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Safety, Privacy, Copyright and Fair Use, Legal By: Khaaliq Henry.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety, Privacy, Copyright and Fair Use, Legal By: Khaaliq Henry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety, Privacy, Copyright and Fair Use, Legal By: Khaaliq Henry

2 Safety Safety not only offline, but online as well is something that everyone with a technical device needs. There are many threats on the internet that can lead people into serious problem, Such as Cyber Bullying and many other problems that unsafe people can run into on the internet.

3 Privac y Privacy is a very important aspect while a person is a in the internet. Without privacy hackers would be able to hack almost any account a person makes on any website. Also without privacy, other people would be able to see an anonymous person’s private information. It’s like cheating on a test and the other person is allowing you to.

4 Copyright and Fair Use Copyright is the right of permission to alter, reproduce, sell, or distribute something to other people that is not your work. Fair use is just like a synonym for copyright. Copyright is territorial, copyright doesn’t extend to to other states unless the state signs an international agreement. Copyright law is mostly for music and artist that’s what most people get sued for if they copyright something.

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