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La Clase de Español Profesora: Señorita Gliem Sala: A26.

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Presentation on theme: "La Clase de Español Profesora: Señorita Gliem Sala: A26."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Clase de Español Profesora: Señorita Gliem Sala: A26

2 Contact Information Email: Phone: 610-497-6300 ext. 2126

3 Purpose of Course Throughout the course we will strive to fulfill the national standards of communication, culture, communities and connections in a variety of venues. Students must learn to understand spoken Spanish, communicate with native speakers, and make cultural connections to multi-ethnic communities, in addition to reading and writing in the target language. In order to achieve our goals, students must use a wide variety of techniques and materials, such as: Internet, CDROM, audio compact discs and printed materials.

4 Materials  Text book: Así se dice – must be covered!!!  Fines will be issued for damaged or lost books!!!  3 – Ring Binder with 5 dividers and plenty of loose leaf paper  1) vocabulario (sheets from teacher webpage)  2) Apuntes  3) Trabajo de la clase  4) Starter and Closers: Collins writings  5) Tarea  Spanish/English dictionary (can be kept at home for support with homework)  Pencils and Pens

5 Grading  Homework – will be numbered and given nightly. It will be randomly collected and graded out of 5-20 pts depending on difficulty. Homework can be found on my teacher webpage!  Binders – are to be composed of 5 neat and organized sections. The sections are: 1) Vocabulario Nuevo: key vocabulary from each section of the chapters which is to contain the vocabulary word both in Spanish and English with a personal connection for each word to aid in memorization. Template is on my teacher webpage. 1) Vocabulario Nuevo: key vocabulary from each section of the chapters which is to contain the vocabulary word both in Spanish and English with a personal connection for each word to aid in memorization. Template is on my teacher webpage. 2) Apuntes de la clase: Class notes. 2) Apuntes de la clase: Class notes. 3) Trabajo de la clase: class work from book activities to written grammar assignments. 3) Trabajo de la clase: class work from book activities to written grammar assignments. 4) Starters and Closers: Collin’s writings. 4) Starters and Closers: Collin’s writings. 5) Tarea: homework. Sections of the binder can be checked at random to ensure that the student is keeping an organized binder and graded out of 20 – 25 pts. 5) Tarea: homework. Sections of the binder can be checked at random to ensure that the student is keeping an organized binder and graded out of 20 – 25 pts.  Written Grammar Assignments/ Gramáticas – will be assigned in class and out of class and be graded out of 10 – 30 pts. depending on the length and difficulty of each assignment.  Quizzes / Paso assessments – will be given at the end of each section of a chapter approximately 3 per month and graded out of 30 – 35 pts.  Tests / Chapter assessments – will be given at the end of each chapter with a total of 1 per month and graded out of 100 pts.

6 Behavior / Discipline  Student’s are to remain seated from bell to bell.  Student’s are to respect one another and all property in the classroom.  Student’s are to raise their hand if they have a question or need assistance.  Student’s are to keep their electronic devices, i.e. cell phones, on silent and out of sight.  Student’s are to do their work to the best of their ability and on time.  Student’s are to follow the 6 basic rules of the school found in the student handbook. If any of the rules are broken, discipline will be awarded in the form of a teacher detention for less severe offenses and referrals for more severe offenses. If any of the rules are broken, discipline will be awarded in the form of a teacher detention for less severe offenses and referrals for more severe offenses.

7 Advice for the Class  Be present both physically and mentally  Take all notes and review them daily/over the weekend.  Do all homework and class work  Keep up on the vocabulary by studying nightly and finding a study habit that works best for you  Ask questions both in and after class  Make a friend in class that you can rely on for missed work due to absence  Stay after school for additional assistance.

8 ¿Preguntas?

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