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Spanish Flu By Cierra and Kate. Symptoms killed people in hours. first you would get the symptoms. Some of the symptoms are Fever over 100-104 which can.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Flu By Cierra and Kate. Symptoms killed people in hours. first you would get the symptoms. Some of the symptoms are Fever over 100-104 which can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Flu By Cierra and Kate

2 Symptoms killed people in hours. first you would get the symptoms. Some of the symptoms are Fever over 100-104 which can reach to 106. Your body aches and your muscles hurt You get headaches Pain when you move your eyes Feeling sick and loss of appetite Coughs, runny noses, and soar throats

3 Were the Spanish Flu came From The Spanish Flu originated in Tibet in 1917 during the fall. It killed 20-40 million people and killed people in hours. It would fill the lungs with your own liquid and drown you.

4 WHAT IT WAS KNOWN AS In Spanish it was known as the “la Geppe” or the “Spanish Lady”.

5 Where and When It Took Place Illinois was directly in its path During the fall Spanish flu first came out in 1918-1919

6 Inference #1 If half of the Earth got wiped out, more people will have to do more jobs.

7 Inference # 2 If the Earth got wiped out, there would be more space to live.

8 Inference #3 If people who ran electricity got sick and died, we wouldn’t have electricity.

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