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K-12 AZ Science Education Standards K-5Middle SchoolHigh School Concepts: Describe the composition and interactions between the structure of the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "K-12 AZ Science Education Standards K-5Middle SchoolHigh School Concepts: Describe the composition and interactions between the structure of the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 K-12 AZ Science Education Standards K-5Middle SchoolHigh School Concepts: Describe the composition and interactions between the structure of the Earth and its atmosphere. Understand characteristics of weather conditions and climate. Concept: Understand the processes acting on the Earth and their interaction with the Earth systems. Concept: Understand the relationships between the Earth’s land masses, oceans, and atmosphere. Explain the causes and/or effects of climate changes over long periods of time (e.g., glaciation, desertification, solar activity, greenhouse effect). Investigate the effects of acid rain, smoke, volcanic dust, urban development, and greenhouse gases, on climate change over various periods of time.

2 Next Generation Science Standards K-23-56-89-12 Living things need water, air, and resources from the land, and they live in places that have the things they need. Humans use natural resources for everything they do. Energy and fuels humans use are derived from natural sources and their use affects the environment. Some resources are renewable over time, others are not. Humans depend on Earth’s land, ocean, atmosphere, and biosphere for different resources, many of which are limited or not renewable. Resource availability has guided the development of human society and use of natural resources has associated costs, risks, and benefits. Human activities affect global warming. Decisions to reduce the impact of global warming depend on understanding climate science, engineering capabilities, and social dynamics. Global climate models used to predict changes continue to be improved, although discoveries about the global climate system are ongoing and continually needed.

3 More Information Joan Gilbert Tucson Unified School District, Science Coordinator AZ Science Standards practices/files/2011/12/sciencestandard.pdf Next Generation Science Standards 0E%20-%20Progressions%20within%20NGSS%20- %20052213.pdf

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