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Forgery and Altered Documents

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Presentation on theme: "Forgery and Altered Documents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forgery and Altered Documents

2 A Few Cases Involving Forgery/Altered Documents
Pasco Women Forged Documents of Man in Coma Forged Document Ring Busted People's Court- Altered Loan Document

3 What do you think? If a document or piece of paper is found at a crime scene, what should the crime scene investigator or first responder do? What are some other things that the investigator should look for? Why? What are some examples of documents that might be altered or forged?

4 Why is the finding/detection of forgeries important?
What do you think? Why is the finding/detection of forgeries important? What are some things you think a forensic scientist might look for when studying these documents to detect any alterations or forgeries?

5 Vocabulary Forgery: the crime of falsely making or altering a writing which affects the legal rights or responsibilities of another person; includes the signing of another person’s name

6 Methods for Detecting Forgeries
B. Method 1: Handwriting Analysis By using characteristics of a known handwriting sample, document examiners can often detect forgeries Handwriting analysis also allows forensic scientists to make matches between a document and the author

7 Method 1: Handwriting Analysis 3
Method 1: Handwriting Analysis 3. The following characteristics are often used in conducting handwriting analysis (review of previous material): f. Unusual letter formation g. Shading or pen pressure h. Slant i. Baseline habits j. Flourishes or embellishments k. Diacritic placement Line quality Word and letter spacing Letter comparison Pen lifts Connecting, beginning and ending strokes

8 Handwriting Analysis Example
The Zodiac Killer was never caught, but Ray Allen was the prime suspect. Do the samples match?

9 JonBenet Ramsey Jon Benet was a child beauty pageant star. The-six-year-old’s body was found in the basement of her family home nearly 8 hours after she was reported missing. A ransom note was found on the kitchen staircase. Her family’s involvement in the murder is still unknown. The case was re- opened in 2010 as no one has yet been convicted and there is new technology in DNA, etc. now available.


11 B. Method 2: Typed Document Analysis
Some criminals use computers or typewriters in an attempt to avoid being caught through handwriting analysis Fortunately, connections can still be made between a suspect and a document

12 Method 2: Typed Document Analysis
3. Steps for analyzing typed documents: a. Identify and examine quirks (ex. Off-set or crooked letters), impressions on the paper, font style, font size and spacing b. Test ink using chemicals and different light sources to determine the composition and possibly the brand of the ink c. Test paper for composition and possible fingerprints

13 Example of Altered Typed Documents

14 C. Method 3: Chromatography
1. Chromatography: a technique used for the separation of mixtures from a solution Ex. Separating ink into individual color components

15 2. Chromatography can be used on pen ink, typewriter ink and computer ink 3. Chromatography can identify the composition and source (brand, factory) of the ink 4. By knowing the composition and the source, scientists can then determine the age of the ink and if the ink is the same throughout the document

16 Examples

17 TODAY’S TASK Handwriting Analysis:
Using the forged check and the lab paper provided, analyze the signature to identify the author of the forged check. Use the packet to help you! FINISHED EARLY? See me for handwriting samples to try to find your suspect!

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