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EHS Competency-Based Grading & Reporting Shifts & Rationale.

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Presentation on theme: "EHS Competency-Based Grading & Reporting Shifts & Rationale."— Presentation transcript:

1 EHS Competency-Based Grading & Reporting Shifts & Rationale

2 SHIFT IN HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT Before – Credit awarded by attending a high school course and receiving a passing grade Competency – Credit awarded by mastering all competencies in a high school course (e.g. math) ▫Concepts & procedures ▫Problem solving ▫Communicating & reasoning ▫Modeling % data analysis

3 RATIONALE FOR HS CREDIT SHIFT Meets NH Minimum Standards (2008-2009) ▫High school course competencies for credit ▫Assessment methods for competencies Provides opportunity to learn in or outside the classroom/school ▫Physical education competencies by sports, physical fitness facility attendance, etc. ▫World language competencies through life experience, travel, etc.

4 SHIFT IN MASTERY OF CONTENT Before – Overall course grade of ≥ 65% ▫72% Algebra I Competency – Competency grade of C- or better (≥ 70%) ▫C Concepts & procedures ▫C- Problem solving ▫C+ Communicating & reasoning ▫C Modeling & data analysis

5 RATIONALE FOR MASTERY SHIFT Defines mastery as C- or better to receive credit Raises the academic bar for all students Supports Common Core State Standards in which students must be competent to move onto next course or level Supports Epping School District Mission to produce competent, confident learners

6 SHIFT IN ASSESSMENT Before – Individual teachers decide assessment methodology ▫Students taking same course have different requirements ▫Students taking multiple courses have different requirements in each content area After – School-wide assessment methodology ▫4 to 6 Summative assessments per quarter ▫8 to 12 Summative assessments per semester

7 RATIONALE FOR ASSESSMENT SHIFT Addresses parent concerns ▫Inconsistent assessment practices used in same course and other courses ▫Inadequate number of assessments used to determine student’s grade Provides more opportunity for ▫Students to demonstrate their learning ▫Teachers to evaluate student learning and intervene when students are not learning

8 SHIFT IN GRADING Before – Individual teachers determine grading methodology ▫Students taking same course have different requirements ▫Students taking multiple courses have different requirements in each content area After – School-wide grading methodology ▫Formative assessments 10% (during learning period) ▫Summative assessments 90% (end of learning period)

9 RATIONALE FOR GRADING Addresses parent concerns ▫Inconsistent grading practices in same course and other courses ▫Too much emphasis on formative assessments rather than what my child knows and is able to do Prepares students for career and college ▫Acknowledges importance of practice (formative) ▫Places more emphasis on demonstration of knowledge and skills (summative) ▫Aligns with NECAP, SAT, AP testing

10 SHIFT TO REASSESSMENT Before - Some teachers gave students the option of reassessing for a failing grade or to improve a grade After – All students may reassess for a failing grade or to improve a grade

11 RATIONALE FOR REASSESSMENT Failing is not an option Students learn at different rates and in different ways Students have bad days All students can and must learn Students must be competent to receive HS credit Shift to passing grade of 70% Cultural shift to learning

12 SHIFT TO MORE INFORMATION Before – School reports overall course grade 75% Algebra I After – School reports 3 measures of learning Overall course grade (0 to 100%) ▫Evaluate student passing & completing work Competency content grade (A+ to C-, N or I) ▫Award high school course credit on content mastery Competency skill grade ( 1 to 4) ▫Evaluate student learning habits & process skills

13 RATIONALE FOR REPORTING SHIFT Reports If student is completing and passing assessments What student knows and is able to do What skills student is using during the learning process Meets NH Minimum Standards – reports mastery on course competencies to receive credit NEASC Standards – reports learning expectations (content & skill competencies) A Framework for 21 st Century Learning – reports 21 st century content & skills (content & skill competencies)


15 Issues: 1.Overall Averages not accurately displayed on the Quick Look Up Screen 2.Not knowing what competencies are assessed within each assignment 3.Reassessment 4.Discrepancy between Competency grades and overall course grade

16 Overall Averages not accurately displayed on the Quick Look Up Screen Teachers did not enter grades below 70%, instead they recorded it as missing (see below)

17 Inaccurate grade display

18 Accurate grade display

19 Quick Look Up –Message (forthcoming)

20 MISSED ASSESSMENTS Before – Missed summative assessments were not recorded anticipating student making up the work Recommendation – Missed assessments are recorded as a zero (0)* Averages in & lowers the reported overall course grade Yields an incomplete (I) for competency content grade *If assessment is completed, new grade will be recorded

21 FAILED ASSESSMENTS Before – Failed summative assessments were not recorded anticipating student reassessing Recommendation – Failed assessments are recorded* Averages in and lowers reported overall course grade May yield a “not yet competent” (N) for competency content grade if average is less than 70% *If assessment is retaken, improved grade will be recorded

22 COMPETENCIES ASSESSED Before – Reported formative and summative assessments did not clearly indicate the competencies being assessed Recommendation – All reported assessments will clearly indicate the competencies being assessed

23 Before

24 After

25 REASSESSMENT Before All students had to reassess summative assessments below a 70% Some students are not reassessing for missed, failed or incomplete assessments or in a timely manner. Some students are not electing to take the original assessment. Recommendation Is no longer mandatory but recommended Reassessment Plans must be initiated within 5 days of receiving the grade assessment.

26 Discrepancy between Competency grades and overall course grade For students scoring below a 60% on formative assessment, competency grades have been inflated. The overall grade has been accurately reported.

27 Changes to language in the Grading and Reporting Guideline Pg. 2 – students must pass all competencies each quarter to earn credit. Pg. 3- Overall grade is the average of all assessment scores for that term. Each assessment is linked to one or more competency. Pg. 5 - Earned grades will be recorded in PowerSchool. Pg. 5- Students who choose not to complete formative assessments will lose the right to reassess. Pg. 6 – Reassessment plans must be submitted within 5 days of receiving the graded assessment. Pg. 7 – A 5 day “buffer period will occur to the close a quarter to allow for reassessment.

28 Things that remain the same… Semester grade is the average of Q1 & Q2 overall course grade. Semester grades are recorded on the transcripts and used to calculate cumulative GPA Students who do not earn credit must plan to recover credit. Teacher change of grade forms remain the same.



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