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CREATING COMMUNITY, BUILDING a MOVEMENT AEE Annual International Conference Kurt Hahn Address November 1, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CREATING COMMUNITY, BUILDING a MOVEMENT AEE Annual International Conference Kurt Hahn Address November 1, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CREATING COMMUNITY, BUILDING a MOVEMENT AEE Annual International Conference Kurt Hahn Address November 1, 2013

2 Why is it that experiential education is not the norm?

3 How do we change this?


5 “We teach who we are.” “Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher.” Parker Palmer: author, educator, and activist


7 Wilderness Education Adventure Based Counseling Inquiry Service Learning Art, Play, Music, Drama & related Therapies Simulations Experience Based Training and Development Environmental Education Internships Expeditionary Learning Adventure/Challenge Education Philosophy of Experiential Education And more… Equine Assisted Therapy Cooperative Education Project Based Learning Problem Based Learning Adventure Education


9 James Baldwin: Novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic "The purpose of education, finally, is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for themselves, to make their own decisions, to say this is black or this is white, to decide whether there is a god in heaven or not. To ask questions of the universe, and then to learn to live with those questions, is the way a person achieves identity.”

10 James Baldwin: Novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic "But no society is really anxious to have that kind of person around. What societies really, ideally want is a citizenry which will simply obey the rules of society."


12 Maxine Greene, educational philosopher, author, social activist, and teacher “… we are bombarded with messages about “what is”and what “ought to be.” [This is a] … “mystification or ‘surface reality,’ that many people take for granted as objectively true.”

13 "Many of those personal qualities that we hold dear—resilience and courage in the face of stress, a sense of craft in our work, a commitment to justice and caring in our social relationships, a dedication to advancing the public good in communal life—are exceedingly From: Alexander, L. & James, H.T. (1987) The Nation’s Report Card: Improving the assessment of student Achievement. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education. difficult to assess. And so, unfortunately, we are apt to measure what we can, and eventually come to value what is measured over what is unmeasured. The shift is subtle and occurs gradually.”

14 “To have as our educational goal, the production of caring, competent, loving, and loveable people is not anti-intellectual. Rather it demonstrates respect for the full range of human talents.” Nel Noddings: feminist, educationalist, philosopher

15 “To transcend the effects of mystification, it is necessary to wake up to the world and start seeing it from a variety of vantage points Humans have the unique “capacity to surpass the given and look at things as if they could be otherwise.” Maxine Greene: educational philosopher, author, social activist, and teacher




19 Adventure Cycling Association Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) America Outdoors Association (AOA) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAPHERD) American Art Therapy Association (AATA) American Camp Association (ACA) American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) American Education Research Association (AERA) American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE) Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) Association for Play Therapy Christian Adventure Association (CAA) Connecticut Experiential Education Association (CEEA) Equine Experiential Education Association (E3A) Experiential Training and Development Alliance (ETDA) Independent Schools Experiential Education Network (ISEEN) International Association for Professional Wilderness-, open- and swiftwater-, and Mountain Guides International Art Therapy Organization (IATO) International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA) International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) Minnesota Association for Experiential Learning (MAFEL) National Society for Experiential Education New York State Cooperative and Experiential Education Association (NYSCEEA) North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) North American Association for the Community of Inquiry (NAACI) Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) Professional Ropes Course Association (PRCA) Wilderness Education Association (WEA) Wilderness Guides Association (WGA) Wilderness Risk Management Conference (WRMC) World Adventure Association World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC)


21 MOVEMENT: A group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas

22 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in ourselves “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” ~ Newt Gingrich

23 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in ourselves 2.Know yourself - Intentionality

24 What is your ethos? What are your principles? What do you stand for? What is your ethos? What are your principles? What do you stand for?

25 “People and environments are never neutral, they are either summoning or shunning the development of human potential.” Purkey & Novak, Inviting School Success See Invitational Education at

26 “It was so much fun! I got shot in the leg and died of massive blood loss!" - Participant, Age 10, in simulation of U.S. Civil War battle Karen Park Koenig,, vol. 23 (2009) Just because we do something does not mean that it is educative. Without intentionality it could just as easily be miseducative.

27 Linda Oakleaf: Benedict College, Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Faculty

28 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in yourself 2.Know yourself - Intentionality - Walk our talk AND talk our walk

29 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in yourself 2.Know yourself 3.Meet people where they’re at - Resist “us” and “them” thinking - Patience

30 GRIT Defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals” ~ (2007, Duckworth, Peterson, Dennis, & Kelly). Angela Lee Duckworth: teacher, psychologist, associate professor, and Grit researcher

31 "I regard it as the foremost task of education to insure the survival of these qualities: an enterprising curiosity, an undefeatable spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self- denial, and, above all, compassion." ~ Kurt Hahn

32 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in yourself 2.Know yourself 3.Meet people where they’re at 4.Build it one at a time

33 Ideas on How to Build a Movement 1.Believe in yourself 2.Know yourself 3.Meet people where they’re at 4.Build it one at a time 5.Build it together

34 Kurt Hahn’s Legacy Outward Bound: Our mission is to change lives through challenge and discovery UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future Salem aims to … introduce [students] to a lifelong sense of respect for the individual, responsibility to the community and an awareness of the importance of the democratic process in sustaining both. Gordonstoun prepares each student through learning by diverse experience for a full and active role as an international citizen in a changing world"

35 The vision of the Association for Experiential Education is to contribute to making a more just and compassionate world by transforming education.

36 Utopia lies at the horizon. When I draw nearer by two steps, It retreats two steps. If I proceed ten steps forward, it swiftly slips ten steps ahead. No matter how far I go, I can never reach it. What, then, is the purpose of utopia? It is to cause us to advance. Eduardo Galeano: Uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist

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