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Water Balance of 120 KLPD Molasses Distillery

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1 Water Balance of 120 KLPD Molasses Distillery

2 Water Balance of 120 KLPD Molasses Distillery
Distillery is among the major water consuming industries. However major part of this water can be recycled back and reused resulting in reducing the requirement of fresh water to about 50% and achieving practically zero liquid discharge from the industry.

3 Water Consumption of a typical 120 KLPD Distillery
  Total water Outputs Section Unit - M3 / Day Fermentation For Dilution m3 In cooling tower m3 In fermentor washing - 25  m3 In air blower -12 m3 Total in Fermentation m3 Distillation In cooling water make up - 676  m3 In vacuum pump - 144 m3 Scrubber- 57 m3 In fusel oil decanters – 19 m3  D.M. water for dilution – 190 m3  Total in Distillation – m3

4 Water Consumption of a typical 120 KLPD Distillery
E.T.P Gas washing – 10 m3  Decanters cleaning - 15 m3 R.O. plant rinsing - 30 m3 Cooling water – 50 m3  Total IN ETP m3 Co-generation Feed water – 432 m3 Boiler blow down – 10 m3 Turbine cooling water - 60 m3 Total in ETP and Co- Gen. – 502 m3

5 Water Consumption in 120 KLPD Distillery
Bottling & Others Bottle washing – 168 m3  For blending -35 m3  Drinking & Toilets -10 m3  In D. M. water re-regeneration – 50 m3  In Water softener for re-regeneration -40 m3 Total in Bottling & Others - 303  m3 GRAND TOTAL IN ALL SECTIONS – 3227 m3

6 Water Recycle Streams Water Recycle Streams In Process Section
Unit M3 / Day Fermentation – Spent lees in fermentation after Cooling m3 RO Permeate in Fermentation after ultra filtration – 680 m3  Distillation Vacuum Pump water into cooling tower -144   m3          

7 Water Recycle Streams In Process
Co-generation Steam condensate in boiler – 384 m3 Boiler blow down water in ash quenching-10 m3     TOTAL in Co-Generation m3 Bottling & Others Washing water of bottling back to raw water tank through fine filters - 158  m3 Water Recycling to Other Than Process Gardening   Filter backwash water in gardening- 10 m3 D.M. & softener regeneration water for gardening after neutralization m3  Cooling Tower blow down for gardening -36 m3 TOTAL-  136 m3 GRAND TOTAL -  1669 M3

8 Water Recycling Streams
After recycling the given streams with either passing through Reverse Osmosis and ultra filtration ( In Case of Sp. Wash ) or normal fine filtration ( In case of Bottle Washing) etc , about 50% of the water requirement can be met with reprocessed / recycled water. The use of fresh water is required for following only.

9 Fresh Water requirement
 Consumption delails of the fresh water Section Unit M3 / Day Fermentation Fermentation cooling Tower Make Up - 200 m3 Fermenter washing – 25 m3  Air blower cooling -12 m3      TOTAL in fermentation – 237 m3 Distillation Distillation cooling water make up - 676 m3 Vacuum pump - 144 m3 Scrubber m3  Fusel oil decanter – 19 m3 D.M. water for dilution - 190 m3 TOTAL in DISTILLATION-  1086

10 Fresh Water Requirement
E.T.P Gas washing – 10 m3  Decanter cleaning – 15 m3 RO plant rinsing – 30 m3 Cooling tower make up – 50 m3   TOTAL IN ETP – 105 m3 Co-generation Boiler feed water – 48 m3 Turbine cooling tower make up – 60 m3      TOTAL in CO-Generation -108 m3

11 Fresh Water Requirement
Bottling & Others Blending – 35 m3 Bottle washing- 10 m3 Domestic -10 m3 Filter backwash water in gardening -10 m3 D.M. & softener regeneration water for gardening after neutralization - 90 m3  TOTAL in Bottling & Others- 155 m3 GRAND TOTAL -  1691.0  M3          Total Intake of fresh water m3 / Day1648.0     Fresh water required m3/ KL m3

12 Water Balance of 120 KLPD Distillery
From the above it is observed that if managed properly the 50% water requirement out of about 27 m3/ KL of Spirit Production can be met with recycled water and fresh water is required only about 14 m3 / KL of Alcohol production including water required for bottling purposes. Recycled water can satisfy most of the water demands, as long as it is adequately treated to ensure appropriate water quality for use.

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