csh in windows  Networking ◦ Incorporating a networking feature into a program ◦ Working with UDP

18  Sent out: “**Y, !!”  Receives:

19  Hardware Problems ◦ Faulty cables ◦ Serial Device Servers  Can only be fully configured using Internet Explorer (IE).  Configurations have a tendency to change.  Reboot about every 6 hours. (Loss of Connection)

20 SHOTS TELESCOPE SYSTEM Video Control Switch Serial Device Servers Inputs/ Outputs Network


22  Was able to successfully communicate with the server and switch.  Create the GUI with a few add-ons but still meets the specifications.  Documentation for testing and setting up the devices.  Serial Device Servers changed over to static IP.

23  Akamai Workforce: ◦ Scott Seagroves, Lynne Raschke, Lisa Hunter, Lani Lebron, Mark Hoffman, Dave Harrington, Ryan Montgomery, Isar Mostafanezhad, Mark Pitts, Sara Sonnet. Funding By: The Akamai Internship Program is funded by the Center for Adaptive Optics through its National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center grant (#AST- 987683) and by grants to the Akamai Workforce Initiative from the National Science Foundation and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (both administered by NSF, #AST-0710699) and from the University of Hawaii  Textron Systems: ◦ Mentors: Randy Goebbert, Nathan Kimura, Ross Matoi ◦ Advisor: Don Ruffato ◦ Everyone at Textron

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